1348 Words
-Is he dead? – Polthan asked, tipping his head towards the inert soldier slumped on the table, then nodding at the equally unconscious troops lying everywhere around them and glancing at her with a playful smirk plastered on his face – Did you kill them all, Your Majesty? -Nah… They're just knocked out cold, that's it – Favena replied, rolling her eyes at him – And they won't stay that way for long… So, we better act fast, before they start waking up again. With that, she hurried to raise her hand and summon the numerous guards that had been silently posted against the walls until then, which immediately rushed to her aid in response to that unspoken gesture. -Please take our guests to the dungeons and lock them cozily down there – The princess instructed her men as they collected the passed-out outsiders and carried them all out with outstanding speed – ... And keep that leader of theirs separated from the main crew! We don't want him stirring things up among the prisoners while we are so kindly hosting them in here. -You know I would have already gotten rid of them all if this was my call – The Cahenean warrior muttered in a low voice as he stepped aside and let two soldiers grab Xandhor´s limp body – It's just too much work… Not worth it. -But it's not your call to make – She responded, leaning against him and staring firmly into his dark eyes – It's mine, and I say they live... For now. -Have at it then – He shrugged off distractedly – If you wanna waste a bunch of food on the very same useless rascals that just had the nerve to come after us, no one’s standing in your way. -You know they were just following orders, right? – Favena reminded him, her features slightly softening as she spoke – It's not their fault that they have such a cunt ruler pulling the strings. They were only doing their job… You of all people should know that. -Why should I? – He inquired. Teasingly approaching and subtly cornering her against a wall – My King is not a cunt. -I'm talking about having to follow someone else’s lead, Polthan – She scoffed, running her fingers down his plated pectorals – You may say I'm a softie if you want, but I don't think that these people deserve to die over their spoiled Queen's madness. -And that is why I love you so much – He tenderly grinned, pecking her nose with his lips – Cause you are still capable of feeling the compassion I don't… Now tell me, what the hell did you give them to knock them out like that? That's what I'm really dying to know. -Well… – She giggled naughtily, stirring a bit in his arms – Remember when we went to Umber, and they happened to have all those different plants for literally every imaginable purpose in the world? -How could I ever forget? – He grinned – That visit to the Wetlands ended up being a trip, in all its extent… But what about it? -Let's just say that while you scouted the swamps, I was keeping myself busy too – She whispered into his ear in a hushed tone – As you were out laying our traps with the crew, I was learning about the regional flora along with the Elders. -So, basically, you were getting high then – Polthan concluded, shaking his head scornfully at her – Great! -Of course I was! – She admitted with a large smile – But they did not only teach me about the fun ones, I also got to know about their more dangerous inventions. -Curare – The Cahenean somberly deducted, his eyes widening somewhat – Did they really show you how to do that? I thought it was meant to be an ancestral secret… -It is, and I'm sure they would find a way to silence me if I were to divulge the tiniest bit – Favena nodded gravely, then quickly recovered her previous cheerfulness – Yet you already know that I didn't poison them, I just sedated them with the help of some Amaphenian seeds. -Are you kidding me? – He exclaimed with disbelief. His voice soon returning to a low mumble once he noticed that there were still a few guards coming and going all around the place – You mean Amaphenian poppies? That's just crazy! I didn't know you could anesthetize someone using such an innocent flower! -You can if you happen to have enough of them – She informed him – So, it's a good thing that we're practically crawling with those at this time of the year up here… And the best part is: They're completely flavorless, and they tend to make people uncontrollably thirsty. -So, you can outright dose an entire troop's drinks and have them chugging nonstop on their own until they're out – The warrior concluded, raising a thick brow in appreciation – That's very convenient. -There you go – Favena concurred. Patting his arm and deviously winking at him – So, you better make sure that I'm always being served from the same pitcher as you are the next time you share the table with me. -Oh… But you wouldn't – He confidently replied, closing his bearded face on hers – Cause if you were to drug me, who would do this for you then? With outstanding force, he suddenly lifted her up in one arm and pinned her against the wall, his other hand soon locating the warm spot between her legs and softly massaging it. - Polthan – The princess breathed out in panic, managing to break her lips free from his for only a moment – The guards… -They're already gone – He reassured her, his fingers relentlessly stroking her and making her mindlessly moan – They took their sweet time, those assholes… But they finally finished getting the last one of them out of here. -The door… – She insisted, her head gesturing to the heavy wooden plank across the room – It's unlocked! -Ugh… Who cares! – He grunted, ignoring her plea and calmly throwing garment after garment over her head instead. -What if one of them comes back and walks in on us? – She worriedly asked, still letting him undress her. -Then we let him watch! – The warrior jokingly replied - Or would you prefer him to join us? I'm up for it if you are... Whatever gets you going, dear! -Oh, just shut up and f**k me already – Favena cried out, defeated. Reaching for his manhood and pulling it out of his trousers –Why does it seem like we are simply incapable of doing it in a regular bedroom, uh? -And why would we? – Polthan asked, leaning her naked rear over the still-served table and ramming himself inside her with a broken groan – Why would we even bother with such a boring location when we can do it literally everywhere else in the world? The torches were still burning over the mostly uneaten banquet almost an hour later as they reposed against the cold floor, drawing invisible shapes over their exhausted bodies. -You had to let him send that damn bird – The Cahenean murmured lazily – So, you know that his people are going to be expecting the Nevarehan forces to show up at Mavaer soon, don't you? -I do, and we will not disappoint them – Favena agreed – We're still coming! Not to help them in the least, but to counterstrike. -Gods! I'm going to miss that clever brain of yours... – The Uplander sadly declared, delicately brushing her sharp cheekbone with his rough fingers. -Then come back to me when this is all over – She tentatively offered, placing a hand over his arm and smiling hopefully at him. -Yeah, about that… I have the nagging feeling that it is going to take a while this time.
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