Chapter Three - Visit

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Crystal Raine Meadows It's been days since the incident of my sprain, I'm slightly glad because I feel like I have recovered fully.  That ointment probably helped me a lot to easily recover, I couldn't help but be thankful for the help of that man. I'm still lying on my bed because I didn't feel like moving. I have then decided to stretch my joints after leaving my comfy bed.  My eyes stared at my spacious, slightly untidy room because of the pile of papers and books that I've been keeping around when I wanted some decent answers on my studies.  I should start thinking about having or making a huge desk, I'll probably need it before the new year starts at Draconis University. "Crystal!" I flinched after hearing Ate Kathy's loud voice outside of my room and she entered without knocking. "Do you want to join me to visit my friend at the flower park village? It'll help you exercise your sprain too," she asked, so my eyes widened. "Y-You mean M-Mrs. Hailey Nyx Jaden Lux?!" I exclaimed so she smirked before nodding at me. She knows that I'm a big fan of hers. She's a freaking legend! "That's right, my legendary friend, even her husband, Ash Flynn Lux," she gloated, so I just smiled at Ate Kathy. She looks proud being their friends, they must be really close back when there's chaos and everything. "She wants me to pick a house once we settle down there soon, of course, we have to move the furniture first," she shared, so I really want to envy Ate Kathy for having a friend like her. So lucky! "And I want to bring you with me because who knows? She might heal your sprain instantly, I could ask her if you want," she added, so I shook my head at her. "I wouldn't ask her for such a thing! You're being silly again, Ate Kathy," I pouted as I felt getting embarrassed when I imagined our Legendary Nyxerian Warrior did that to me, so she stuck her tongue out. "Prepare immediately or I'll leave you!" she closed the door, so I panicked as I entered the bathroom to do my morning rituals. After that, I immediately dried off myself as I wore the most decent dress I have in my closet before combing my hair near the mirror, that's the only time where I saw my face fully again. My blue eyes gleamed as the mirrors reflected on them. My lustrous jet-black curled hair falls neatly behind my back and compliments my fair skin perfectly, and I'm wearing a fitted light blue dress with white flats on the bottom. I also applied some color to my plumped lips, I don't want to look so pale right in front of the legendary people that we'll meet later on. I wanted to be as decent as possible, I just can't believe I have this chance to meet with her up close! I don't know how I'll react later on! "Crystal!" You're taking too long again!" I heard Ate Kathy called me downstairs, so I grabbed a bag with a notebook, pen, and cologne in it before slowly walking downstairs. "I'm coming! Just a moment!" my sprain has recovered, but I don't want to over-stretch it. It's slightly aching, but it's bearable. After descending downstairs, my eyes widened after seeing them dressed properly like they're going to a party. Kuya Draven and Trevy are dressed in matching red polo shirts while Ate Kathy is wearing a slightly dark blue dress like mine. Her blue hair is really shining today, it was short before and now it grew longer. It suits her really well. "Oh? I thought it was only us two that would be going there?" I quizzically tilted my head at them, so Ate Kathy just chuckled. "They wanted to come too, plus Trevy wants to see her Godmother," Ate Kathy pinched her son's nose, so the little boy just complained at her. "Mommy!" he pouted, so we all just chuckled at his cute response. I volunteered to carry Trevy because I know this was always our drill every time we went out together. It's been a year since I started living with them. Ate Kathy and Kuya Draven went outside first. It's probably because he's going to take off his clothes before changing into his dragon form and Ate Kathy will keep it. We saw a light emitting from the outside, so after it disappeared, I went out with Trevy before securely locking the doors. After I turned around, I almost gasped again upon seeing a huge dragon standing right in front of our house. Kuya Draven's dragon is so terrifying and beautiful as hell! Look at those blue scales! So pretty! "Why do you always look surprised seeing your Kuya Drave?" I flinched after hearing Ate Kathy's voice. "E-Erm, dragons are like sirens, they're beautiful but dangerous sometimes," I mumbled, so she laughed at me before getting little Trevy. "You should get used to it by now, silly! You'll find your mate soon, you're almost eighteen!" she reminded me how old I'm supposed to be months from now. "I know, but I still haven't found him so yeah, I just have to chill for a while," I confidently stated, so Ate Kathy just laughed at me. "You're a chill woman for a straight-A student, you're like Hailey, the only difference is she also excels at physical and combat skills," she stuck out her tongue to me, so I frowned at her statement. I know she's not comparing me, she just does that to push me forward because I don't have anything that drives me to do those things I have to do. That's one of the things I like about Ate Kathy. After we mounted Kuya Draven, the wind was with my hair again, the breeze felt so fresh that I wanted to close my eyes and let the skies drown me. "This feels so nice," I commented, so Ate Kathy giggled on the front while she's trying to tuck Trevy on her front. "It sure is just like always, though Trevy's been really naughty these past few days," she complained while pinching the little boy's cheeks. "Mommy! I'm not a kid anymore," he complained, so I wanted to laugh because he's just a seven-month-old baby. Though dragons mature way faster than humans, they still need to be careful at all times despite how fast they grow. "Don't be silly son, you're not even one yet," Ate Kathy scolded so they started arguing with each other like kids. I smiled because this small family looks like they're so happy with just being like this while I was abandoned and forced to stay here because my parents don't really like me despite how hard I study. "We're almost there," Ate Kathy reminded me, so I nodded and held on tight on the fins placed in the middle part of Kuya Draven's dragon. He then stopped mid-air before swiftly landing from below. Because of how high and low we tracked the skies, I felt like I was about to puke, yet the experience was always quite fantastic. It never lets you down. Despite how strong the wind was, we landed swiftly and safely. I heard Kuya Draven and Ate Kathy helped the legends of our realm a lot, so I researched about it. They were really great friends, I just couldn't believe that we're here to visit them, I'm so glad that my feet look alright now. "And down we go! Let's go meet your Godparents Trevy!" Ate Kathy cheered as they both ran on the entrance of a village. My eyes widened upon seeing how much this place had changed, my knowledge about this place was that it was burnt to ashes and there's nothing left aside from destroyed buildings. Now it appears as if a new district has been established in our realm. There were streamers and banners all surrounding the small fences of the forest, it was lively and beautiful. I would pay a lot just to live here. There were massive structures similar to houses in the district from before, but even better, this place looks like it's out of this realm! What really intrigued me there was a gigantic white fountain in the center with fresh spring water miraculously appearing from the top. I believe that one was called a fountain, I haven't seen one before but that looks so amazing! I ran over there and saw a small podium where a gold plate was placed that looks like there are ancient letters embedded over there. "The place where we were separated from each other," I read, it's written in dragon language and I'm surprised I've read it myself without a guide. It's probably because they've used easy letters, that language almost killed me before because it was hard to study, it wasn't easy. Maybe I should try studying more of it. "Wow, I'm surprised you could read it, only a few people know how to read it every time they visit this village," a man happily stated. I flinched as I thought I'm going to drown my head in that fountain, phew, that was a freaking close one. After composing myself, I slowly raised my head because that voice sounded a little bit familiar. My eyes instantly widened after seeing the Great Wyrm, Ash Flynn Lux, staring at me with his silver eyes brimming with bright energy. I instantly bowed my head, "Greetings! Great Wyrm!" I exclaimed before raising my head, he looked confused at first before laughing at the sight of me. G-Gosh! I panicked and did this freaking thing again! "You don't have to be so formal, you can relax, I'm not going to hurt you or something," he reassured, so I shook my head. "T-That's not it, it's just that, I'm really honored to be in your presence right now," I politely said, so he laughed once more before nodding at me. He looks strong despite his approachable aura. "Thank you and you must be the cousin of Kath, come in! My wife has been waiting for everyone ever since morning!" he exclaimed before running towards the biggest house inside the village. "Wife! They're here!" he shouted from the outside and gasped after seeing Ate Kathy together with Trevy, "Hey, Kath, and hey! Trevy my boy it's you!" the Great Wyrm exclaimed before stealing Trevy from Ate Kathy. "Ash! Ash! Ash!" Trevy giggled as the Great Wyrm threw and twirled him up in the air, which looked dangerous. "Just you wait! My twins will be out soon too! They'll play with you of course!" he looks excited, the Legendary Nyxerian Warrior, Hailey Nyx Jaden Lux, must be so happy that he's excited like that. "Dude, my son might puke, knock it off," Kuya Draven appeared on his side finally in his decent outfit. "B-But! He needs to fly early dude!" the Great Wyrm answered, so I wanted to laugh because he sounded like he's a kid despite their ages. "Will you calm down Ash, I'll kill you if you're too loud," we heard someone complaining as she opened the door. I almost wanted to wither away after seeing such a beautiful woman at our front, she has pure emerald eyes and beautiful long hazelnut hair. She really looks out of this world. How can someone be that gorgeous? "Kathy!" she beamed after seeing Ate Kathy on the side of the Great Wyrm, they gave each other a warm hug before they started talking with each other. She also kissed little Trevy on his head after she saw him, these couple likes children a lot. Her tummy looks so big right now, she noticed me staring at them, so she smiled before pacing towards my presence.  I immediately bowed my head, "Greetings, Legendary Nyxerian Warrior, it's an honor to be here, please pardon me for coming with my Ate's and Kuya's," I greeted, so it was silent for a moment before they started laughing. "It's been a while since I heard that title, but you don't have to be so formal with me Crystal," she softly smiled before reaching out to touch my hand. My eyes widened, "H-How do you know about my name?" I curiously asked, so she just patted my head before gesturing to their open doors. "I've been hearing great things about you, let's head inside and eat," she invited, so I nodded before walking with all of them towards the inside. Great things? From who? Ate Kathy? I just shook my head and followed them. To be continued...
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