
The Player's Playmate

friends to lovers
first love

He was a player,

She was his best friend.

He changed his girlfriend at least twice a week,

She helped him get a new girl whenever he wanted.

He might have been famous but

She was popular.

He might have been a devil but

She was the queen of them all!


"What came first? The egg or the chicken?" Xander asked as he crashed on the couch in front of the television.

"Well, the word egg came out of your mouth first." I answered as I rolled my eyes.

"No s**t, Sherlock!" He replied with his eyes closed as he tried to rest.

"Well, I don't have to be Sherlock to know that insulting a teacher's kid in front of her would land anyone in detention, Einstein!" I retorted.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault that he came after you!" He defended himself as he came to stand in front of me. "It is my job to protect you!" He stated.

"Says the guy who called me to save his a*s not even an hour ago!" I replied with a snort.

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Chapter 1: Dealing with idiots and friends in trouble
"Please?" He begged me with a pout on his handsome face as he played with a strand of my chestnut-brown hair. He was looking adorable but I couldn't just agree with his plans. Not again. "Nope!" I said popping the 'p' as I rolled my green eyes and focused back on the book in front of me. "But I really love her! Ever since I was little, I've had a crush on her! E, I think she's the one! I have known this since I was just four!" He exasperated. I turned to him with a frown on my face. He really is an i***t! "She just moved here, you dumbo! She had never even set foot in this town up until a week or two ago! And you say that about all the girls! I'm starting to think that you have been a player since the day you were born! I just failed to notice it up until a few years back." I told him as I rolled my eyes at the dumb headed boy sitting right next to me in the school library. I passed an apologetic smile to the librarian who was now glaring at us. It was a free period for me as the teacher wasn't in the school today. I wanted to use this time to do my assignments that were due next week so that I'll have more free time during the weekends. But the black-haired, gray-eyed i***t was not letting me focus. I was getting a bit frustrated now with him going on and on about His newest crush, Leah. It wouldn't have bothered me if it was someone else but I knew this i***t just wanted this new girl for fun. And I was now growing tired of his exes trying to get their revenge on me. "Really? Wasn't she the one we once played with at the park when we were four? The one with the pigtails whose brother got beaten up by you because he kissed your cheek?" He asked as he looked at me with a frown. I glared at him. "That was Lily. The girl you went out with about a few months ago. And his brother insulted you. That was why I punched him. And we were five at that time!" I reminded him with a fierce glare. He thought about it for a few seconds before he shrugged it off. I don't think that his dumb and crazy brain remembered any of that. "As far as I can remember, her brother insulted the twins. Not me. I mean, who can insult me? I am the definition of perfection." He said with a smirk on his face. "We met the twins when we were seven, smart-a*s!" I replied with a chuckle. His smirk instantly vanished at my comment. "What about Liam?" He asked as he stared at my books in deep thought. He never really thought about anything so the sight made me chuckle. "Liam came to town when we were ten." I answered. He opened his mouth to ask something but I spoke up before he could. "Before you ask, we met Damien when we were eight." I stated. He glared at the books on the table before shaking his head. "Anyways, we are talking about your English project partner, Leah. I like her. Introduce me to her. Please!" He said. I just gave him a plain look, not saying anything. "I'm asking for the last favor ever!" He exclaimed. "Are you sure?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow as I turned completely in my chair to face him. There is no way that this i***t can survive without my help for even a few hours! "Last favor of the month!" He corrected himself. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay, last favor of the week!" He relented. I mentally face-palmed myself. "It's already Friday, smart a*s! Only the weekends are left before the week is over! And besides, don't you remember the test we have on Monday?" I reminded him. "Okay, fine! Last favor of the day! And I'll take you out for pizza both Saturday and Sunday if you agree to talk to her!" He said. I could feel my resolve breaking as I thought about the pizza. Food was my weakness and he damn well knew that. "You said you loved her?" I asked. As the image of pizza floated through my mind. Food was my weakness but pizza was my d**g! I loved pizza more than I loved my life! "I know that I'm exaggerating but please help me! You are my only hope! I love you!" He said as he looked at me with his ridiculously cute puppy-dog face. I finally sighed in defeat and rolled my eyes. "Fine! I'll talk to her!" I informed him. A huge grin broke out on his face and he wrapped his arms around me and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. "I love you, Elle! You're the best!" He said before he got up from his seat. "Remember the pizza! Both Saturday and Sunday! If you forget about it later, I'll murder you!" I warned him as he walked away. He turned around to face me as he saluted me with a smirk on his face. He then turned back and left. I sighed as I looked back at the books in front of me. I just hope that Leah isn't like the other. I just hope that she wouldn't try any pranks on me when he breaks up with her In a few days, because I knew that he would surely break up with her. That's what he always does. I sighed as I continued with my work. A few seconds later, I feel a person sitting on either side of me. I look up from the book to see the twins. "Mace, I think she is studying for reals!" The one on my left side said as he tried to control his laughter. I rolled my eyes at him. "Jace, she is not even answering back now!" The one on my right side said when I tried to focus on my work. "Is she really our Ellie?" He added with a frown. "I do study, Jason! That is why I always score more than you all." I spoke up, getting annoyed with the two brainless dirty-blond haired, blue eyed identical twins. Even though Jason and Mason were identical twins, I could tell the difference between them. Mason was the goofier one and had a small scar near his ear from the time he fell while he and Xander were playing in the kitchen when we were ten. Jason on the other hand was less goofy and somehow looked a little different from his brother. I don't know how but I always knew which one was Mason and which one was Jason. "Wait! She's pissed." Mason spoke up in an alarmed voice. The two brothers stared at each other before Jason cleared his throat. "Let me guess, Xander moved on from his ex?" Jason questioned, already knowing the answer. I sighed at that as I closed my eyes. "I am guessing that it isn't the best time to tell you that Damian is in trouble again?" Mason said in a sheepish voice. I turned to look at him. Damian was a hotheaded creature. He was always in detention and me and Liam had to get him out of trouble almost every day. "Where is Liam? Why aren't you asking him for help?" I asked him. Liam and I were the only ones in our group who knew how to deal with the teachers and how to get ourselves and our friends out of trouble. "Liam's little brother got hurt in the morning so he left in the morning." Jason explained. I sighed in frustration as I placed my head on the table. "Where is Damian now?" I asked, my voice sounding muffled. "In the principal's office." Mason answered. I got up and started to pick up my books. "I know that I should have mentioned this earlier but better late than never, right? I think we should hurry. The principal was yelling at the top of his lungs. And he might have mentioned something about kicking Damian out of the school." Jason spoke up as I packed my bag. I looked at him with a bored expression. "That's nothing new." I tell him as I walk to the principal's office with the twins following me. ____________________ Me: I am awesome! Ellie: And I am awesomer! Me: I made you. What did you do?  *raising an eyebrow* Ellie: Okay, you're the awesomest. But I am the second most awesomest! Xander: And I am getting a new girlfriend! ? Ellie: *mumbling* It's all for pizza, E! Damien: And I will make an entry in the next chapter... Mason: And me and my clone will be there too! Jason: *groans* How many times do I have to say this? I am not your clone! Mason: *Smirking* Whatever floats your boat! Jason sighs before he disappears into thin air.  Me: Next update on 27th September.  Xander: That is Sunday! Ellie: No s**t, Sherlock! Mason: Anyways, vote and comment for me and my clone. Ellie: Vote and comment if you want more chapters and that too before the schedule. Me: Have an awesome day ahead! Bye! Xander: Bye!? Ellie: See you guys on Sunday!? Mason: *smirking* Try not to miss me too much.? Damien: They won't. Curtains close as the characters start arguing....

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