First Date

2354 Words

**Damon's POV** I didn't expect Savannah to come to my office and try to act so professional. However, it didn't take her long to lose her patience and allow her sassiness to show. I decided that I would take this as an opportunity to get her to fall for me. I may not have gotten to know Savannah in these passed few years, but I knew who she was in high school. I know what she likes, her favorite movies, favorite snacks. I was going to show her just how much I paid attention to her, so there would no longer be any doubt in her mind that I truly care for her.  I would keep my promise. If she goes on this date with me, she can have the project for the job in Germany. While we are there though I plan on taking her breath away. More dates, and even some sight seeing. I want her to see that t

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