Christmas Night

2297 Words

    My momma and I spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner.  We had fun cooking together, and we made a great team.  By the time we were finished in the kitchen, we had prepared a whole feast that included ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, ham gravy, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, yeast rolls, homemade cranberry sauce, candied yams and cheesy tomato macaroni.     After we all sat down together at the dining table, my momma announced, "Zeek has asked me to move in with him.  Before I give him an answer, I would like to know how you two feel about that."     "I think it's a great idea," Zach immediately replied with a smile playing on his lips.     I also smiled at my momma, as I honestly stated, "If moving in with Zeek is what you want to do, I will

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