Discharged From the Hospital

2081 Words

    I spent two more nights in the hospital being pampered by the nurses, Zach, my momma, Zeek, Dexter, Skylar and Leo.  I enjoyed them doting on me, but what I wanted more than anything, was to go home and snuggle with my man in our own bed.     During my stay at the hospital, I was visited by all of my band members and Zach's band members.  Max, Jackson, Samuel and Leslie also made impromptu visits to my hospital room, as soon as they heard what was going on.       I was happy to see Jackson in better spirits than the last time I saw him.  He had a genuine smile on his face, and there was a twinkle in his eyes, like there used to be when I first met him.     By the time I was finally released, I had a room full of different flower bouquets sitting in various vases.  My momma and Zeek

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