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Iktan took a deep breath before charging forward for the thousandth time that day. A small group of masked warriors pouncing instantly on him with their training spears drawn out. -Focus! – Jardos´s familiar voice reminded him, echoing inside his head and all around the enormous pit – You will never be able to anticipate your opponent’s move if you keep getting inside your head! Remembering the countless lessons that he'd been through by now, he narrowed his sight and rapidly assessed the positions of each Yahurian surrounding him. Three before him, two at his sides, and one standing behind him…. Mentally making adjustments to his strategy as he listened to their respiration nearing with outstanding speed. When they all struck simultaneously at him, he managed to be sufficiently quick on his feet to avoid being impaled by three of the spears at once, disarming the next one while rolling on his side in a swift motion and kicking another out of balance, throwing him to the ground. The last one barely grazing his cheekbone with his blade as Iktan got out of his way and tackled him to the ground. He remained panting for a second, hovering over the masked teenager lying under him, before standing up and offering him his hand. The kid taking it without hesitation and jumping gracefully on his feet. -Well… Congratulations, rookie! You're almost as fast as Akoh now – The trainer announced, chuckling with an amused tone – We can officially say that we're finally seeing some good Yahurian material in you! Iktan blushed, wiping the bloodied cut on his cheek and looking around the arena, being perfectly aware that he was still battling children after a full year, some of them several years younger than him and yet unbelievably fiercer… His sight visibly darkening at the notion of this. -Hey, what's with the long face? – The Yahurian coach called out, taking a quick leap forward and landing before him, patting his shoulder with force – You better take that as a compliment, or I'll beat your ass myself… This kid could take ten men down on his own the last time I checked! -Twelve – The masked teen muttered factually, nodding at the former priest with a genuine appreciation. -Fine, twelve then! – The hardened teacher replied, rolling his eyes with annoyance and returning his attention towards Iktan - My point being that you get to feel proud of your game now that you've stepped your p***y up to his level at last. So, don't be a cocky bastard, or you'll make me regret putting your name up there for the Ceremony, rookie. -I know… I'm sorry – The ex-cleric ashamedly replied, sighing – It's just, this is hard… Really hard! -You bet it f*****g is! – Jardos cracked up, laughing out loudly – We're Yahurians lad… Not a sad bunch of amateur mercenaries! But I'll take you there. That's my job. Now get out of my damn sight you all and go hit the showers, you smell like cattle! The whole group immediately squared and saluted him briefly, before marching towards the large, cold building housing the washrooms. Iktan entered the humid place and started distractedly undressing himself while the others did the same, everyone immersed in their own thoughts and tribulations. -You did good today – Akoh commented, patting his back briefly as he passed by him and started pouring buckets of cold water over his remarkably toned body, his unmasked face purposefully turned away from him. -Thanks – Iktan replied, smiling shyly, reaching for one of the metallic recipients and mimicking the other warriors´ actions. He stood there, scrubbing his skin thoroughly, and mindlessly recalling all the past year's craziness with a smirk on his face. It had been long since the last time he'd felt worried or shameful about his mutilated manliness at all. The thing was that Yahurians couldn't care less about a guy's shaft or balls. Naturally, he had been paralyzed the first time he'd set foot in the showers and was made aware that he had to undress himself in front of this army of terribly intimidating men. Knowing beforehand how males usually behave in situations like those… especially the young ones. Yet not a single peep about size, color, or form… Nor the slightest hint of a joke had ever been uttered between those walls during the entire time Iktan had been living there. Not even the plenty who fancied men would make a single comment out of place or context while they all coexisted in peace within that impressive fortress. After spending a few initial weeks dreading some kind of mockery to be finally thrown at him and realizing that he was mostly being ignored by his peers instead. He had finally understood that Yahurian priorities didn't include petty shenanigans… Their minds so absorbed by their creed and their training sessions to even care about little else than that. So, he´d started feeling comfortable at last. Not much of the former priest's figure or mannerisms remained by this point of his training anyway, as he had evolved into an unrecognizable soldier by now. A year prior, he'd come to Yahur being a helpless bundle of nerves and doubts. He had followed Sehira all the way there only because he would follow that woman to the ends of earth without a second thought, and that was a fact. Yet, the moment he had set foot inside the massive citadel, all the worries he'd been harboring had suddenly become very real. He'd already seen the Yahurian army fight. Hell, he'd fought beside them! And that's why he was painfully aware that he was a million miles away from their impeccable battling skills. Shooting and fighting with knives against the Argantean troops had been challenging enough for the once inexpert priest. But that had been one thing… Even managing to stay conscious throughout these insane warriors´ warmups had been an entirely different story on its own. He'd almost given up… He surely would have if he hadn't had such great guidance at the beginning. In hindsight, he would have most likely ended up cowardly sneaking out in the middle of the night during his first day there, if Pahoka-Xe hadn't just found him sitting on the steps of the big arena, feeling completely useless and incapable of moving a single muscle after spending the entire afternoon having his ass mercilessly beaten up. -Rough day, my child? – She'd asked in her melodious voice, sitting beside him – You look exhausted. -You bet! – He'd scoffed bitterly – Have you seen those guys? Have you seen me? Whose idea was it to even consider that I would ever stand a chance at this? -It was Sehira´s, actually – The masked woman informed him, patting his arm animatedly – And I do agree with her. -How? Look at them! They are all ridiculously strong and big – Iktan had complained, gesturing at his lanky body with frustration – And I am just… Me! -I've seen you fight, there is potential within you– The Yahurian mother replied, ignoring his self-deprecating rant – War is much more than just muscle and strength, my son… It's about intelligence and strategy as well. -Great! So, I'm stuck with always being the brainy, charming guy then... – He had chuckled sadly. -Well, I don't see anything wrong with it – Pahoka-Xe had laughed lightheartedly, looking kindly into his disappointed eyes – But I'm not saying that either… Muscles will come… You will just need a little more help than the others. She paused, reaching into a leather bundle hanging from her waist and producing a small bottle, placing it in his hands. -What is this? – He'd asked, glancing at the recipient with suspicion, then looking into her inscrutable eyes. -Sehira told me that you used to work at the temple before the war – She'd explained, giving him a knowing nod – I'm familiar with their practices. Iktan tensed up at her words, his entire demeanor instantly darkening as he recoiled. The white-haired woman reaching for his arm and clutching it, her milky irises staring deeply into his soul. -Don't be ashamed, my child… I have been this Order's Guider for a long time – She reminded him – You are not the first one to come into our ranks having suffered such savagery. In fact, you are lucky… Your puberty had already passed by the time this was done to you. So, you just need a gentle push, and I'm giving it to you. -So… This will help me, then? – He'd asked, giving her an uncertain glance. -Well, it won't do the hard work for you, if that's what you're asking – She replied, tilting her head at him, amused – That's up to you... But it will balance your hormone levels and allow you to build some muscle. You will also find it quite helpful in your… bedtime activities. He blushed at this mention, stirring uncomfortable on his seat, and the woman tightened her grip around his wrist purposely. -But don't you ever forget that you are already perfect for her – She remarked, winking at him – This is just a little boost, enjoy it as such…. And don't you ever dare to stop doing whatever you've been doing until now. Iktan scoffed inadvertently at the memory of this, mindlessly drying his now bulky torso as he finished his cleaning routine. His mind traveling to Sehira and the things he had been daydreaming about. His groin tingling. -Good night – Akoh said as he walked past the already dressed and masked Yahurian kid on his way out of the showers. -See you in the morning – He had replied, throwing a pair of trousers on, and pacing towards the corridor. He didn't share the barracks with others; he never had... He was lucky: Every night he got to hold her, and every morning he got to kiss her goodbye as she readied for her own share of training duties under the Yahurian Mother's guidance. At the beginning, he had been a bit worried that this would earn him some teasing from his peers, but not a word had been spoken about it at all. By now, he knew perfectly well that those were just the Yahurian ways, and that no one gave a s**t about his nightly affairs. So, with a broad smile adorning his still unmasked face, he rushed through the hallways and swiftly reached the door of the room where he knew he would find her at this time of the evening.
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