Chapter Nineteen - Flash

2589 Words
Crystal Raine Meadows I heard a lot of small voices murmuring around me as I groaned when I felt like my body was that sore. I have never been so tired in my life and we haven’t even started training on the specific skills that I should have. Due to my curiosity before, I studied how this routine will help me and it made me realize that it’ll help me be more flexible, have good stamina, and have a tight core that will help me be more feasible executing my skills and training. I slowly raised my body and lowered my head. I think I’m still lying on the floor after all that or I don’t know where I went after losing my consciousness back there. “I-I’m sorry about fainting again because of exhaustion, Calyx, I-I don’t know what’s the limit of this body,” I mumbled before raising my head. My eyes widened after seeing Jenny together with the two boys behind her back. I noticed that I wasn’t inside of the special training room, but inside the infirmary again. I secretly smiled because he probably brought me here, I stopped for a moment when I realized what I was thinking. Shaking my head, I nervously looked at the worried faces of my friends, “Crys, what do you mean the limit of your body, did he do something to you?!” Jenny exclaimed while shaking my shoulders violently. “H-Huh? What do you mean about that? I said I was--” I was stopped when Jenny slammed her fist on the edge of my bed before looking at the exit of the door. “That's it! I’ll be killing that freaking man, rude, blizzard guy!” Jenny fumed, which surprised me for a moment. What the hell? Jenny was about to leave until Rowen grabbed her waist and firmly placed her on his side, “Stay put, you still haven’t heard her explanation yet before you attack,” Rowen scolded, so Jenny just glared at him. “Jenny, what do you mean? What’s going on?” I curiously asked so she put her hand on her forehead before looking at me intently. “Did he harass you when you meant the limit of your body?” she asked, so my eyes widened at her statement. “W-What?! What makes you think I’ll let someone do that to me?!” I exclaimed, so she sighed in relief together with Liam on the back who’s just observing what’s happening. “Then why did you say sorry to him for being tired?!” I’m surprised that Jenny isn’t embarrassed by this, she must be so angry. “Because, we haven’t proceeded on a new routine today after I finished warming up and one workout routine,” I just sighed while scratching the back of my head, “He must think I’m a nuisance now,”  I bit my lower lip while playing with my fingers. “We haven’t been able to move forward because of my clumsy, frail body, I hope he’ll continue to teach me, he’s a good teacher,” I smiled for a moment and felt really bad when I realized I gave him a hard time bringing me here. “So he was telling the truth about the fact that you fainted and not doing anything that harassed you?” Jenny calmly asked so I nodded at her. “I wouldn’t be sitting in this bed calmly if something happened to me, you know that right?” I reassured her, but she just avoided her gaze at me. “You’re sure huh? You’re not being threatened not to tell it to anyone?” she interrogated me and I wanted to laugh because of her statements. She was so worried about me and I couldn’t help but be thankful for that. Jenny stared at me for a moment and even if she doesn’t tell me, I know that she believes my explanations. I reached out to her using my hand, she immediately held mine as I pulled her closer on a tight hug. “Thank you for being worried about me, thank you so much for being here as always,” I whispered, so she flinched before hugging me back. “I thought he did something that gave you a hard time, I should tell him sorry,” she sighed, so I wondered for a moment. “Why? Did you do something to him?” I curiously asked from her behind, so she just sighed before tightly hugging me. “I-I may have gripped his shirt and almost punched him, I let him go before I lost my cool,” she guiltily said, so I broke our hugs against each other before pouting. “Jenny, I love you, but please don’t let him be colder than usual and really kill me on our training,” I nervously stated, so she just shook her head before laughing. “If he did that, tell me because I’ll get back to him instantly,” she firmly stated, so I just shook my head before smiling at her. I’m really lucky to have her as my friend, fate brought us together when we met at the big library. We share the same interest when it comes to romance novels and a few educational books. “I’m confused,” we stopped after hearing Liam and glanced at him, “Are you training with Calyx, alone?” he curiously asked. So I flinched when I realized that they didn’t know about it and I accidentally talked about it with them around us. “O-Oh um, you see guys,” I glanced at Jenny, she looked like she’s apologizing to me for talking about it, so I just shook my head. I exhaled out a lungful of air before staring at those two boys, “Sorry for not telling you guys, but I...I really do have a tutor now,” I informed, Liam’s chocolate eyes widened while Rowen looked like he’s calmly taking this news. I continued explaining to them why this happened, Liam looks ultimately shocked and confused while Rowen looks like he understands it. “I see, that finally explains why Calyx was also not present either, our professors were informed and this is confidential, right?” Rowen calmly asked so I nodded at him. “Y-Yes and sorry for not telling you guys this,” I sighed before continuing, “I-I’m just too embarrassed about this matter,” Liam shook his head this time after hearing my statement. “Clearly, there’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about, it’s normal to learn and be taught by others, it’s a natural thing,” he claimed before smiling, “I wish you could’ve told us sooner, we’ll understand it,” he sounded a bit upset, so I pouted. “I’m really sorry Liam and Rowen, I promise to tell you guys ahead of time, with the rumors around me, I couldn’t help but be worried about what you guys think too,” I admitted, so they just patted my head. “We’re not that shallow plus, I kinda figured out that you two were keeping something that involves Calyx, Jen is acting weird when I ask questions about you when you’re not present at training and she always looks like she’s worried,” Rowen stated, so Jenny crossed her arms against her chest. “You can’t blame me for acting like this, I’m just really worried about my friend,” she pouted, so I just smiled at the sight of these three. Despite the troubles that I’m having and receiving, I couldn’t help but be glad that I belong in this circle of people.  “Thank you so much, guys,” I sincerely said, so they all looked at me intently before tilting their heads. They still looked confused, but I didn’t mind it as we talked about what happened with each other today. The last bell rang hours ago and they just waited for me until I woke up. It didn't take us a while until they checked me out of the infirmary, we all waved each other goodbye after reaching the main gates of the university. As usual, the red dragon was there patiently waiting for me on the exit of the main entrance. Why does it feel like it knows me already? “Crystal, hey? Is that your ride?” Liam curiously asked so I flinched before looking at him and nodded. “Y-Yes, I think so?” I replied before staring at the small red dragon, it’s staring at me and it's like waiting for me to come closer. I tried to approach other services, but that small red dragon was roaring and the other services were moving away from me. “That’s odd, it must be desperate for you to ride him,” Liam stated while massaging his chin and gasped when he remembered something. “A-Are you alright Liam? You startled me for a moment, jeez,” I clutched my chest, so he chuckled. “Sorry about that, I’m always wondering why it looks familiar,” he apologetically glanced at me, “I always see that small red dragon whenever I arrive at the university, it’s always talking to Calyx,” he explained, so my eyes widened. Calyx and this red dragon? “Are you two that close?” Liam solemnly asked so I stopped for a moment while shaking my head, close? I don’t think so. “We’re too far from that, silly!” I tapped his shoulders before approaching that small red dragon, “It’s probably a coincidence that we ride the same dragon,” I claimed, but I’m just comforting myself not to assume. After I arrived near that small dragon, I glanced at Liam because he escorted me there, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Liam,” I smiled before threading my bag lightly on my right shoulders. “Yeah, see you,” he smiled, so I reflected on it before mounting that small dragon. I glanced at him one last time before waving my hands. He gave me a small smile like he’s worried about something, “Wait, do you perhaps have time after school tomorrow?” he asked, so I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment. “U-Uh, I don’t have plans yet, why?” I curiously asked, so he smiled before scratching the back of his head. I didn’t notice this before, but Liam looks really attractive too, he must be so famous with girls, “I was wondering if you’ll go with me to visit the big library tomorrow?” he asked. I tilted my head for a moment, why does he want me to go? Maybe he wants to study together or hear my opinion about some book? I just smiled before nodding at him. "Oh really? Sur--'' I didn't finish what I was about to say when that small dragon flew up, I almost screamed, closed my eyes as I gripped at the saddle intently. "C-Crystal?!" I heard Liam's worried voice from below, but I just raised my thumbs to inform him that I was alright. I don't know if he saw it though. The small dragon flew swiftly, "Ahh! Why are you like this?! I was talking to my friend!" I complained, but the small dragon didn't mind me as it continued flying towards home. It didn't take us a while until it landed on the main gates of the Woods residence, I slowly unmounted that small dragon and crossed my arms against each other before glaring at it. "I'll not ride you next time if you continue to treat me like that," I firmly stated, the small dragon looked at me intently before averting its gaze. "Why? Why are you acting so rude all the time? Did I do something to you?" I interrogated, but the small dragon shook its scaly head. I just sighed because I don't know if this dragon understands me or what, but he looks highly guilty about it though as I hear him whining. I slowly reached out to touch its head and it just purred at my touch. The dragon looked at me before pointing its head at the entrance of Ate Kathy's house, "Oh right, I didn't actually answer Liam's question, can you wait until I finish writing this message?" I politely asked, the small dragon looked like it was not agreeing with the idea. "Wait for it or I'll not really ride you home tomorrow," I threatened, so the small dragon has no other choice but to follow me. I took out some paper and an envelope in my bag, I fished out my ballpoint pen in my skirt's pocket before proceeding to write my answer and what time we'll meet up. "There, finished," I smiled before sealing the envelope and gave it to the pocket of its saddle, "Here, have a snack for being nice for a moment," I took out a roast vegetable from my bag and gave it to that small dragon. The small dragon looked overjoyed upon receiving a snack from me, he purred and almost tried to hug me so I just laughed. "What's your name?" I curiously asked, but the dragon just looked at me intently. It looked confused with what I was saying. "Well then, if you don't have one, from now on I'll call you...Flash," I smiled and patted its head. He purred before motioning his head that he has to leave, so I just watched him fly up in the sky. I remembered a while ago that Liam mentioned that Calyx rides the same dragon as me, I couldn't help but be happy at the thought that we ride the same dragon. It's strange of me to act like this, am I starting to get interested in that cold, expressionless guy? I just shook my head and went inside the house. As usual, I was greeted by this warm family I'm currently living with, "Raine! Raine! Raine! Home!" little Trevy beamed as he ran towards to greet me. "Good evening little fella," I patted his head and he just blushed before skipping and hopping towards his dad. "Good evening Crystal, you were late, did you faint again?" Ate Kathy asked, so I scratched the back of my head before pouting my lips at her. "How did you know?" I whined, so Ate Kathy just laughed before shaking her head at me. "You remind me of Hailey so much," she giggled before pointing upstairs, "Go on, freshen up because we'll be having a delicious dinner," she ordered, so I just followed her and proceeded to my room to get changed. To be continued...
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