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Twenty years ago The little farm was illuminated by the moon's radiant light, which shone brightly. It was dark and cold; the chilling air hit their skin with little to no effect, as both were wolves. The limbs of the trees above them swayed from the brisk wind, creating an eery atmosphere which was caused by the picture held by the little girl. The picture in the hands of the girl made the earth shake unknown to her,the silver eyes of the wolf twinkled in the moonlight. It looks so alive, like it could jump out of the picture any moment ready to pounce on any mortal. "Is he the mad wolf king, mama?" The girl asked grinning in awe. She looked at the picture of the giant black wolf with silver eyes. The eyes was so beautiful,it stared right to her soul. The wolf looks so lonely she wanted to comfort him. She was determined to draw the scary wolf. It was difficult for her, yet not impossible. She was mesmerized by the black wolf with silver eyes. Something about his eyes made her feel warm and happy. Her little hands patted the picture with softness unconsciously. Her mother was barely able to hear her, but thanks to her werewolf senses, she did and examined her daughter's behavior with caution. "Yes, Daisy, he is the mad wolf king, the one I told you about every night. The one you should fear, the one that makes every human skin crawl, the beast who eats both the human flesh and soul." her mother replied tensing, which went unnoticed by little Daisy. Everyone knew the mad wolf king.He led the wolves against many supernatural being and won battles undefeated. He was a true beast and was cursed to live without his mate and this made him wild. He was punished by the moon goddess. He was feared by many. People say he his only alive all thanks to a witch that saved his life by giving him a magic portion to drink which tamed his wild beast. "So tell me why you are so interested in drawing him, aren't you scared he will come at night to bite your hair off?" her mother asked, unable to hide her curiosity. Little Anabel, or Daisy, as her mother called her, was different from other kids who couldn't sleep after being told dreadful stories about the mad wolf king, but there she was drawing him with happiness. Her daughter has always been weird and did things normal children doesn't do. "I like him mama, I want to be with him" she said with a determine voice, her eyes still focused on the picture. She was the light at the end of the dark tunnel,the only hope in restoring his sanity. She has to find him. "Shhhh don't ever say that again, infact drop that book and go help me pick up some flowers," her mother said and hurriedly collecting the drawing materials from her with fear. How could she like a scary monster. How could she want to be with him. A man who killed his mate. A man who killed the innocent, children and pregnant women. A man that destroys everything in his path. He was the most dangerous and feared being. Over her dead body would she allowed daisy be with a scary monster like him she thought. She rather die with her daughter then see her paired with a monster like him. She almost died giving birth to Daisy,now she could see why. Daisy was a special child. "Don't hurt yourself little daisy,"Her mother hushed voice commanded after her with fear as the watched her five years old daughter running round their little farm which was filled with little stone's and medium size rock's. The farm was like an escape zone for both of them, it made them feel like they weren't rogue. It was owned by the moon goddess. Yes the moon goddess gifted it to little Anabelle who bears a mark of a daisy flower on her back that's why her mum calls are daisy. Little Anabel was a ball of spit fire, always energetic and that made her mother little worried. She was scared her precious daughter had an unknown future and she wouldn't be there to help her out in times of difficulties. She only hoped the unknown future wouldn't involve a certain wolf,to her daisy was a strange child. The moon goddess had told her on the day she presented the farm as a gift that Anabelle was very special and destined for greatness. She always wondered what type of greatest. Little Anabel inherited her features with beautiful brown hair to her shoulder paired and precious emerald eyes which shined brighter than a diamond. Her green eyes were more enchanting than hers. They captivated anyone who looked at them. Little daisy would be an outcast because of this defect,she always thought. Another thing that made her knew her daughter was a strange child was because she had her wolf at age three which was very young and after that her wolf never appeared again. Which was a white wolf with black ears,paws, and a little black at the tip of the tail. She was magical. "Mum,mum, come see I picked up another daisy flower again," excited Anabel called out her mum pulling her out of her thought. "Oh dear how wonderful, you picked up another yet again. I don't know how you managed to always find them my sweet daisy," Her mum said patting her head lovely. Daisy green eyes shined,she closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy her mother praises. Her mum was surprised the first time Anabel picked a daisy flower in the garden because she hadn't planted them herself like she did for the rest and that was the first time she also noticed a daisy flower drawn on Anabella back. When the moon goddess had gifted them the farm, it was like a dessert and then she filled it with different flowers apart from daisy which was so rare to find. "Come on Anabelle your dad is probably waiting for us,let's go meet him and make dinner," It was getting late, the moon was going down indicating it was time for dinner. Although the farm and the house they lived in was beside each other but she didn't want them encountering any wild animal on their way which would scare daisy. Yes they were wolves, but daisy didn't like when she killed deers. She was vegetarian. Another reason while daisy was strange,how can a wolf be a vegetarian,all wolves loves meat except daisy, she loves her veggies. Just as both were about stepping out of their farm Anabelle mum eyes darted around the farm, her brows tightened and picked little Anabelle up into her arms, curling her up trying to make her sleep. Her wolf was on high alert and her senses kicked in making her whole body become stiffed. Skipping out of the farm she noticed some movement and tried to ignore it and turned around intending to pass through the back door. Her eyes narrow as she scanned the area. She and her mate has been rouge for years but they have never left their little home to trespass into another territory. Who could that be? She remembers having no family members or any distant friends. "Mama" little Anabel called while playing with her mum's hair, unaware of her surrounding. "Shh....we have to be very quiet little daisy. Be a good girl for now and I will reward you with cookies later," her mother spoke softly trying to bring Anabel face to her chest to hide her from the incoming danger but her distracted emarled eyes brightened on hearing the words cookies. Her mother walked faster, increasing her steps every minute. Tall trees loomed ahead and her eyes gazed fixed on black Shadows. Who was there she thought? Are they dangerous or just innocent people who lost their way?. If they were dangerous she couldn't transform into her blue wolf with little Anabelle in her arms she has no choice but to run with her legs. She could feel her wolf pushing her weak human legs forward but it wasn't enough unless she transformed into her wolf form. A loud high pitched scream filled the air, and goombumbs filled both mother and daughter skin. Anabel eyes grew wide with fear,the hulking figures growing larger. Everything froze as Anabel fell from her mother's arm to the ground and got picked up by the burly man. More men surrounded them has her mum fought for their freedom. In the moon light,hot tears rolled down from her reddened cheeks, her eyes wide in fear as she frantically searched for the help of her husband and dear mate. She couldn't connect with her mate through the mate bond for help. And even if he comes to her rescue he was no match for them. He would surely die fighting. "MAMA!" Anabel screamed,hot tears dripping down her cheeks and somehow luckily she was about to tear herself from the grip of the man who held her. "Run my little daisy, run " her mother managed to let out while still struggling with the man who held a knife at her throat, blood dripping down her neck. "Stop hurting my mama, little Anabel charged after them. But her cries went silent. Her heart dropped as she saw her mum struggling against two big men. "Run,Save yourself first"her mum screamed again. Little Anabel sprang up sprinting through the farm as fast as she could. There was nothing she could do to save her mom as she was so little. If only the wolf in the picture could come save her. Please help me. "There!" One of the chasers yelled behind her. Their feet pounding on the ground as they ran after her. She dodged trees and low limbs, but they were closing up the distance with their longer legs. "Little b***h can run," one of them yelled. Anabella heart was beating out of her chest and they could hear it. She could feel her wolf pushing her trying to give her the boost she needed to get away but it wasn't enough. One of them pounced, tackling her to the ground. She crawled at the soft earth and tried to wiggle free but was flipped over and pinned down by the man's body. "Leave my daughter" she heard her father screamed with tears in his eyes trying to fight two other men who held him down. Then suddenly a man wearing dark clothes emerge out of the air, laughing as he stepped into sight. Was he a witch? Little Anabelle thought to herself. "Sure I will leave your daughter but I will leave her dead as your mate," he said pointing to Anabel mother's lifeless body whose throat cut off. Anabel heart beated rapidly almost bursting and the sound of her cries filled the hair. She watched her father collapsed to the ground due to the mate bond of loosing his mate. She felt sick as the man walked her to her face and patted her hair. She spitted on his face and instantly knew it was a bad idea. The man's red eyes flashed something very dark and he brought his fist down which had long nails. Her face cracked sending her whole world spinning. She groaned and tasted blood in her mouth. The pounding in her head was unbearable. And it only made it worse by the laugher of the men standing over her attacker. "Enough," her attacker roared, his eyes turning black with ranged as he them and turned his face back to hers. "If you don't want your father dead like your mum. If you don't want to be an orphan then prepare yourself because twenty years from now you will be my slave and do whatever I want," he told her with an evil grin. The last thing she heard was the low growl from the scary man who hit her face one more time plunging her onto darkness and her father yelling her name. " please spare my daughter and take me instead, please don't kill her," He managed to beg despite his weakened state, his body and mind becoming affected by the loss of his mate. "You are if no use, fine I will spare her,not because you begged but because it wouldn't be so fun taking her now. I will be back for her in twenty years time," the man said with an evil smirk. "It's a deal," her father muttered and watched the man disappear into the air. And Just like that he made a deal with the devil. He sold his daughter. He sold his mate's precious daisy. His eyes closed and he cried like a baby joining his daughter to unconsciousness.
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