Chapter 5 Snake

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Not far away, a yellow-hair lewd man was peeping at Rosa with a dirty smile. After a moment, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called someone. "Snake, I found her." The yellow-hair man stared at Rosa, unable to hide the excitement in his tone. "Go ahead. Found who?" A gloomy voice asked on the other end of the phone. "Didn't you ask me to seek around the university town for some beautiful girls? Now our school babe is in your bar." "Really?” The man on the other end of the phone was obviously interested in the school babe. "You must not let the girl go. I’ll be there in a second.” The yellow-hair man put the phone back in his pocket, leaning on the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He smiled meaningfully; his eyes riveted on Rosa's face. After a short while, a young man walked into the bar, followed by two burly fellows in black. The young man was in an open coat and white waistcoat with a collar above his cravat, looking not bad. "Oh, good evening, Snake." The bartenders seemed to know him well. The regular customers also greeted him in a familiar way. The man who was called Snake liked to keep snakes and scorpions as pets, and even had a big rattlesnake tattooed on his arm. He was regarded as malicious and treacherous by his people. So they all called him Snake in private. When that reached his ears, he didn’t blame his people but unexpectedly liked the “nickname”. After that, he called himself Snake. He was known to be a womanizer, and even himself failed to count the women with whom he had coupled. He was a devil for female college students, especially beautiful girls. It was no exaggeration to say that he was either flirting with women or on his way to sleep with girls. His brother’s bar, Green Apple Bar, was the best place for him to hunt for targets. Seeing Snake coming, the yellow-hair man came to meet him with much bowing and scraping. "Where is the girl you said?" Snake looked around as he asked. "There." the yellow-hair man extended his hand towards the booth on the second floor. "Good! You’ll be paid off." With that, Snake asked for two cocktails from a bartender, going upstairs. His eyes fell instinctively upon Rosa as he moved to her. Her pure look and simple smile fetched him completely. He had played with a lot of girls, but it was the first time he saw such an innocent girl. He must get her tonight. He could even feel his body reacted by flooding the bloodstream with hormones. "Hello, Beautiful, can I buy you a drink?" Snake said as he showed Rosa a gentleman's smile. He felt quite good about himself. Rosa turned to look at Snake, hesitated for a moment, and finally summoned the courage to reply, "I don't drink." Her voice was small but surprisingly sweet. Snake took out a gold card from his pocket, handing it to Rosa. "This’s the gold card of Green Apple Bar. Show this card, and you can enjoy all drinks here free of charge. After drinking the wine, the card is yours." He said slowly, with a friendly smile on his face. A little annoyed, Rosa, always genial, refused him again. "I don't drink." Snake's features stiffened a little at her words. "Since you don't drink," He suddenly seized Rosa's hand as he said, "you must have me dance." "No! Let me go!" Rosa had never experienced this before. Sudden fright was in her pale face. She struggled to escape as she subconsciously looked at Ryan. "Snake has another gold card." "Gee, such a pretty girl this time." "Hush, turn it down. He’ll hear you." The onlookers only dared to talk quietly from a distance. They could not afford to offend the local villain by helping that girl. "She said no. Can’t you hear?" A booming voice cut in at this moment. Rosa blankly watched the familiar figure pushing away the man in front of her. Snake stumbled and all but fell. "Who the hell are you!" cried Snake, angrily. Ryan’s young face hardened. He pulled Rosa behind him, looking at Snake, and said loudly, "You jerk! She’s my girlfriend!" "Damn! Do you know who I am? I’ll kick your ass!" Snake hurled threats at Ryan with an angry vicious expression on his face. "This student is amazing." "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers." "The boy reminds me of my youth." "Puny though he looks, he’s as brave as a lion." "All is up with this boy. Snake will break his arm." The imminent fight inevitably attracted a crowd. There were always people who asked nothing better than to become spectators. Perry and the others had noticed. However, Ryan stopped them with an eye. "Break his legs!" Snake waved to his men as he ordered. Then, he turned to sit in the booth, tilting his legs, and lighted himself a cigar. “Yes, Boss.” The black-clothed men behind Snake responded and advanced, aiming at Ryan's legs and abdomen respectively. Ryan sidestepped the oncoming big men just in time before he punched another attacker in the chest. The attacker was knocked down in the cheers of the crowd. Next came Ryan's showtime. In an instant, Snake’s fellows were all sprawling on the floor. His quick moves astonished all. The crowd didn't expect the student to be so powerful. Snake was so stunned and embarrassed that he didn't even react when the unfinished cigar burned his finger. "Damn it!" He cursed, turning to sneak away for assistance. Ryan discovered his escape, charged him, and kicked him in the stomach. Before Snake cried out, Ryan punched him in the eye and then picked up him by the collar, glowering at him. "I don't care if you are a snake or an earthworm, stop pestering my girlfriend again, or I’ll break your neck," said Ryan, violently. "Do stop fighting, boy! His men are coming." Someone in the crowd kindly reminded Ryan. Rapid footsteps hurried into the bar. Ryan threw Snake away and took Rosa's hand. He didn't forget to give Perry and his friends a gesture, telling them not to worry about him, before he ran out of the backdoor. Snake got up from the ground, shamed into anger. He was pissed off when he heard the crowd whisper that he couldn’t even beat a student. Covering the black eye with one hand and pointing the backdoor where Ryan ran out, he shouted to his people who just arrived, "Hurry up and catch them!" Snake was helped to the entrance of the bar. Leaning at the wall, he watched the back of his men disappear at the end of the street with a sullen face. "Boy, wait and see," he said gloomily. A slow sly smile crept around the corner of his mouth.  
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