Christmas Eve

1109 Words

    My momma and I spent most of Christmas Eve baking the desserts for Christmas, and we had a blast doing it.  Zach and Zeek also enjoyed the day, since we kept taking them treats to try.       By the time we got into the evening, we had prepared chocolate fudge, peanut butter fudge, peanut butter cookies, chocolate chip cookies, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, cheesecake, and a peppermint bark.  The cabin kept the amazing aroma of our baking for the whole day, and it was awesome.     Before we left the kitchen, we also got the turkey ready to be put in the oven early in the morning.  We also went ahead and boiled the eggs that we would need for the deviled eggs.  All in all, it was a very productive day in the kitchen, and we were both happy with our progress.     When we finally

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