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The enormous dining hall was already crowded with a bunch of Hathengatters when the servants pushed the heavy wooden planks open and revealed the sumptuous room to Polthan´s eyes. Roughly fifty of them plagued the large tables that had been generously assorted with plenty of mouthwatering delicacies and uncountable jugs of Nevareh´s best wine. Being the child of an illustrious military man himself, the Cahenean was no stranger to luxury at all. But even when he'd had a pretty comfortable upbringing back in his hometown, he still had never experienced such lavishness until he'd accepted the princess' invitation to stay there after the war. -I could use a strong pair of hands to help me get this town on its feet, you know? – She'd suggestively told him back then as he rested by her one night. -Hasn't the Commander granted you almost half of the Yahurian force expressly for that? – He'd chuckled, playfully crawling over her naked body and making her squeal – Aren't those strong enough hands for you, my dear? -Oh, but there's no fun in having those around – She'd pouted, cupping his cheek – They're all so stiff and work-centered that they're boring as hell! Besides, their faces are always covered, and I need my eye candy to get me through the day! In reality, she didn't even need to be that insistent about it anyway. With war being over, Polthan had already been feeling a little purposeless, and not the most eager to go back to his arid land just yet. So, with Phomtek´s permission, he had decided to take a temporary leave of absence that had somehow ended up extending for more than a year now. But the time off was about to be over, and he was perfectly aware of that fact. -Good evening, gentlemen! – Favena´s melodious voice brought him back to the moment as she enthusiastically greeted the congregated men, flashing an electrifying grin at them. She paced among the gathered soldiers with a deliberate slow cadence, swaying her hips elegantly as she unhurriedly made her way to the main seat, followed closely by a circumspect Polthan who marched behind her steps. -This is Polthan, my partner – She casually informed Xandhor, her foreign guest, as she reached the spot where he stood, and both men awkwardly exchanged brief acknowledgment nods. -Pleasure to meet you – The newcomer simply said, offering the bearded man a reserved smile. Favena´s eyes landed on the expectant squad sitting before her as she took her place at the main table, just between Xandhor and the Cahenean warrior, who'd swiftly pulled the chair out for her before installing himself protectively at her right. -Oh… Come on, you all! What the hell are you waiting for? –The princess keenly urged them as she noticed that every platter and glass remained untouched while the warriors sat silently watching her instead – This magnificent feast was prepared by our best chefs specially for you… So, don't let it get cold! Eat, drink and enjoy! As war is terribly nigh... She insisted, cheerfully extending her arm and gesturing to the large variety of appetizing dishes freshly displayed around and ready to be consumed. There was a brief hesitant moment shared among the visitors, before a loud ruckus was heard as every man pounced on the steamy banquet and on the copious amount of liquor with evident thirst and hunger. Favena smirked at the sight of the rejoicing troops, before nodding at the lone servant standing by her and wordlessly ordering for hers and Polthan´s cups to be filled with some wine, which were the only empty ones now. The skinny servant rushed to approach them and obediently pour some liquid on both goblets from the jug he was holding in his arms, then he took a step back and disappeared into the shadows just as fast as he had previously materialized a moment before. With the recently served liquor whirling in her crystal glass, the princess courteously raised the recipient towards the emissary sitting next to her in salute and offered him a broad smile. The tanned man tilted his head towards her in response before giving his own drink a moderate sip. -Thank you for your kind invitation, Your Majesty – The Hathengatter leader respectfully said, his head turning slightly around as he searched through the place with a slight frown – But isn't your father joining us tonight as well? -Not this time, unfortunately – Favena nonchalantly replied – You see, my father tends to get tired easily nowadays, and this unexpected visit has been exhausting enough for him, as it was, I am afraid… So, he's retired for the evening. Yet he sends his best regards to you all. -As do we – Xandhor politely replied, taking a more generous swig from his glass this time – As do we... The princess made a quick mental note of the soldier's gradually reddening cheeks and smiled with satisfaction, her eyes stealing a furtive look at Polthan, who was staring at their guest with badly dissimulated contempt. -So… Xandhor of Hathengatt – She spoke, dragging her words purposely while she placed an appeasing hand over the Cahenean´s tense forearm – You said your realm is actively pursuing Xiblen´s support as well. Didn´t you? -I did – The messenger agreed. Emptying his glass, then reaching for the nearest jar around and refilling it – As a matter of fact, the last faction of our party must be arriving at their gates as we speak. -Good! – Favena cooed – Yet I can't stop thinking that you've already promised the Wetlands to us. So, I'm curious to know... What are you offering them? One would think that proposing their rightful land's recovery would be your next logical move to gain the favor of such a realm, but you've given it to us instead! -Well, that's because we are granting them access to something they might find much more compelling than regaining control over an old estranged territory - The man smugly replied, thirstily chugging his third glass of liquor – Xiblen had long-lost the Wetlands even before they rebelled… So, I'm sure Nevareh will do a better job ruling over them than Ashrae ever did. -Fair enough – The princess conceded, leaning towards him with open intrigue – So, what's that irresistible something that you're giving them then? -Yahur! – The outsider whispered-yelled in a poorly secretive tone, hiccuping slightly as he reclined forward on the table – We're granting them possession of the legendary Citadel itself! It's what Ashare always wanted, and once we're done with the Order, they will be able to have it at last. Favena couldn't contain the involuntary laughter that erupted from her as she heard the man's words, a bewildered expression set on her face while she patted his back with amusement. -But you said it yourself! – The Nevarehan woman exclaimed between chuckles – That was Ashrae´s childish dream, and nobody else’s. I doubt his wife, Queen Yarinthza or any member of the council will pay the slightest attention to such an outlandish suggestion, nor will they risk facing the Yahurian wrath because of it. -Maybe not them – Xandhor shrugged off, grabbing a piece of soft meat and chewing it pensively – But I bet his brother Ashganon will… Word is that he is not very happy with the actual administration. So, it might be time for a new change of regime around those lands as well. After all, he is entitled to succession just as much as the little prince is. -All right – The princess nodded, her eyes briefly darting to the now visibly wasted group of soldiers who had started to show evident signs of tiredness – I get it… So, everyone gets what they want in the end. -That's the idea, yes – The foreigner yawned - Muhonos and Vihant get the eastern prairies, Berantha and Karellhya get the mines, Midland's gate claims Xoltun, and Queen Elande gets the south, along with Lowland's gate. -Oh, but what about the Laheshians? – Favena made sure to remind him with a broad snarl – They get to conquer Sand Valley after this is over, don't they? -That's right… Yeah – The outsider mumbled brokenly, with a silly smile plastered on his face – My apologies, I'd totally forgotten about the tribes! -Don't worry… It's only understandable – The princess waved her hand carelessly at him – It must be hard to remember such a remote territory when I bet this was your first time visiting those isolated lands! -How did you know? – The man asked, rubbing his eyelids, and letting out another long yawn while trying to keep his sight focused on the girl's annoyingly blurring image. -Because I can tell that you and your men had never traveled anywhere higher than the Tayenthan mountains before – She triumphantly declared – And I know for a fact that you've never been to Cahen either. Is that right? -W-What? – Xandhor blurted, confusedly blinking as he vainly fought to hold his body up. A panicked lump got stuck inside his throat when he noticed how all of his crew members had just begun collapsing over the dispersed tables around the hall, and that he also felt utterly incapable of moving a single muscle himself. -Do you want to find out how I got to that conclusion? – The woman whispered, smiling salaciously against his ear, then grabbing his jaw and forcefully directing his heavy eyes towards the tanned, bearded man who stood proudly next to her – Because if you had, then you would already know what a Cahenean lieutenant looks like.
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