
2053 Words

    I slipped in and out of consciousness for I don't even know how long, but it felt like an eternity.  Each time I gained a little bit of consciousness, everything looked hazy and I felt like I was in some kind of trance.  When I finally regained full consciousness, I wanted to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt so damn heavy.       After several failed attempts, my eyelids slowly fluttered open.  As soon as the sunlight hit them, I had to immediately shut them for a second.  The next time I opened them, I blinked a few times to help them adjust to the light, then I looked around.     I appeared to be in a recovery room in the hospital.  I noticed right away that Zach was hunched over with his head resting on my hospital bed, and my momma was sprawled out on a loveseat.  They were both

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