Chapter Two - Lost

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Crystal Raine Meadows My feet were like walking and dancing in a green field as the mellow sunlight poured through the lush canopy, penetrating the leaves and spreading an extraordinary green–gold radiance across the ground. The shiny colorful trees were ancient, timeless as they vanished into the sky, rugged with age, but their roughness had been worn down by the soft greenness of moss that had gradually become their home. Strange-looking birds twittered, chirped, and called far songs to their family in the canopy. As little squirrels scurried through the foliage, a faint rustling could be heard, but it was drowned out by the bigger rustling of the leaves in the gentle blows. The breathtaking view around me couldn't be appreciated because I kept on pacing back and forth while checking my freaking map. I've been staring at the markers and pointers that I've been marking when I was still studying this, I wonder if there's something wrong with my map? "That's it, I think I'm lost," I mentally cursed myself as I confusingly stared at the map that I was holding and marked it myself. "How could I not get this?! This enchanted forest feels like a maze!" I shouted across that vast colorful woods, some familiar birds flew like they're terrified of my shrieks. I'm a straight-A student! This should be a piece of cake to me, I just shook my head and re-read the map all over again. "The tree here looks the same as...this one here, oh! That's why I'm lost," I exclaimed after finding out what's wrong. I was about to set off again when I didn't notice that huge root that I tripped onto, "O-Ouch!" I almost cried when my face hit the muddy grounds of this enchanted forest. Of all places, this where my clumsiness attacked me, why do I have to experience this pain? I can't believe this body of mine. Someone laughed, which made me stop, "W-Who's there?" I worriedly asked, groaning as I forced myself to stand up. "Calm down, a beast won't talk before they devour you," that man's voice became deep as I heard light footsteps walking towards me. "Here," I looked up and saw that he was offering his hands. I bit my lower lip before deciding to accept it, hissing when I realized that there are sparks. "Are you a human dragon?" I curiously asked, but he didn't respond to me after I got up, why is he wearing a mask? I examined his whole body, he's wearing a weird black mask and he's wearing an all-black suit that covers his entire body, even his boots are black. It shouts like he's a fan of black or something, jeez. When he let go of me, I panicked because of the pain that struck my ankle. I almost fell over until he quickly grasped my waist, but to me, it felt like it happened in slow motion. I don't why I have fantasized about it, this guy is a stranger to me, but my mind can't erase how it felt so warm and fuzzy on the insides to have his warm hands grip around my waist, his touch somehow felt familiar right there. Our eyes almost met, but he immediately avoided mine and allowed me to inhale the scent that he has. He smells nice. Mint and woods. "You're a clumsy one, eh?" his voice was deep and my heart was pounding when our bodies were pressed against each other. My eyes closed as I tried to endure the pain that I was feeling. I didn't know that I was making deep breathing sounds to calm myself down. "Does it hurt that bad?" he asked, his voice hints that he's worried about me, so I just nodded while looking from below. "I-I think I sprained my ankle," I claimed, so he carried me near a big boulder to sit and examined my ankle. He stopped for a moment when he noticed my legs, he looked like he's familiar with them before taking a good look at my face. It was hard to see his eyes because of the mask that he was wearing, but I don't know why I really feel so familiar with him. I wondered when he tilted his head at me like he was curious about me or why I was here for some unknown reason. His stares suddenly made me self-conscious, why is he staring at me like that? Does he know me too? "Why are you wearing a mask?" I asked, so he lowered his head before examining my ankle again. "Why are you in this forest? It's dangerous to be alone here," he questioned my question. Great, I'm having a great conversation here. "Why can't you answer my question? What are you even doing here? Are you training here?" I curiously asked, so he just sighed before fishing something out of his pockets. It's a small bottle and scarf. "You're just like her, so annoying," he whispered before putting an ointment on my feet and tying my right foot with some scarf. Just like who? Who the heck is he talking about? Do I know him from somewhere? "Roll it with a bottle when you get home, it'll be fine in a week or two, you're lucky it wasn't severe or it'll take months to recover," he ordered, before trying to stretch, I wanted to cry because it hurts a lot. "How am I going to school next week then? It's the opening of the new year," I whispered, slightly annoyed because of this wound, it looked like he heard it when he curiously looked at me. "You're attending Draconis University next week?" he asked, so my eyes widened because he knows the University. Sure it's the only University here, but I was still surprised. A ninja-looking guy like him knows the opening of Draconis University, is he a student there? "Y-Yeah, are you a student there too?" I asked, so he stopped for a moment before standing up. "It looks like it's really going to be an interesting year indeed, see you around, Crystal Raine Meadows," he stated before disappearing from my sight as he sprinted at the deeper woods. My eyes widened when I realized that he called me by my whole name, "How the freaking hell did you know my name?!" I screamed. It took me a few moments to realize that he really left. I'm still wondering how he managed to catch my name, have we met somewhere before? My hands clutched to my chest, there's a lingering feeling on the inside that keeps telling me that I know that ninja-looking man. I peered at his head, it had lustrous locks at the different sides of his head and its hazelnut in color, it oddly looked familiar. I just shook my head and peered at my feet, "How am I going to reach Jenny in this state?" I whispered to myself and almost flinched when a small dragon suddenly landed on my front that astounded me for a moment. "W-What? What are you doing here?" I asked the small red dragon, it's scales look like it's been used up probably because its job was to give rides to mortals in places. It didn't reply to me with words, but it just replied in a low growl before motioning his back. Oh is he asking me to ride him? "Did someone call you here?" I curiously asked so it nodded at me, I was a bit shocked that it understood me. I know that dragons have been living here a long time. It still surprises me that, like us mortals, they could adapt to this environment. Was it that man that left me here alone? I just shook my head, there's no point dwelling on that. I just have to thank that someone, someday. "Alright, may you take me back to the Woods Residence?" I asked so the small red dragon roared before patiently waiting for me to mount him. One of the best things about these small dragons is that they have adapted here a lot, so they've memorized every house and names of the people living in this Realm. "Okay, you may--Ahh!" I screamed when that small dragon immediately flew up to the sky without a warning, I gasped as I held on tightly to it. I firmly closed my eyes because I wasn't a fan of heights, so if I ever found my mate, I would be humiliated, just like some others would say. Shaking my head, I have decided to write a letter to Jenny. It'll distract me from the height below and I'll probably be sending this message using the birds in Kuya Draven's house. When I felt that the small dragon was slowly flapping its wings, I knew that we're almost there, so I held on to it so tightly. It growled slowly, so I'm guessing that it's telling me that we have arrived. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the neighborhood of Kuya Draven and Ate Kathy right before my eyes. I slowly helped myself to unmount him, "Thank you, should I pay--!" the small dragon left immediately, so I frowned. "That small dragon is so rude! Just like that man who instantly left!" I complained as I called for help outside. It was not long as I saw Ate Kathy running who looked worried about my state. "W-What happened to you?!" she worriedly asked, so I pouted before scratching the back of my head. "I-I tripped at the enchanted forest," I sighed because I'll probably receive an earful from her again, they worry so much about me because of my lacking physical abilities.  Why did I have to be knowledgeable, but lacking what's more important in our realm? Warriors are supposed to be strong and I hate to admit that's where I'm lacking so much. "What am I going to do with you, Crystal?" she solemnly asked, as she called Kuya Draven to help her carry me from the inside. "Raine! Are you alright?" I heard Trevy on my side as he hugged me, so I just smiled before nodding at him as I patted his head. "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just a sprain, nothing serious," I stated, so Kuya Draven examined my feet. "Sprains could be serious sometimes, Raine, you should be more careful, this is why I told you to exercise or even train whenever you have free time, your books wouldn't leave you!" Ate Kathy started scolding me again, so I just sighed. On the other hand, Kuya Draven looked surprised that my ankles were bandaged, "Someone tended your wounds," he claimed as he gazed among my eyes, so I flinched before playing with my fingers. "Y-Yeah, I met someone there and helped me, he was wearing ninja-looking clothes," I nervously said, so they furrowed their eyebrows in confusion. "Ninja? Why would there be a ninja inside the enchanted forest?" Ate Kathy curiously asked, so I just nodded. "Yes, weird right? But don't worry, he was the very reason why I came home here safely," I shared, so they both just nodded at me. "Will you be alright? Let me escort you to your room," Kuya Draven suggested, so Ate Kathy decided to prepare me some dinner. So much for going out today, I accepted Kuya Draven's help as he supported me on ascending upstairs, Trevy was cheering on us. If I'm still sane I think he looked a little bit upset that he couldn't do anything to help me, he doesn't have to worry though. After we arrived at my room, Kuya Draven left me to collect my thoughts as I waited for dinner to arrive. I should be thinking about myself and rolling my ankles with a bottle, but I couldn't help but think about that mysterious guy that I met in the enchanted forest a while ago. I don't know why but he feels really familiar to me. Did I meet him somewhere before? His voice sounded familiar either, I shook my head and sighed as I stared at my windows, the moon is up and I couldn't help myself but be drawn with it again. It was the same moon when I first danced with that man. I heard his name was Calyx, but I didn't know his whole name. My eyes peered at the lively village before me. We'll be leaving this place soon and live near the flower village park. Shaking my head, I closed my windows and curtains before descending on my bed. I guess I'll just have dinner tomorrow. To be continued...
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