Chapter Four : Did he see me naked.

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Chapter four : Did he see me naked Jane Pov Out of nowhere someone just jumped in front of me and I knew who it was . But I didn't realize that I would let out a curse without even realizing it. Normally I would say what the fudge or oh fudge nuggets. I realized I cursed once again in front of Scott. I wished I could just die right now. " what do you want", my blood still boiling from the other day. I knew he  could sense that with my statement it was said harshly. " hey don't get angry. I kept on calling you but you didn't answer me." , he struggled to explain. " ok ok . What do you want . Do you have something to say". I was still irritated at him. " well yes I do . Why didn't you talk to me at all today, you talked to all of my brothers except me" , he said in annoyance. I looked at him trying to figure him out . " oh and if you think I am done there is one more thing that is on my mind that has been bothering since you arrived and shared the cookies", he said in an angry tone . At that moment I knew he was talking about the cookies and he figured out that I had put wasabi in them. It is either that or he was just trying to get me mad. " what do you mean", I struggled to ask. " oh really". Why did you put wasabi in the cinnamon cookies" , he asked angrily. At the moment he said that I recalled what had happen this morning, I tried to not laugh but I couldn't keep it in for any longer . And at an instance I started laughing like crazy. "Stoooppppppp", he yelled. I looked at him trying to figure out his facial expression . Then I realize that he was mad. Scott Pov when I asked her about the cookies , I noticed that she was trying to not laugh . And at a point she couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and she just bursted out laughing she even let out a snort but she didn't let that stop her from laughing. At first it was nice seeing her laugh other than being angry at something I say , but then it got to a point where she couldn't stop laughing and I got mad at her . Out of nowhere I yelled at her. I was shocked at what I just done, I never yell at no one except for persons I beat up. All I heard she said was , " did you just yell at me." At that moment I knew she would start to fight and yell at me. " Well if you weren't being a i***t and you were a little nice to me then I wouldn't have put wasabi in the cookies ."she said very angry. "What do you mean I was nice to you" , I said trying to explain as calmly as possible. " oh so you think calling someone a b***h and just show up at the mall where all of my friends were and didn't even apologise for what you done" , she said angry. From what I see every time I talk to her she is always angry at me. " Fine lets start over and can we be friends" , I said trying to make her agree After a while she said , " ok lets start over." We both did our introductions there was something on my mind that I wanted to ask her. " why do you listen to a 2011 song when we are in 2018" All that could come out of her was , " when the time is ready I will tell you". I wonder to my self that there is more to this girl than she is right now. At that moment I remembered when her friend Jennifer had said at the mall. Well maybe she went through more than what I been through . We talked a bit and trying to clear with what had happened between us this past weekend. After about a couple of minutes of talking-to her, her phone had started ringing the ring tone was the Justin Bieber song 2u.when she answers she said , " hey bud what's up" . I  realize it was her brother, then she started telling him that she is ok and everything is fine she ended the call with telling him she is coming home . I wondered why her brother was so protective of her when she can fight . Plus she kick like a WWE wrestler , dang my face hurt because of that. When she finished the call she said , " I better get going now". She got up to walk back and I followed behind her , I noticed that she waited for me, the both of us talked while going home we talked about her school she told me everything I must know about. When we arrived at our house she ran quickly before I could say goodnight  to her . I began thinking maybe she just put up with my behavior because she knew her brother would call. I walked in the kitchen to find mom making one of her best smoothies. I asked her why she was making smoothies she said she wanted to make something sweet tonight . I told her I would be up in my room, when I went to my room I texted Colt telling I was bored and if he can come over . Colt is my best friend since we were in kinder garden , so he was always the first one I would call when I am feeling bad about anything he was always there for me . I laid my phone on the bed and looked out of my window when I noticed that Jane room was exactly opposite to mine. I watched as she ran into the room with full speed then she dropped onto her bed . Her door opened and I saw her brother and mom walked in with some water in their hand . I heard her scream saying, "oh my god guys this isn't right you know. You could wet my bed". All I know is that her brother held her legs and then pulled her down while her mother poured the water on top of her . She screamed again , " Jesus that is cold". Her brother and mom started to laugh then her mom said, " Jack clean this up quickly". " but you made the mess and it's her room" , he  whinnied . She started to jeered him before she ran in the bathroom when she left I saw jack cleaned up the mess and left the room. After a few minutes I saw her came out of the bathroomwith a towel wrapped around her . My eyes were so focused on her .  I was shocked at what I was seeing and was brought back to colt shouldering me asking me if I am day dreaming .when I looked back over to her room I noticed she was gone. I turned back to face colt and saw him getting comfortable near my Xbox , and he signaled me to come over. I went over to play with him but one thing is for sure I couldn't stop thinking about her . I even remember her friend saying that she used to wear makeup and dressed up to her best. I wonder why has she changed and what caused her to changed. I brushed off my thoughts and went towards colt. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Jane Pov when we reached in front of their lawn I rushed to my home quickly without saying goodbye. I felt so bad at what I had just done , but it was for the best I don't want people to know about my past and I am afraid what will happen if I let out everything. When I got home I took of my coat and place it on the sofa trying to look for them , but couldn't find them. So I went in the kitchen to get something to eat from the fridge , as I opened the fridge to grab a yogurt I heard footsteps behind me I saw my mom and my brother with a ice bucket full with ice as soon as they tried to throw the ice on me I made a run for it behind the island . While they were filling the bucket again with more ice I crawled over and scoop up some ice and place it into both of their shirts that made them shiver so much . " Janeee that's cold." , they both yell in union . " it's payback time." , my brother said with his game face on. " O oh", I said quickly. And then I sprint upstairs towards my hearing my mom and brother laughing behind. I ran in my bedroom closing the door behind me and I dropped on my bed. They were different taught going through my head one of which how did Scott know that I went through something bad and does he know about my past. My taughts  were interrupted by my mom and jack bursting in the room with the ice bucket in their hand . They were about to throw it on me while I  was on the bed but I pleaded so hard that I think our neighbors can hear us . I taught they would stop but all I know is that I felt a pair of hands grabbed my legs and pulled me to the ground and at a point I realize it was jack's hands that pulled me down. When I looked up at my mom and her leaning the bucket ice towards me and in an instant there were all over my fluffy carpet some of which were in my clothes and around my legs. My mom left smiling and yelling telling jack to clean up the mess. While he was cleaning I decided to take a shower . I went in the bathroom and plugged in my iPhone to the Bluetooth speakers and played some music I decided not to play it too loud this time ,because we have neighbors now and I wouldn't want to disturb them .So instead of putting it to 30 I lower it to 15. I started to fell more cold , so I removed my clothes and step in the shower I decided to turn the water temperature to warm . When the music started to play I realized it Demi Lovato's sorry not sorry playing that was when I started to singalong and out of nowhere I started to dance. As soon as I realized I was dancing I stopped immediately because I started to remember that day two years ago. I carried on with my shower and when I got out I realised I didn't bring my clothes in with me. I had decided to have my clothes in the bathroom because since we have neighbors I wouldn't want them see their newly neighbour naked . So I collected my towel and wrapped it around me and I unplugged my phone from the speakers and went inside my room .I was praying that no one saw me. I went to my dresser and stoop down to the last draw and pulled out some purple and white polka dot pajama. I quickly changed in them , as turned I saw that my window that was right next to the Sullivan's home was opened . I decided to go and lock it , when I reached to pull it down I saw that Scott and his friend were talking. There were different taughts going through my head right now. The first taught I had was did he see me naked, and rest of taughts were related to me naked . I told my self , "calm down Jane maybe he just walked in because his friend still had his coat on". With that I was able to calm down a little bit. I  was interrupted with mom yelling , " jane come down for dinner". I was so puzzled at that because mom never cooks . So I left immediately to find out what was happening downstairs and from what I know my mother never cooks . when I got downstairs I saw mom dishing out food and jack setting up the table, this was somewhat weird because we never use the dining table . " hey guys are we having company for dinner", I asked trying to figure out the situation that was going on. " yes mom invited the Sullivan's", jack said excitedly. " oh cool I answered" , I answered a bit excited and a bit shocked. After a couple of minutes the door bell rang and all of the Sullivan's family came except for Scott they had sat down to start eat . Luke sat to my right and Jack sat to my left as they were talking Scott came in with his friend and I heard my mom say, " we don't have space for another one , but wait I  will make space". After she had said that my phone had vibrated on the table in front of me. When I picked up the phone there was a message from an unknow number. It said , I know what happen to you two years ago, and you know me and you are the only one who I can't wait to meet you again babe" . I was so scared at the message I gained my confidence and I showed jack the message. When I looked that at him I saw that he was furious . I turned to mom and Scott friend , " hey you can take my seat I am not feeling that hungry and I am tired". My mom looked at me worried and she was trying to figure me out then she looked at jack and she realized that something is wrong. " ok sweet heart go and rest a bit when we finished eating dinner I call you to chat with the others". I got up and went upstairs and I saw jack whispering to mom in the kitchen , that is when I assume that he told her everything . When I reached upstairs I heard my mom say , " could you excuse us for a second I need to go for the wine it is upstairs" , she said trying to explain . " go and check on your daughter I know something is wrong with her and if you need help call me", Mrs. Sullivan said calming my mom down. I went to my room and sat on my bed and after a couple of seconds mom and Jack came in the room and all that I know was that my mom had her hands around me saying , " you will get through this you have Olsen's blood in you are a fighter not a whimp". When she said that I started to cry out of nowhere ."how did you know", I asked her while sobbing . I was sure that the people downstairs could hear me crying . " Jack told me" , she said . I  looked at Jack wondering why he did it when I told him not to . " sis you have been keeping it in you for so long you even changed your character you are not the same as before", he said trying to calm me down. " why didn't you tell me . You know you could always come to me", mom said trying to hold back her tears . " I know . But I didn't want you to worry about me", I said still sobbing . " I will always worry about you are my only daughter and to that my favorite child", she said trying to make me laugh . Jack yelled , " mommm". " ok good are you ok to come down and eat. I don't want you to starve you know" , mom said trying to make me laugh . I decided to go downstairs to eat , I got off the bed and fixed myself and saw that Jack was standing next to the door . "what " , I asked trying to let him speak . " hey sis there is something that I need to tell you. I might have kind of told Mrs. Sullivan too" , he said trying to explain . When he looked at me he knew I was angry and he dashed out the room running downstairs yelling , " the lion has escape her cage . Mom save me from her she is going to kill me.", he said while running downstairs . I ran downstairs behind him and he ran into the living room . I knew that everyone were looking at us. " why did you blab", I said being very furious . "I didn't blab", he said quietly. " oh really you big mouth all you do is blab about everything", I said still being mad. " I don't blab about everything. Oh and yes you blab about my secrets", he said getting a bit angry. " oh so I talk blab your secrets" , getting a bit agitated. " well you wont mind if i blab something else", i said getting a bit angry Does mom know who your girlfriend is right now", I said getting more angry . " you wouldn't" , he said already knowing the answer. " watch me . Oh and before I tell  her I have something else to say , does mom know that you lost your", I didn't get to finish because mom yelled and say , "ok you two monkeys come face to face and hug and apologise " ,she yelled . " mom you know she is not going to apologize she will do one of her karate stunts on me", he said knowing very well about what will happen. " I don't care about that . We have guests and the two of you are making me look like a bad show host", she said getting angry. We both hug and apologize and then I tripped him on the ground making him fall backwards and land on his butt. " now we are even" , I said excitedly. " mom", he yelled . We both got up and went and sit down but Colt had already taken my seat . The only seat that was left was right next toScott and I decided to take it. " I hope everything is ok", Mrs. Sullivan said knowing what had happened. I taught to myself why now what does he want . I decided that I should text my grandfather my mom's father. And tell him everything that happened. " Jane do you want me to ask my husband to help you get some body guards", Mrs .Sullivan said sounding concerned . "it is ok Mrs. Sullivan I am a black belt and plus my grand father is an multi billionaire in England ", I told her making her stop from asking any questions it is the only way together to stop insisting . I don't like using grandpapa name but it comes in use sometimes. To me she realized something but she doesn't talk about it . They all looked at me around the table, " well do you people seriously don't know that I was trained by my grandfather when I was younger . Plus all of us can fight and use a gun and this house is bullet proof", I said trying to make them understand. They were all amazed at what I had said. " hey mom grand pa said that he will be here in an hour", I said very excited . When I looked at them I could see that they were far from shocked, " hey he is actually vey nice I am even sure that Mr. Sullivan has done business with him", I said making the munderstand. They all looked at me like I was talking Spanish " we are famous Olsen family the one's that are loaded with money and have various company worldwide", I said making them understand more . I hate doing this , whenever anyone asked about my mom's family it was hard for them to understand I don't know why but it was just hard to explain. Now that they understand what we were talking about theystarted to eat dinner, when we finished our dinner we cleared the table and washed the dishes. And out of nowhere Scott pulled me over and introduced me to his friend . As we were doing the introductions we were interrupted by the door bell. so mom went and answered it. To my surprise it was my cousin Jackson and my grandpa at the door .I ran towards them with my arms open making it look like I am going to hug Jackson as soon as I was about 1 cm away I ducked and hugged my grandfather . Making everybody laugh , " aunt Beatrice you are the only one that love me I finally meet her in five months and she doesn't even hug me she just curse me", Jackson said trying to sound sad. " well you came fast", I said excitedly. " well actually when you texted I was at the  house and I accidently told these idiots that I will be coming here and they were behaving like little children", he said giggling . We all were happy even mom because for 10 years grand father didn't talk to her because of my father and he knew something was wrong with that man. But now they are back to the same father daughter relationship they had before. As I was walking over to the Sullivan's I yelled to Jackson , " hey jackass go eat some food ". I said to Jackson seeing that he was sad .I went and introduced the Sullivan's to my grandfather, when I was finished I ran and jumped on Jackson back , " hey you are heavy", Jackson shouted. " I know but do you know I love you", I said sarcastically. "hey Jane do you want to go for a race", Jackson said. " no bro I am not ready as yet", I said quietly. Everyone enjoyed their selves their I am even friends with colt he was so charming so I now call him prince charming and he calls me his karate princess. I couldn't help but to cringe at that when he gave me that name. When everyone left I told my grandfather what happened ,all that he said was ok and that he would have his top bodyguards watching me 24/7 . " oh and you have to take Jackson with you so that nothing goes wrong at all", he said in his protective way. " who is going to protect who", I said sarcastically. Everyone burst out laughing. And don't forget to drive the new car I got you , it will be better if you drive and pick up Jackson the both of you will go to school together, he said. When I got to bed later that night I was wondering whether Scott saw me naked or not. I prayed that he didn't. Scott Pov The entire night at Jane's house was amazing but I didn't know what was going on with her she even asked her mom to go to bed early. When I looked at her mom she herself didn't know what was going on but when I looked at her brother he looked so furious, it was like he knew exactly what was going on. Her mother called her brother and asked him what happened all that I could make out of the conversation was that , " I promised her that I wouldn't tell you . And she said that she didn't want you to worry about her because she knew how busy you are and she can finally see that you were happy." After he said that he started whispering and telling her something and then she excused herself to see her daughter . My mom even volunteer to help it left me thinking what had happened to her that even my mom knew. After a couple of minutes all of us could hear her crying so hard , I wanted to comfort her but I was wondering what will happen if I do. After a few minutes the crying stopped and her mother came downstairs all that could hear was a Jack yelling and Jane running after him . All that they did was argue at one another until it got intense and she started to call him a blab it was so funny when they were fighting. They stopped when MISS. Olsen told them to apologize. They both apologize and all I know was that jane tripped him on the ground and he let out a groan and she said now we are even. Colt and her are good friends they even have nicknames for each other he called her karate princess and she called him prince charming. When I got home I asked mom a question in which she couldn't refuse to answer " hey mom if Jane's family is super rich why does she and her family only live in a simple house and not a mansion like us" , I asked being puzzled at what happened . " well since I knew Jane's mom she never depend on anyone's help. She always want to earn everything on her own she never wanted to live off her father. Oh and Scott Jane is the same as her mom she doesn't depend on anyone but whenever she is sad she wants someone to be there to comfort her", my mom said patting me behind my back . " hey mom how do you know all of that", I asked being questionable about the whole situation. " her brother told me." , my mom sighed and walked upstairs. I decided to go to bed . Whilst lying on my bed I wanted to know more about Jane; their were different sides that I seen in her and I felt like I need to see more.
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