Chapter 6 They just want to sleep with me

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"I…I really can't run…" Rosa stopped after following Ryan through a maze of narrow alleys, panting for breath. Ryan looked around. Luckily, no one was after them. "There's a park over there. Let's go and have a rest." With that, he led Rosa to a good hiding place under a green elm. After they sat on the grass, Ryan looked worriedly at Rosa and found that her pink face was covered with sweat. He took out the tissue and handed it to her. "Dry your face," he said softly. "Thank you," Rosa took the tissue and said in a low voice. She brushed the damp hair away from her heated face and gently mopped her forehead with the tissue. Her other hand was still clasped in Ryan’s. Ryan stared at her graceful movements in a daze. "Let go," Rosa whispered. The feeling of being held by a man’s warm hand made her flushed with embarrassment. She slightly struggled to get her hand free. "What?" Ryan sat next to her as bold as brass and refused to let her go. Rosa did not speak but looked at their joined hands. "Huh..." Ryan let go of his hand, beaming with good-nature. "We might as well send a message to our friends so that they don’t have to worry about us." "Yeah." Rosa sent a message to Gloria, and Ryan also let Perry know they were alright. "Do you often fight?" Rosa asked curiously. “Well,” Ryan rolled his eyes with a studied effect of eagerness, joking, "I learned Chinese kungfu in my dream. You see that?" "Personally, I don't see it." Rosa giggled. For some reason, they all felt that the relationship between them advanced after what happened in the bar. After an impressive silence, Ryan fished out a cigarette and lit it up. He puffed twice but suddenly paused when a soft cough touched his ears. He squashed out the cigarette in a hurry and threw it away. Ryan was used to spending days and nights with his computer and didn’t know what to do when alone with a girl. "Sorry, I..." He stammered a dry apology, scratching his head in embarrassment. Amused by his simplicity, Rosa broke into a snigger. It was hard to believe the bashful young man in front of her was the same one who felled his enemy with a single blow. “It’s fine,” she said, tucking her blonde hair behind her ears, and her eyebrows were curved like new moons. Ryan looked at her smile and understood why a beautiful woman could outshine the moon and puts the flowers to shame. Her beauty captured him easily. "Well, just thanks, Ryan, for your help tonight." "Oh, uh... never mind." Ryan shrugged his shoulders. "By the way, we probably get in some trouble. Will those people find us in our school tomorrow? What do you say?" Rosa asked with some worry. "Don't worry, they dare not make trouble in the school.” Ryan smiled and said, “Just be careful when going out. Besides, I will protect you. Don't be afraid." Rosa looked at Ryan, her heart pounding against her chest. "Why are you so good to me," she asked quietly. No one except her parents had treated her so nice. She was an introvert and always hated parties, never being one to push herself. Though she was beautiful, few girls were willing to be friends with her. Loneliness always stalked her. She had tried to change and wanted to be integrated into the school community. But everyone was ostracizing her except Gloria, her roommate. Nobody knew how lonely she had been. A sudden sadness swept over her and she lowered her head. Ryan seemed bewildered, not knowing why she looked so unhappy. "We are friends," he whispered in a soft tone. That was exactly what he thought. He simply took her as his first different-s*x friend, and he helped her without other intent. Rosa raised her head. Her eyes brightened when she heard the word "friend". Maybe it was nothing to others, but it was a little strange to her. Ryan didn't say anything more but just looked at her quietly. After a while, Rosa bit her lip and murmured, "Yes, we are friends. You know, you are my first friend." "How come? I don’t believe you. You’re so beautiful." Ryan’s slow smile conveyed disbelief. "Really, girls all shut me out.” Rosa puffed out her cheeks and frowned slightly. “Yeah, boys like me, but they just want to sleep with me." Ryan stared at her with surprise. He didn't expect such a gentle girl to say such a statement. It seemed that she was not just a dumb blonde as he had thought. Rosa seemed to realize that she had said something rude. Red in the face, she clasped her knee with her hands, burying her head in her knees. Men want to sleep with you. Am I not a boy? Ryan shook his head, amused and vexed. Because I look like an honest man? In silence, Rosa bit her lips, glancing at Ryan secretly. Suddenly, there came the faint sound of a moan from the park trees behind. They looked back at the same time, but no one was seen. "Who is there!" Ryan shouted. "Someone!" A nervous female voice cried. Immediately a man’s gruff called, "Hey, guy, why don’t you change a place?" Rosa and Ryan immediately understood what the man and the woman behind them were doing. Rosa blushed fiery red. She wished she could hide her head under her collar. Ryan was embarrassed too. He didn’t expect he would come into a roll-in-the-hay in a park. The world must be laughing at me for not having a girlfriend, He grumbled. "It’s getting late. Let’s go back to school," he said to Rosa, pretending not to know what happened. In the taxi, they exchanged phone numbers and agreed to keep in contact. After returning to school, Ryan sent Rosa to the girls’ dormitory before he went back to his dormitory. Shortly after entered the door, Ryan received a message from Rosa saying good night with a blush face emoji. He smiled and replied a good night with a sleepy face. The other three boys gathered around.  "You all right?" Perry asked with concern. Changing into his slippers, Ryan said simply, "I’m fine." "Cool, guy, we never know you can fight." “And pick up girls.” "Yeah, you’re good. We shouldn’t have worried about you." They said as they pushed Ryan down on his bed, pressing him heavily to prevent him from moving. "You need to be honest, man. Where did you go with Rosa tonight?" "Did you kiss?" Victor asked with a smirk. "No, of course not! Knock it off, guys. I'm trying to sleep!" Ryan stretched out his hand to push them away, but his roommates didn’t believe him. They chatted and laughed and didn’t go to bed until after midnight.
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