Returning to the Beach House

2074 Words

    When we woke up the next morning, we packed our suitcases for our trip to South Carolina.  I was so excited to spend more time at our beach house.  I basically just threw my stuff in my suitcase, then packed up my sketchbook and colored pencils.  After I set my stuff by the door, I went back to our bedroom and grabbed my ukulele and acoustic guitar.     While Zach finished packing his suitcase, I gave Snowball some fresh food and water, and show my momma where I kept all of Snowball's stuff.  My mom was waiting to move in with Zeek, so she could take care of Snowball and Zach's tarantula.  The only thing she had to do for the spider was keep water in it's bowl and throw a few crickets in from time to time.     As soon as we were both done packing, Zach carried our luggage to the Alti

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