Chapter Eighteen - Accident

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Crystal Raine Meadows As usual, my classes went well as I answered all of the recitations. I also noticed something in our room. Aside from me, Calyx also excels when he's being asked about something. We're the only ones that raise our hands when there's a question. Sometimes, I teach answers to Jenny for her to recite and let her study about it for a while, but she doesn't want to though. The second bell rang, so that means it's almost time for the field class but that also means another hell day for me. "Hey, Crystal," Liam tapped my shoulders, so I glanced at him while trying to fix my things, "Do you want me to teach you about footwork today?" he asked, so I stopped for a moment before looking at him intently. I smiled because I know that he's just concerned about me, "T-Thank you, Liam, but I have some important things to take care of today, but I'll be sure to take up your offer sometime," I replied. "What things? You should join us at the fields today Crystal, Liam can help you improve too," I flinched when Rowen popped out of nowhere, so I glanced at Jenny and she immediately knew that I was calling for help. "She has important things to do, let's go boys, see you later Crys!" Jenny beamed and dragged those boys away from me and our classroom. It feels nice that they don't want to leave without me at first, but they didn't know that I was being tutored yet. I'll just tell them when I find the right time. I don't feel comfortable telling them that. I didn't notice that Calyx and I were the only ones fixing our things inside our room until I felt his presence behind my back. "Do you always talk to many boys a lot?" I heard a firm voice that felt like it was scolding me from behind. I furrowed my eyebrows before glancing at him, "What do you mean, a lot? Those were just two 'men' and they're my friends," I explained and I don't freaking know why I am explaining these things to him. "Two is a lot if you weren't informed, we just took a physics class and the basic thing has already slipped off your mind," he coldly said before threading his bag lightly on his right shoulders. I glared at him because he doesn't make any sense, why is he so moody? I didn't do anything to him and it feels like he's pissed off at me. My mind suddenly remembered what happened a while ago when Clara approached me. I know he doesn't intend to help me, but I can't help but think that he purposely did that to help me survive the morning. "So much for thinking that you were nice for a moment," I whispered before sighing, he tilted his head at me for a moment while shaking his head. "Be sure that you're already warmed up," he ordered before pacing towards the exit, leaving our classroom. I exhaled out a lungful air before threading my bag lightly on my right shoulders, my feet dragged me at the exit as I proceeded to the special training room. After I arrived, it was quiet and the place looked ultimately clean like it was sparkling, someone must've been cleaning this room every single day. I didn't waste any more time changing my clothes and shoes before placing my clean, used ones at the locker provided on the corner. The place was so wide and it made me feel dizzy for a moment. I tied my lustrous hair in a ponytail before deciding to warm up. I thought it was a mistake, but after I warmed up, some of my sore joints were stretched and it released the stress that's been hiding on my muscles and joints. "Ah, that felt so good, my body doesn't feel heavy anymore," I beamed. I didn't notice that there was an uneven platform over there at my back and tripped myself over again. "O-Ouch what the hell? Why don't these things doesn't avoid me?" I complained while checking if I gained some scratches because if there is, I'll have to get my cream. I use a very special cream for me to avoid some scars, Ate Kathy always gives me this every birthday. She knows I need these more a lot, thanks to it, I don't gain that much scar despite having injuries all the time. "This is just a warm-up and you still can't manage to do it right?" I flinched after I heard that cold voice. If it wasn't a person, I think I'd freeze to death. I slowly glanced at him and my heart pounded after seeing that he's wearing different training clothes again, it fits his majestic body-built perfectly. Why am I finding this man so attractive? "You're done, right? Let's proceed to our training," he coldly stated before writing something on the whiteboard he brought with him again. I thought it was going to be alright because I warmed up and released some stress on my muscles a while ago. But running on a big circle inside this room made me feel so tired as my body became heavier, "C-Can I please drink some water? I-I think I'm dying," I pleaded after I finished making ten rounds. It was so hard for me to finish 10 rounds, I tripped a lot and rested on some checkpoints I'm running past. I don't think I'll survive when he mentioned that he'll add ten more for the jogging for tomorrow. "You're exaggerating, do your core and footwork," he pointed at the board without looking at me, "Be quick because we'll be having another workout routine for you," after he said those words, my eyes widened. Another?! I can't even finish this first one properly, heck even the jogging! Is he freaking serious right now? "P-Please, just one sip of water, please," I begged, but he didn't even move an inch at my request. "Do your workout and you'll drink water before the next one," he coldly stated, so I bit my lower lip before nodding at him. At least I'll be drinking after this one. I thought it was going to be easy when I did the first core and footwork workout. My frail body was so heavy and my abs ached every time I tried to do one core workout. I almost teared up because this is all too much, much worse than yesterday. Lying on the floor helplessly, I was wondering how I was able to survive that first workout. A small bottle of water appeared on my side, so I stood up immediately and drank it. I didn't even think about where it came from, but I'm just so glad that I have water filling up my body. "H-Ha, what a relief," I mumbled while trying to catch my breath as I looked for a wall for me to lean on too. My head was getting dizzy and didn't realize that I leaned on to something hard and soft at the same time. I closed my eyes as I felt that my body was almost on the verge of breaking as I leaned more on that wall. "I-I'll rest at this wall for a moment alright?" I whispered while trying to cling my arms around that wall, "J-Just a moment," I added and didn't even realize that I can't even cling my arms around that wall until I fainted. Calyx Nyexerian Paraiso She looks extremely tired probably because her body was still trying to get used to her new routines and perspiration. It's her fault why her body hurts this much, if she trained herself during her vacation and free time, she wouldn't have a hard time like this. I gave her a small bottle of water because she did great, but she didn't even thank me when she drank the whole bottle for herself. Training while drinking water for me is not recommendable, it will make you heavier, a sip of water is fine then proceed to another routine. After she drank that water, she roamed around like a drunk person like she's trying to find something where she can lean on too. I was almost surprised when she leaned on me. I wanted to push her away, but my subconscious mind doesn't want to. Something awakened inside of my body when she clings her arms around my neck and shoulders, my heart pounded that terrified me for a moment. What the hell is the meaning of this? Why am I feeling something weird inside of me whenever this woman is near me? "I-I'll rest at this wall for a moment alright?" I heard her whisper while her eyes were closed, "J-Just a moment," she added. "Wall? Do I look like a wall to you woman?" I raised my voice. I tried to push her away from me and did it so easily because her body was so light. My eyes almost widened when I realized that she fell asleep, I just sighed because this is not good when training this hard. "Woman, wake up, we still have another routine to do," I scolded, but she didn't even move or complain as she remained sleeping as if nothing happened to her a while ago. I stared at her angelic-looking face, I still remembered the first time I took a good look at her face. My hands slowly reached out to caress her cheeks. My dragon purred on the inside after feeling her warm cheeks and body this close to me. Deep inside, I knew that she was that M word that everyone forces me to look for. But I can't have her, not that there's something I need to figure out most especially about those nightmares that I'm having. She groaned and moved around so I panicked and lost a grip of her, my eyes widened when I noticed that she's about to hit the floor. I swiftly grabbed her waist, but our position was enough for me to fall on the ground with her. My hands immediately covered her head to avoid hitting the ground and didn't realize that my lips landed on something. My eyes went wide open once more as my heart thumped after I accidentally claimed her lips, it woke every single vein that's been sleeping inside of me and my body forces me to have more. It was so warm, soft, and I don't think I'll be able to leave her lips, I swiftly moved away while shaking my head. This is not right, she'll freak out once she found out that someone claimed her lips while she was sleeping. I don't want this either, I can't have this M word yet. I just can't. I looked at her lips again and stared at them intently, it's ripe like the peaches that are ready to be harvested inside of the enchanted forest and tempting me to claim it again. "I must be out of my mind," I firmly stated and leaned in to kiss her lips once more and rested my forehead against hers. The bond between us is making it hard for me not to stop touching her, I must take my leave and never do this again or she'll be in danger. "I apologize, but for a while, let me feel that you're mine because I can't have you yet," I gripped my hands before standing up. My heart is aching because of the thought that I can't have her, but I just can't, not until I find a solution to what's going on about me. I exhaled out a lungful of air before scooping her legs up, her smell embraced my nose like it was a drug that can high me up, she still smells the same when I met her the first time. "Guess I really found that M word huh?" I bitterly smiled because I didn't mind these feelings before because I thought I'll never see her again, but look at the odds? Fate must really want to piss me off for always allowing me to meet up with her, I just sighed before carrying her like she was a sack of cotton, does this woman even eat? How can someone be this light? I exited that room and proceeded to the infirmary, I asked the nurses and doctors there to take good care of her because she's just tired. After I went out, I was greeted by her friend who had this fierce look on her face like she’s accusing me of something. She gripped the hem of my polo before pulling me near her face, “What did you do to her this time?” she asked, I don’t know if she’s mad or was just worried about that woman. “She fainted,” I coldly replied. I got tired of people accusing me of things that I didn’t intentionally do. “She better tells the same excuse to me because if not, you’ll be facing my wrath,” she fumed before letting me go. I can’t help but be glad that someone like her was beside that woman, no wonder she’s that unaffected sometimes by those stupid students around here. “She must be so overjoyed having you by her side,” I whispered before leaving her there to check on her friend. On my way to my locker, my head ached for a moment as I stopped pacing and lean on some wall, my dragon is sensing something that is coming, I’m not sure if it's calling or warning me about something. Whatever it is, I have to be prepared for it. To be continued...
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