Visit to the Beach

2024 Words

    I woke up feeling well rested and ready to have fun.  Zach was still sleeping peacefully, so I decided to cook us some breakfast.  After I quietly climbed off the bed, I pulled my robe on, then I made my way to the bathroom.  I went through my usual morning routine, before I walked to the kitchen.     After I got a pot of coffee brewing, I whipped up some pancake mix and got started cooking our breakfast.  By the time I was done, I had prepared blueberry pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast with strawberry jelly.  I made us both a plate along with two cups of coffee, then I carried it to our bedroom.     Zach was still asleep, so I set the tray with our food on top of the dresser, then I climbed onto the bed.  I hovered my face over his, then I slid my tongue across his lips.  

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