52. Everything and Nothing Part 2

1061 Words

Greta Lovelace "This way," I declared confidently, feeling certain that this must be leading us toward Vladimir. "Are you sure, Greta?" asked Isaiah. "Why would we trust you?" I rolled my eyes at Isaiah's doubt. "Of course I am sure," I said confidently. "I made a vow, and I would not deviate from it. I know this is the right way; I can feel it in my bones." The Minister nodded in agreement. "Rest your worries, Riverwoods. What the witch said is right. She cannot deviate from her vow, else, fate would smite her." The chill of the night air bit into me as we walked through the forest, the shadows of its trees looming silently above us like sentinels. The only sound was that of our footsteps as we picked our way through the undergrowth, searching for any sign of Vladimir's presence. I

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