1820 Words
-Sir, there's a girl at the gate that insists on seeing you now – Xorjos, one of the men guarding the entrance announced as he stood hesitantly at the door – She says she wants to join the army… I, I already tried sending her on her way, but she refuses. -And why would you ever do that? – Greghan responded dryly, standing up and walking past him, heading outside – Let's see what she's got then. The warrior had just arrived at the threshold of the gate, where a large group of aspirants waited, when Xorjos finally caught up with him, panting and totally out of breath. -Captain? – He confusedly asked, resting his hands on his knees – So, you're letting her do the tryouts then? -Of course I am! – The large, long-haired man replied impatiently, scanning the big crowd– Where is she now? -I'm here, Sir! – A short lady called out, emerging from among the plenty of sturdy men, squaring herself before him – My name is Teranha and I came all the way from Upland to join your ranks. She was quite small compared to the towering men that piled around her. Her black hair braided neatly and hanging down her generous bosom, her lean frame wrapped in dark protective gear. A sharp saber and a sickle hanging from her tiny waist. -Good – Greghan nodded, gesturing for her to step forward, then switching his attention to the rest of the expectant candidates. Scratching his chin, he studied the numerous faces carefully, before pointing at a few of them, signaling for them to approach as well. – You… You with the beard. Hum, you with the sword and… You, Pal. All right! Gentlemen, lady… Follow me! – He instructed, turning away and pacing towards the training pit - The rest of you wait here for a lieutenant to come and get you, is that clear? A fairly disappointed clamor could be heard as he walked away, closely tailed by the selected group and a still starstruck Xorjos, who trotted after them with a puzzled expression on his face. They all arrived at the spacious place and Greghan took a brief look around the group, smirking. -So, Teranha – He said, giving her a polite nod, then gesturing towards the men with his extended arm – Take your pick, which one of them would you like to fight? The short, tanned woman tilted her head playfully, scanning her options with interest before offering him a wide smile and unsheathing her blade, her olive eyes sparkling. -How about all of them? – She announced, grinning from side to side as she wielded her weapon and invitingly waved at the surprised men. -But Sir, she is a lady! They will likely kill he... – The outraged guard exclaimed. His voice drowning in his throat as he noticed the Captain's infuriated stare on him, his eyes irradiating contempt, three of his fingers silently raised up in the air. -Three! – He shouted, his loud voice making the young soldier tremble with fear. -Three? – The clueless soldier asked, frowning with stupefaction -What do you mea… – This is the third condescending bullshit I've heard you say in less than an hour! – The Captain cut him off abruptly, spit droplets splashing on the startled soldier's face - I won't tolerate your ignorance, you misogynistic prick! In fact, why don't you jump in there and fight her along with the others? Or are you scared? -W-What? Me? – The shocked soldier stammered, eyeing him with utter disbelief – Why? -Because you seem to forget that our ruler is also a woman, and that she fought side by side with the army that freed this entire land! – He yelled at him – She could beat your ass any day with her eyes closed, and I bet this one here can as well. So, get your stupid self down there and let her prove my point! -B-But – The alluded man hesitated, reluctantly reaching for his sword – Are you sure, Sir? -As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow! – The Captain barked – I'm fed up with your disrespect! Now stop wasting my time and strike! Xorjos gulped and gave him a glassy look before nodding at him and pouncing forward, directing his attack at the woman standing in the center of the pit. All the other men charging in unison with their drawn-out weapons as they tried to submit the northern lady. Two of them had spears, which in theory should have allowed them to pull off a good long-range attack, but they didn't even get the chance to try that before the woman had already jumped over them and kicked them out of their reach. Rendering them defenseless. Her body rolling around gracefully as she held on to her impressive saber and promptly knocked the knives out of two others´ hands in less than a fraction of a second, then redirected her attention to Xorjos, who had barely landed on the ground near her. She gave him a playful grin and sprang towards him, the man not even managing to attempt a proper blow with his sword as she tackled him, his body collapsing heavily on the ground as she crashed over him and pinned his armed hand with her knee, mercilessly crushing it under her weight and making him scream in pain while she kept her blade inches away from his neck. The sound of a paused, appreciative clapping made both of their heads snap towards the edge of the pit, where Greghan sat calmly, watching them with an inscrutable face. Gathering her wits, Teranha got off the beaten man and stood up on her feet, straightening herself before the Captain and respectfully bowing at him. -Shall we proceed with hand-to-hand combat now, Sir? – She asked casually, as the five defeated fighters shakily rose from the dirt and dusted themselves off in bewilderment. A loud laughter erupting from the Captain's mouth as he held onto his stomach in genuine amusement. -That's a wonderful idea! – He answered approvingly as the girl nodded at him, discarding her saber and positioning herself in a combat position once more. A few minutes later, the girl stood before Greghan in the same pose she had been earlier, and almost in the same condition. She was a little bit sweatier but completely unscathed and remarkably fresh. Her opponents, on the other hand, hadn't been so lucky. One definitely had a broken wrist and the others had got some bruised ribs here and there, a couple of blackeyes and a sprained ankle… That hadn't even been her doing, as the poor soul had slipped while he was trying to escape from her insidious charge. Xorjos, on his part, stood up with difficulty, pressing a hand against his swollen eye and wobbling around at a disoriented pace. -Gentlemen! – The Captain announced, nodding at their deplorable condition – Well, thanks to Teranha here, I now have a pretty good idea of what you can do... He signaled for the man with the broken wrist and gestured for him to get on his feet, which he did, followed by the rest of the candidates, who lined up beside him in a pitiful formation. -You all lack the minimum necessary for what the Commander would barely consider as passable – He announced, titling his head at them – If you still wish to join our ranks, then you can start as foot soldiers. He stood up, his eyes traveling from man to man pointedly as he paced around with his hands loosely crossed up front. - Do your shifts, train your backsides off, and devote your sorry asses to this! Then we'll reevaluate in a few months and we'll see if you don't suck that much. Greghan directed his attention to the least damaged aspirant of the group and waved his hand at him. -As for you – He said, staring at him, then nodding at Xorjos disdainfully – You can have his post if you want it, report to the Sergeant at the gate and pick it up from there… -But Sir!... – The dismissed guard protested, his eyes looking pleadingly at him. -Quiet! – The Captain barked – You're being demoted… Go to the cellars and find Orstig! And while you're there carrying sacks, he can tell you all about the time Queen Souna captured him. May that help you never forget thanks to whom we are all here... Then I would expect you to conduct yourself with a little more respect in the future. He held his burning pupils on him for one more second, then he returned his sight to the previous man. -What's your name mate? – Greghan asked, studying him from head to toe. -Ulveh, Sir! – The young applicant rushed to answer, squaring himself. -All right, Ulveh – He replied, c*****g his head at him playfully – So, what's it gonna be? Do you want the job or not? -Of course, Sir! – The mentioned recruit responded with conviction, shaking his head eagerly in affirmation – I do. -Good! Then what are you waiting for? Get the f**k out of my sight and go! The new guard had barely taken a few steps towards the gate when Greghan´s voice made him freeze in spot again. -And Ulveh… – He called out in a low tone – Should a lady ever come to our doors claiming that she wants to join our ranks in the future, you will thank her, and you will call a lieutenant to try her out along with the others... Cause if a woman thinks that we are worthy enough for her to leave whatever she was doing aside to apply for our troops, then there must be a good reason, and we better be paying attention. -Yes, Sir! – The soldier shouted out loudly, saluting him and hurrying himself towards the entrance. Greghan sighed, his eyes traveling to the expectant girl, who still stood motionless in the center of the pit and smiled. -Uplander, uh? – He said cheerfully, his head gesturing kindly at her – Cahen… Am I right? -You are, Sir – The short woman agreed – How did you know? -I've seen that combat style before – He admitted, raising an eyebrow at her – Who trained you? -Phomtek, Sir… I'm his little sister - Teranha replied with a broad grin on her face – He talks about his time served with the Commander very fondly… He told me that if I really wanted to challenge myself then this was the best place to do so. -Well, he is right – The Captain concurred, extending his hand towards her – And I might have the perfect position for you to do exactly that… Follow me.
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