Chapter 1

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Veronica's POV The hardest part of being tough is pretending...pretending that you are tough when the fact is you are the one who needs saving. "Veronica your Dad," my mother hugged me tightly as she continue sobbing on my shoulder. I wanted to cry, to let out all my emotions but my mother needed someone to lean on. She needed strength and that's me. I shouldn't allow myself to be weak at this moment. "He will get through this Mom. Daddy is strong and he promised that he won't leave us, right? Let's hold onto that promise. Let's trust Dad." I caressed her back and while I am busy comforting my mother, my younger sister showed up full of tears in her eyes. "Mom, " she called weakly and run towards us. Katelyn, my younger sister envelope me and Mom to a tight hug and started sobbing loudly as well. "It's okay, everything will be fine," I uttered continuously even though I am not sure if things will be fine. "What did the doctor tell you?" Katelyn asked and look in Mom's eye but our mother just stared at her with tears in her eyes unable to answer Katelyn's question. "Dad has heart complications and he needs to rest to recover," I answered Katelyn's question and gave her a reassuring smile. "But another heart attack and he could die, Veronica," My Mom protested being pessimistic. "Can't they operate him?" Katelyn asked being hopeful that we could still save our father. "He's too old Kate and besides Dad's body is too weak for that but he will be fine, I promise." I held Katelyn's hand and squeezed it but this situation is too much for her. "Dad will die Veronica?! Can't we do something about that?! We have money!" Katelyn started to become hysterical that caught everyone's attention. "Yes, Katelyn we will do everything to save Dad I promise, please calm down. Please," I started begging and Mom on the other side continued crying like she didn't hear Katelyn's shout. "Do everything please Veronica," I pulled Katelyn into a tight hug and caressed her hair. "I will I promise," I promised even though I don't know how to. Yes, we have money but what my father needs is a miracle and money can't buy that. "Ma'am Veronica," My secretary called my name while I am in the middle of calming my sister. "What is it?" I mouthed and looked at Ava, my secretary. "Urgent meeting Ma'am," she answered politely so I nod my head and pulled out from the hug. "Kate I will just leave for a few hours please take care of Mom. I promise I will be back." Katelyn nod her head and I assisted her to sitting on the chair next to Mom. I kissed Katelyn and Mom's forehead before leaving. "What is this meeting all about?" I asked the moment I arrived in the meeting room. "We have heard about your father Veronica," Mr. Lee one of our investors uttered. I know where this conversation is going. "And?" I asked him even though I can already predict his next words. This is all about who will be the next CEO of RDC company. It enraged me to think that they are using my father's condition as an opportunity to take the highest seat. "I'm sorry that your father has to go through that," Mr. Lee sounded like he was devastated to hear my father's condition but I know him too well. I know he is happy to hear that my father couldn't do the work in the company. "Let's cut the chase," I spoke that caught everyone's attention. "Let's start the voting for the next CEO of RDC company, that is what all of you wanted right?" I roam my eyes around the room and they started bowing their head when I met their gaze. "Present the shares Ava" I commanded and in a matter of seconds, shareholders' shares of the company flashed on the screen. I look in Mr. Lee's direction. He seems to be happy seeing the data. I know he had planned everything. I know beforehand he has convinced the top shareholders to vote for him as the next CEO but I won't allow his plan to happen. My father worked his ass off just to have RDC company. I won't let him down. Not today. Never. "I think Mr. Lee should be the next CEO since we all know that he had the largest share in this company," Mr. Parker stated with a wide smile on his face. I saw how other shareholders nod their heads at Mr. Parker's statement. I am losing hope but I won't let them see that. I plastered a strong facade, to hide what I feel inside. "I think we should consider Veronica as the next CEO to continue her father's impressive legacy," Mr. Stark the loyal friend of my father took my side. I also saw how the other shareholders nod their heads upon hearing Mr. Stark's statement. "Let's just proceed with the voting then," I uttered once again and they all agree. "Who is in favor of Mr. Lee to be the next CEO of RDC company?" My heartbeat fasts upon seeing the number of investors that raised their hands. Ten. That is a tough number but I am still hoping that I won't be outnumbered. "For Veronica Curtis?" I clasped my hands tightly. I can feel my heart beating erratically but I remained calm on the outside. "Breathe Veronica," Mr. Lee uttered in the middle of counting the votes. I just smiled at him and ignored his remarks. Refusing to give the reaction that he wanted. I won't give him that satisfaction. "Nine," Ava uttered and by just hearing that number I felt cold sweats forming on my forehead. No that can't be. I shouldn't lose. My father will be disappointed if he heard about this. "Looks like we have our new CEO." Mr. Parker flashed a victorious smile and clapped his hands while looking at Mr. Lee. "I guess it is too early to celebrate Mr. Parker," A manly voice coming from the entrance of the meeting room captivated everyone's attention. "Sebastián," Mr. Lee uttered upon seeing the man standing proudly. "I am sorry I'm late, but it looks like I hold too much power," He looked at the board in front where the number of votes was written. Ten votes for Mr. Lee and nine for me. I guess his right. He indeed holds the power to decide who will be the next CEO of RDC and I need him to be on my side no matter what it takes. "Mr. Alston," I stood up and offered a shaking hand to Sebastián Alston, the man I badly needed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Veronica Curtis. You are indeed a beauty my time wasn't wasted coming here." Sebastián scanned my whole body and I felt uncomfortable when he did that but I managed to smile. "You are good with words Mr. Alston," I answered politely. "Sebastián," Mr. Lee called his name to steal his attention. "Yes, Mr. Lee?" Sebastián asked and occupied the seat beside me. He smiled at me before sitting down so I smiled back. "Who do you vote for?" Mr. Lee is getting impatient because he knows that in just a matter of seconds Sebastián can make the tables turn. "Are you thrilled Mr. Lee?" Sebastián laughed enjoying the attention. I hate him. I hate how he carries himself. I hate how arrogant he is but he shouldn't know that. "How about you Ms. Curtis?" Sebastián asked me making everyone's head turn in my direction. "Take your time Mr. Alston," He smiled hearing my answer. Sebastián leaned closer and whisper in my ear. "What can you offer Ms. Curtis?" My hands shake when I heard his question but I should kept my calm posture. I looked at his eyes to meet his gaze. I was lost in his greyish eyes for a moment but I managed to fight the urge to stare intently. "Everything Sebastián," I answered determined to get his vote. Sebastián chuckled and held my chin. Everyone is looking at us but I guess he didn't care about anyone. "I vote for Ms. Curtis," he smiled at me and directed his gaze at Mr. Lee. "I am sorry Mr. Lee but Ms. Curtis's offer seems to be promising." He looks apologetic but his voice contradicts his facial expression because I can hear playfulness in it. "Looks like it's a tie," Mr. Stark uttered and looked at me like a proud father. "I can offer a solution," Sebastián suggested and he caught everyone's attention again. We anticipated his next words but before uttering any words he held my hand and squeezed it before whispering in my ear. "You will win I promise," He uttered making me feel assured. I know Sébastian by my father's story. He was known as the youngest CEO in the business industry. I heard his name on the news but we didn't have a chance to meet to talk and get to know each other personally. This is the first time I met him in person but he made me trust his words. He made me believe that I will get the highest position in the RDC company. "Let's add the share of those who voted to each candidate and whoever has the highest vote will get the position. Fair right?" Some agree but Mr. Lee's party opposed the decision because if we accepted Sébastian's decision I will be the next CEO. "What do you want Mr. Lee? Toss coin?" Sébastian mocked him that made him pissed even more. "Fine but keep this in mind Veronica, I am not yet done." Mr. Lee threatened to refuse to accept his loss. He walked out and Mr. Parker followed him while the other shareholders stood up and greeted me for my success. "Congrats CEO Veronica Curtis," Sébastian offered his hand and I gladly took it with a wide smile plastered on my face. "Thank you," I felt tears forming on the side of my eyes as I finally realize that I successfully secured my father's legacy.
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