52. Everything and Nothing Part 1

1022 Words

Greta Lovelace . . . . . . . . . The light of my wand illuminated the night sky as I spoke the ancient word, "Transportari!" An invisible wave of power encircled us, lifting us off the ground. All of a sudden, we were moving at a blinding speed, stars and moonlight whizzing past. In what felt like an instant, Sabine, Ezra, and I were standing on the cliff overlooking Warren Falls. We had arrived safely at our destination. Samuel Addersworth was already there as well, looking surprisingly composed for someone about to enter a battle against a pack of wolves. He turned to us with a polite smile and said in his deep baritone voice," Welcome back... witches. Are you ready? We have a business to attend to." I raised my chin confidently and looked around at my Sisters. They too seemed read

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