CH:2 Pregnant

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Annie p.o.v After that, I was always dosey I feel like there were people around me chatting, the smell of medicines is very evident that I smell every day, my mind is just in a daze. I get my conscious back in like flashes, Doctors doing bandages, the beeping of machines, the IV attached to my wrist. It was all constant for days or hours... I didn't know!!! I think the time has stopped me being in a hospital, but I never saw anyone from my family, or my mind is playing tricks with me... I was so drowsy always sleepy in that hospital bed, first I was in a burn ward because I read it on the door. But in flashes I observe my surroundings first I was in that same ward but when I opened my eyes again, I was shifted into another room. I opened my eyes fully aware, I feel all my surroundings it felt for the first time I am all aware!!! My mind working properly, I can feel and saw everything clearly, I gained my consciousness back opening my eyes, the lights off the hospital are off, my room is only lit... It is night time because I saw darkness outside from the window, I was laid on a bed with a machine connected to my hand. I managed to sit upon the bed, I feel no pain in any other part of my body just felt a little tweak in the left side of my face and neck, I feel scared to touch my face as all the scenes come rushing back down from my wedding. What happened there? Why did all happen with me? I was so happy!!! I didn't deserve this all... My own people betrayed me!!! The man who put the acid on me, I don't know him... But I meet with him once, why did he do this??? He this with me he will pay for it!!! I made that decision in my mind but a distressed take covered my mind. I worriedly take my hand to my face to find it wrapped in the bandages. I then take my hand to the other side of my face, I feel my skin there alright... But the other side is all covered with bandages till my neck. I felt scared but I just let it be like this... I didn't dare to step out of my bed because there was no one there, I can not listen to any sound, my mind drifted off back to all the things happened my all happiness is snatched away from me, my heart is broken!!! My face is burned, my life is all spoiled by my own peoples. The man I loved the most betrayed me!!! My brother whom I thought my savior get off everything from me. My eyes welled up with tears, I let them off on my face, I don't know what I did to deserve this all? But how will I survive in this world now? I was so proud of my beauty, I was hotness all eyes were on me with appreciation. Now, what will I do with the face? I don't know how much it harmed by that acid? I didn't see my face from days, I don't want to see it either... All my confidence, all my dignity, enthusiasm everything is ended. The only feeling is fear, I try to wipe off my tears but my hands feel shaky, I feel literally shaking from all the memories rushing down, I feel an ache in the back of my head. "Uhh, someone, please!!! Is there anyone there?" My hoarse voice sounded in the empty room, I need water. I moved my face on the other side to saw a glass of water placed on the side table, I moved my hand to pick up the glass but due to the shakiness, I don't my balance the glass hit the ground and shattered into hundred pieces. I screamed loudly covering my ears with my hands, my heart rate increased very much, my breathing heavy. I tried to control my breathing but it gets worse as I feel my lungs out of air. I am going to pass out as I was thinking that, the door opened wide and a man entered in with a white coat. He is a doctor, the man runs towards me hugging me tightly pressed me in his chest, his hands patting my hairs to calm me down. "Miss.Annie, please!!! Calm down, " he said lightly patting my head, I felt like my windpipe was checked for some time, he was continuously patting my back to calm my breaths down, I also tried to calm my self down. I finally was able to calm down, my breathing gets back to normal again when the doctor saw me quiet breathing normally, he gets away from me then he bells the switch attached to my bed. After a few minutes, the lady from earlier come to invade my room, "Yes, Doctor?" She said, "Dr, Rose. Please bring a glass of water for Miss. Annie, " he said the girl get off the room. I was sitting on the bed my head down, I saw my hands in my lap that is still shivering, I didn't saw the doctor till yet as for the dim lights, I can not see clearly. A few more minutes passed when the girl came back with a glass of water, the doctor took the glass from her hand then she went off, he moved his hand to give me the glass. I look at it for a brief then grabbed it gulping it all down, I feel a bit relieved as the water was cold, it felt nice inside. "Miss. Annie, I am Micheal Reid, I am your doctor handling your case. How are you feeling?" His deep voice chimed in my ears, I saw towards him to find a very handsome man of my age looking me with concern in his eyes but I didn't answer his question. "Miss. Annie, if you do not speak... How will I get to know what happened to you?" He said again, I look towards him my eyes welled up tears start coming from my eyes. "Hey, hey!!! Hush, don't cry, please!!! It will all be fine, don't panic, " he said holding my hands in his, I feel a bit better he is very nice to me, I think I can not trust anyone now!!! But he is a doctor, I have to tell him about my situation, "I Fine, " I stuttered at my words, he takes a handkerchief from his pocket then wiped the tears off my face. "Annie, I know it is very hard for you, but I want you to be strong for yourself, I want you to control your panic attacks, it is not good for you in this condition." He explained I look him in a surprised manner, "Wha... Hat.. What condition?" I asked him, I know I am in a very serious situation but what does he mean by my condition? "Miss. Annie, you are pregnant." He dropped a bomb on my head, "Pregnant..."
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