Chapter Four - Meeting

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Crystal Raine Meadows The interior design outside was enough to move people's hearts, but the inside just made it even better. A grand staircase was placed in the center towards their second floor, the whole place most especially the walls were designed in white and gold colors. The furniture around their house looked ancient and is not being seen even in our books as some bookshelves were filled with many different rare books that I wanted to open myself. This house looks amazing! How many of them are living here to build such a huge house like this?  Aside from those respectable people I met a while ago, there's no one I could see around the house. "You guys must be wondering why it's peaceful here, Uncle Kenneth and Cal are training outside the enchanted forest, it's been their routine ever since we have arrived here," Mrs. Hailey explained, so I followed them towards the dining. So two more people are living here? Well I guess that's why this house was built massively, they all looked like they're cleaning, there's no hint or a speck of dust visible around the bookshelves or even those furniture. "Don't mind or worry that much about us Hailey, we're not those typical guests that visit here sometimes," Ate Kathy reassured, so Mrs. Hailey just smiled. "Well he should head back, his mate is right--" the Great Wyrm was silenced by his wife using a knife placed right in front of his face. "Say more Ash, or I'll cut that tongue into two," I almost wanted to back away when Mrs. Hailey threatened him, but he just frowned and looked at Kuya Draven. "See what I mean dude? She's so brutal to me!" the Great Wyrm pretended like he was crying as he was consoled by Kuya Draven. "That's what pregnant women do, man, get used to it, it's much worse when it gets bigger and bigger--" Kuya Draven received a blow from Ate Kathy as she glared at him intently, the tension in the air got heavier so I backed away for a moment. "Did you just say that I was fat before?!" Ate Kathy exclaimed as she tried to confront Kuya Draven who looked like he lost a lot of blood. They started arguing with each other as Trevy and I sat down in the middle of them while we graciously ate what was served on the table. I secretly smiled. Their friendship is so pure and I don't know why I envy these sceneries so much, my hands formed into a grip, maybe it's because Jenny was the only one who's there for me. She was the only one who didn't take advantage of me and she wasn't bothered by the fact that I was weak when it comes to physical abilities. They seemed to cool down as we all ate peacefully together, it looked like nothing happened a while ago. "So, Crystal, you're enrolling this upcoming new year right?" I almost flinched when Mrs. Hailey asked, her beauty is so overwhelming. "Y-Yes, luckily my sprain didn't get worse," I awkwardly laughed, so her eyes widened before looking at my feet from below. "You got sprained?" she worriedly asked, so I nodded before dabbing some napkin on my mouth. I don't want her to see me looking so icky while talking to me. "Unfortunately, yes, I got sprained last week when I took a walk at the enchanted forest," I narrated, so Ate Kathy butted in. "Yeah, and a strange ninja-looking guy helped her, at least, that's what she said," Ate Kathy mumbled before munching her chocolate chip cookies. "Ninja?" Mrs. Hailey looks like she remembered someone before shaking her head, "I'm glad that you're alright, may I take a look?" she asked, so I didn't think twice to nod. It's too rude to decline even if I feel so embarrassed about it, she then invited me towards their living room before looking at my feet. "Oh, it was smeared by an ointment I made, Cal met you in the forest huh?" she smiled, so I quizzically tilted my head towards her. "Cal? You mean that ninja?" I curiously asked so she giggled before nodding at me as her hands glowed when she placed them on my feet. "He trains there a lot, you probably met him there," she sounded excited, but that wasn't appreciated because I was busy looking at how she's working her magic on me. The light disappeared, so she smiled at me, "There! You can move as much as you want now, your feet look fine and you can move it around without feeling much pain, but it was still a bit sore on the inside," she stated, so my eyes widened. She saw that by just looking at my feet?! How great is she?! I'm so glad that I have contained myself from bursting out from fangirling, I couldn't help but admire her more. I bowed my head, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Hailey," I sincerely said, so she just patted my head before giving her hand to me. "I hope you'll have a great year, let's head back, Kathy and I will still talk about how you guys will move here," she explained, so we both went back as they discussed that Ate Kathy wanted to move as soon as possible until before the end of the first semester. The rules have changed ever since then, the first semester will be the training of your knowledge and your strengths in physical abilities while the second semester will be the dragon games and the awaited of many young people like me, the Twilight Ball. It took them a while as they've discussed a lot of important things with each other, so I also took my time bonding with Trevy around the house to avoid him interrupting his parents. "Alright, we're heading home! Too bad! We didn't get to see Cal and Uncle Kenneth," Ate Kathy pouted, so Mrs. Hailey looks like she agrees with her. "I know right? He should have stayed when I told them there's a visitor a while ago," she sighed like she's stressed out handling boys on her own. I secretly giggled because she looks like she's already tired of handling her husband alone. I wonder about those two other boys? My eyes roamed around the house once more as they stood up and I noticed bookshelves that took my interest. I read each title of the book inside and gasped after seeing an advanced book of the dragon languages. "Oh my God! There's an advanced book about dragon languages!" I squealed and didn't notice that the adults were staring at me intently. "Oh right! You're good at that, do you want to borrow it?" The Great Wyrm walked on my side and opened the bookshelves so my eyes widened. "A-Ah, is it alright? I don't want to trouble you," I sincerely said, so the Great Wyrm laughed before shaking his head. "You're too polite, don't worry it's fine, ask your Kuya Draven to bring it back to us after you're finished," he smiled, so my eyes widened as he handed me over that big red book. I cheered, skipped, and hopped towards the door and lost my balance because I didn't realize that the book was heavier than me. "E-Eep!" I squealed and closed my eyes waiting for my fall, but that didn't happen as someone caught my waist.  That hold felt so familiar that I felt safer for a moment. Why does it make my heart pound so rapidly? Am I like this to everyone? I shook my head. "Tsk, how clumsy can you be?" I heard someone whisper furiously as I slowly looked at the person who caught me. My eyes widened after seeing that ninja-looking guy with his mask on, "I-It's you! You were the guy who helped me in the enchanted forest!" I exclaimed, but that guy just hissed before placing me firmly using my waist on the side of the door. "Are you even eating, woman? I could throw you on the other side of this room easily," he coldly stated and for a moment his voice sounded so familiar. "What are you doing here, in my house?" he asked once more and before I could even open my mouth, someone called him. "Cal! You're back!" Mrs. Hailey looks like she was about to run and this ninja-looking guy looks like he glared at her and swiftly ran towards her to halt her run. "Don't run, damn it! What if you trip? Jeez, why can't women be careful?" he coldly complained before stomping his feet as he left us in the living room. "Don't mind that guy, he's a sweet pie and he didn't mean to know, mean," Mrs. Hailey giggled, so I smiled before biting my lower lip. "He must be mad because I wasn't careful," I sighed, so Mrs. Hailey shook her head before laughing at me. "Does he look mad? All I can see is he's worried," she laughed, so the Great Wyrm on my side tapped my shoulders. "They're the only ones who could understand each other," he whispered like he has a problem with it, so I giggled before nodding. He looks upset that he doesn't understand some crowds that surround his wife. "Woah, did I miss something?" a probably 40's man smiled at the crowd after he entered the house. He roamed his eyes around our surroundings as his eyes widened, "Oh! Katherine! Draven and the little boy!" he beamed after seeing the visitors inside, he greeted the small boy who ran towards him. "Oh goodness, how could you walk this early?" the man chuckled before peering at me, "Oh you must be Crystal," he smiled and I wanted to be surprised since he knows me too. "The only woman who he took interest--" "Uncle! I think that's enough chatter because-- look!" Mrs. Hailey pointed at Trevy who looked like he's about to sleep, "Our Godchild is feeling a bit sleepy, they should head home," she smiled at us before raising her eyebrows at her Uncle. Are they using mind link or something? Why does it look like they don't want to open that topic yet? I shook my head, I'm probably thinking about it a bit too much, so I just looked at the generous family once more. "Thank you so much for lending me this book and healing my sprain, it means so much to me," I raised my head before smiling at them. "Of course, we wouldn't let you have a sprain during your first day in the next few days," Mrs. Hailey sincerely said, so it made my heart flutter for a moment. They gave us bright smiles as they escorted us outside and gave Ate Kathy and Kuya Draven some privacy for him to shift into his dragon form. Someone tapped my back, so I glanced at who it was and my eyes widened after seeing Mrs. Hailey was looking at me intently, "Crystal, can I ask you something?" she sounded like she's worried about something. She motioned me to come with her on the corner, so I timidly followed her as I caught her emerald glinting eyes. It feels like I'm looking at our nature before us as she stares at me intently with those bright green eyes. "You see, my brother is probably going to attend the University at the same year as you since he wasn't exempted like me and Ash," she sighed while pacing back and forth. "I wouldn't be there this time since we're going to be busy handling some other things around the Dragon Realm, I hope that you could look after him," she held out on my hand and I couldn't help but focus more on where she was touching me. I have been blessed today being healed and touched by one of the legends in our Realm is such a great honor! Without thinking too much about it, I nodded because it would be too rude to not accept it. She personally asked for it privately, she is such a great sister. "Great! Thank you so much! My brother's name is Calyx Nyxerian Paraiso, you danced with him at my wedding, right? You probably know each other by now," she beamed, so my eyes widened. I almost forgot about that! Her brother is the man whom I danced with that night! The night that's been haunting me in my dreams! It was too late to decline as she dragged on the entrance again, telling me that we're ready to go. Oh crap! What would I do?! I just sighed and shook my head before glancing at the top of their house, I felt that someone was staring at me intently from the dark windows on their second floor. My eyes widened after seeing red glinting eyes staring at me intently from above, w-what the hell is that?! "Crystal, let's go!" I flinched after I was called by Ate Kathy, so I ran and tried to forget what I saw that specific night that almost terrified my well-being. To be continued...
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