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Princess Favena sat beside her feeble old father while she wordlessly listened to the conversation between him and the young newcomer unfold. Her dark eyes lingering on the visitor's companions and making some calculations inside her mind. The outsiders had just arrived with the last of the fading daylight with a supposedly great offering to make, and demanding an immediate audience with the King himself. The old Nevarehan ruler had then made them all be brought to the main hall hastily, more out of curiosity than anything else, as he wished to know what these men were doing this far from the Tayenthan mountains and knocking at their doors. Favena was also intrigued by these people's presence in their realm, but her reasons were due to a more suspicious interest in fact. She was not so convinced that the proposals these strangers had come to make were as benign as they'd initially claimed… Yet she maintained an expressionless face as she attentively watched over the foreigner troupe with veiled concern. The tall spokesman had promptly introduced himself as Xanhdor of Hathengatt and immediately started delivering his message as soon as he'd set foot inside the vault. His firm voice echoing around the chamber while he went through all the specific details of the proposal with notable fluency, and he eagerly explained how this arrangement would surely be profitable for everyone involved. As the man was busy talking and laying out his monarch's petitions, the princess was silently studying his features and wondering if perhaps that confident facade that he strategically wore could possibly conceal an ulterior fear hidden behind its apparent calmness. Her sight narrowing slightly as she subtly counted heads and came to some preliminary conclusions about their unexpected guests. The messenger, who until then had been addressing her father exclusively, finally seemed to notice her presence by the end of his engaging speech, a brief smile blooming on his face as he tilted his head at her with deliberate charm and an essayed gallant glare sparkling inside his eyes. His gaze soon returning to the object of his appeal and giving the old man a questioning look. -Your Majesty – He called out, nodding at the ancient monarch and extending his arm in a persuasive gesture – As you can see, what my Queen proposes represents more than a fair deal for all the parties involved… He paused, frowning at the still impassive expression of his interlocutor and rushing himself to continue with redoubled insistence after a hesitant second. -D- Don’t you see? – He heatedly pressed on with a hint of impatience - This would not only allow you to expand your realm beyond the impenetrable heights of the Damthesian road and grant you the control that your people once sought above the adjacent territories… It will also ensure our coalition's unconditional support and protection when the time comes! -Is that a threat, soldier? - A feminine voice abruptly asked in a sarcastic tone, attracting everyone's looks towards the voluptuous woman that sat beside the decrepit king, staring at the sudden speechless man with razor-sharp eyes – Shall we expect you to come after us if we refuse your invitation then? -No… No, of course not, princess! This is a peaceful request for a voluntary alliance, of course – The emissary hurried to reply, shaking his head effusively, then giving her a calculated grin as he rapidly recovered his poise and squared himself before her –Yet you must understand that we wouldn't be able to ensure your safety if you were to end up caught in the middle of our other supporters´ interests somewhere in the future. -So, you're basically saying that either we are with you, or we stand against you, right? – She incisively commented with a wry smirk – There's no middle ground with you guys! -I-I… No. What I meant to say is – The evidently thrown aback mediator stuttered as he nervously gazed around, looking for his lost words. -That you can't have our backs if we don't have yours – Favena finished saying for him with a pained smile – I get it! It's not that you are straightforwardly planning to attack us in the near future, but if one of your allies is, oh well… -Your Grace – Xanhdor began reasoning, looking for a way to lessen the impact of her statement – I didn't mean to sound so menacing to your realm at all. -But you're not actively avoiding it either – The woman knowingly responded – And that's because it has worked pretty well for you so far, hasn't it? I would even dare to say that you have obtained at least half of your followers with this same veiled intimidating tactic. Isn't that true? -King Onduhl! – The exposed newcomer exclaimed, directly switching his anxious attention to the old man sitting on the throne altogether instead – I beg you to please reconsider our proposition... No offense, but this is quite a good deal, your Majesty, and I assure you that it is in your best interest to agree. - Oh… No offense taken, son – The monarch shrugged off, smiling kindly at him – But I see that you are not acquainted with the fact that my daughter has been the regent ruler of Nevareh for a while now, so the decision is entirely hers to make. Gulping down, the man slowly returned his panicked sight towards the woman sitting before him while frantically racking his brains, trying to find a way to patch things up with her now that he'd royally screwed everything up... Literally. -Relax… – The sultry girl giggled, looking at him with an amused expression - I would just like to get the facts straight before giving you an answer. Is that too much to ask? -No, not at all – The alluded man speedily replied with renewed impetus – Please feel free to ask as many questions as you need, Your Grace. - Just cut the bullshit already, Hathengatter – The princess huffed, rolling her bored eyes at him – I've heard enough of this plan of yours to know what your Queen's intentions are… It's not that hard to see that you are selling everyone on the idea of settling their old feuds at last. Favena paused, eyeing him up and down, then glancing at his reduced crew and composing a big smile. -Your ruler is certainly a clever lady, I'll give her that – She finally uttered, letting out an appreciative whistle and nodding at the tall man – Cashing in on people's vendettas… What a bitchy move to make, I must say! She puffed out, holding the incomer's sight for a long, uncomfortable minute without blinking a single time, before finally cracking up laughing animatedly and making him exhale a relieved breath. -All right Xanhdor, I assume that there must be an informant out there somewhere waiting to hear from you – The princess speculated, tilting her head forward – Am I correct? -You are, Your Grace – The man easily admitted – I've got a carrier stationed at Corhen awaiting your reply. -Corhen, uh? The last landmark on the map before entering Mavaerian territory if I recall correctly. That's convenient… – Favena mumbled pensively, fumbling with a loose strand of her dark, long hair, then looking up at him with resolution – Well, we don't want to keep him waiting, do we? Clapping her hands decidedly, the woman proceeded to raise a finger and call up to a quiet servant standing at the back of the room, who hurriedly paced towards them and respectfully bowed to her. -Olant – She commanded, staring at the middle-aged man and extending her arm as she gestured to the delegate and his scattered group of companions – Please assist Xandhor with the posting of his pigeon and the message that we shall be joining this war too. A muffled, astounded murmur could be heard for an ephemeral moment, coming from the present audience, before it rapidly died as fast as it had begun, when the woman raised an inquiring brow at them and only silence remained. -Of Course, Your Majesty! – The man responded, neatly squaring himself, then nodding at the foreign leader and signaling for the large gate – Please follow me, Sir. -Oh… and Olant – Favena called out again, standing lazily up and slowly heading to the backdoor with graceful steps – Please make sure to escort our visitors to their chambers and have them clean themselves up. Dinner will be served in an hour, and I expect to see you all there to celebrate. So, don't be late. Later that evening, and after having spent the last half hour in the palace's kitchens delivering a few notes on the menu that they were going to serve, the princess was heading to the dining hall when a strong arm suddenly pinned her to the corridor's wall and knocked all the air out of her lungs. -What on earth do you think you are doing? – The familiar voice whispered with contained rage, his sweet breath fanning her face as he kept her firmly held against the cold stone – They want to take us all down! My people included! -Polthan… You know how much I love your Cahenean guts, but I don't think you want to try your luck right now – The woman muttered in a strained voice, gesturing at the small blade that she was wielding in her hand, tightly pointed at his spleen – Get your goddamn hands off me immediately, or I will carve your entrails out. -Favena… - The bearded man murmured in a hushed tone, backing off a little, yet keeping her under his relentless grip – Please! You can't join this madness! You just can't! -And I am not, you silly! – The woman simply responded, rolling her eyes at him and breaking herself free from his broad arms. -B-But.. But you said we were fighting in this war! - He cried out as he blinked in utter confusion - I heard you! Smiling, she slowly put her weapon away and dusted herself off a bit before reaching for the knob of the large door next to them and winking at him. -And we are.... Just not in the way they expect us to – She scoffed, extending her fingers invitingly at him – You really should try being a little less narrow-minded, you know? Now come on, you handsome i***t… Why don't you sit by my side tonight, so you can see for yourself what this is really all about?
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