When Heroes Get Punked

3051 Words
A ding disturbed Poet's slumber.  Rising from her disgusting nest of blankets and self-pity, she stumped her flannel shirt clad self over to her computer.  A large cat followed the Fabulous Female from their shared resting place, meowing for attention.  Poet ignored her roommate as she glared at her monitor.  An E-mail notification blinked annoyingly at her. Probably just another vaguely threatening reminder to sit tight and behave.  As if I can do anything else, Damn Mastermind.  He was always out of my league.  I was just a diversion. An entertainment.  Of no more importance than an escort.  Someone you pay so that you can use them and forget.  Now I'm a laughing stock, all I've done forgotten and invalidated.  Even that Camera Woman was caught up in the fallout.  They dragged her through the mud.  All that human wreckage, simply to alleviate his boredom.  And then he has the nerve to just vanish.  Dooming me to these four walls. Dutifully she clicked on the update, to her surprise it was not from Ultraman. "What does one of the founder's want with me?" She wondered aloud to her cat, "especially Arcane.  No one's even seen him in years.  When the founders went inactive he just vanished." Opening the E-mail, her eyes widened at the contents. "Dear Poet," She muttered, picking up her grey speckled tom, "I have recently come across a group of Novices that have, like you, been sidelined by Ultraman.  Someone I have my own reasons for not approving off.  I was wondering if you would like to help me train them?  I have sent their files via attachment to this communication." Pausing to spit at the mention of Ultraman, she scratched her pet's ears, "Gotta wonder what Ultraman did to piss off one of the founders, even an honorary one.  Eh, Lou?  The Buff Buffon would normally have his nose wedged firmly up Arcane's ass." Going back to the email, she continued narrating to Lou, "I think the two of us could train these individuals to exceed the current expectations placed upon them.  If you chose to accept, you will be transported via portal to the training grounds and then returned to your apartment in the same manner.  Thus concerns for your safety will be addressed.  I will need your answer by the end of the week.  Contact me via this E-mail, Sincerely Arcane" Leaning back in her chair, Poet hugged Lou tightly.   Exceed their current expectations.  I imagine those expectations are zero if Ultraman disapproves of them,.  Getting out of my apartment would be nice.  Especially with all 'the concerns for my safety addressed' A paw tapping her arm drawing her from her thoughts.  Glancing down Lou rumbled a meow and licked his chops.  Poet chuckled at her friend's antics. "Alright Lou, Time for breakfast," she chuckled. Dropping her fuzzy friend from her arms, she walked into her cluttered kitchen.  Smelling various open takeout containers, she snatched the one that had the least amount of maggots.   Shoveling some food into her mouth, she munched happily as she grabbed Lou's preferred cat food.  Opening the can, she plopped the wet kitty ambrosia into his dish.  Lou darted forward, purring as he consumed his food alongside his human friend. Looking down at the large cat, Poet allowed herself a moment of hope. "You know Lou," She laughed, "I think this training thing might be exactly what I need," ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mastermind smiled as he pulled his senses out of Poet's cat.  Chuckling to himself, he went back to his own personal project.  Looking up at several screens he observed several years of footage.  Entirely made up of  Ultraman's bad behavior.  Female heroes forced to degrade themselves before him, members of Non-human races blocked from advancement, and a host of other despicable incompetencies.   "And they call me a Villain," He snarled, "I see why Poet was so mad.  With this vile thing in charge, it is a wonder that the Leauge hasn't fallen under the scandal." I am still quite unhappy that she would place me among this number.   Silently continuing to watching Ultraman's actions, he shook his head.   I threw those fights as a reward for thwarting me.  Not because she was weaker.  Everyone is weaker than me.  I told the other villains hands off to prevent poaching and assert dominance.  Her being a woman never entered into the equation.  She's my nemesis, not theirs.  That reminds me I still have to find out who pointed Deviant in my direction.  He was not smart enough to do so on his own.  Such insults must be answered.  But my apology to Poet must come first. Changing his search parameters, he widened his gaze. "For this to continue there has to be someone that cleans up the mess," Mastermind reasoned, "that quiets the complaints, that discredits the whistle-blowers or silences them.  Find the janitor and Ultraman's fall will be assured." Soon, patterns began to form before the Lord Of The Villains. "Two Janitors," Mastermind smiled, "One that uses kind threats to silence and the other that uses less savory methods.  Both doing what they feel is for the greater good." Mastermind leaned back in his chair, "There is nothing more dangerous than the greater good, but those that pursue it can be turned.  I merely have to work that Greater Good to my favor.  Then they'll cast out Ultraman like the filth he is.  What a splendid apology gift for Poet." Intoning a word, he summoned two of his most trusted Henchman. Handing the masked minions the flash drive, he rose from his chair. "Agents 1 and 2, I need you to deliver copies of this USB Drive to the two men on the screens behind me.  Make sure you're not seen.  Afterward, I want Agent 1 to follow the first and Agent 2 to follow the second.  Report to me about their actions.  Go, and do as I command." Gone in a moment, Agent 1 and 2 moved out in silence.  Mastermind smiled. "Those two have never failed, I think they were just as annoyed by Poet's house arrest as I was.  She was the only one that ever could take them." A ding from his computer called his attention, an Email he was happy to answer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poet once more sat before her computer, her flannel shirt exchanged for a clean blouse and comfortable jeans.  The dirt was gone from her skin and her red leather jacket once more hung from her shoulders.  The biohazard that had threatened to consume her apartment had been dealt with.  Rereading her E-mail aloud for the tenth time, she checked for errors. "Dear Arcane," She began, "I would be delighted to train the selected Novices.  After reviewing their files I believe I have a lot I can teach them.  I look forward to meeting you in person to coordinate with any plans you might have.  Sincerely Poet." "Well Lou," She quipped as she hit send, "nothing to do but wait for the reply." Leaning back in her chair, she laced her hands behind her head.  Closing her eyes, she rested. A ding echoed out into her apartment, disturbing her peace.  Shooting forward, Poet windmilled her arms as she tried to reestablish her balance.  Grasping her mouse she pulled herself forward as her feet thudded into the ground.  Calling up the email she eagerly devoured its contents. "Dear Poet," she narrated to her cat, "I look forward to working with you.  We will be starting the week after next.  However, due to energy constraints on the Portals, I  will need to monitor them from my sanctum.  Afterward, I will be too exhausted to assist.  Therefore I propose a rotating schedule.  Three days on and three days off.  I will be taking the first shift to assure that there are no complications or objections to our project.  In this way, your time will not be wasted on such minutiae and you can go right into training them.  I regret that I will not be meeting you in person, but if you have any concerns or questions you can reach me at this email.  It is the best way to contact me.   Sincerely Arcane." Silence reigned within the Apartment as Poet read the Email, then read it several more times.  Lou's grumbling meow disturbed his human's shock. "I am going to be working with one of the Founders," Poet stated, "And I get to stick it to the Dumb Deuce too.  Oh Lou, Pinch me I must be dreaming.  It must be Christmas or my birthday." Lou weaved himself between Poet's ankles, a low rumbling purr vibrating up her legs.  Finally, his den mate was banishing her cloudy days. --------------------------------- Mastermind smiled, "Operation: Poet Apology is a go." Looking once more at the screens full of the crimes committed by the world's greatest hero, Mastermind glared. "The Founders would be horrified to know what has become of their organization.  I may only hold that title for honorary reasons, but what I will do next is for them as well.  It is time for a purge." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcane strode into the central offices of the Hero Leauge.  Teleporting around security, he marched directly to Ultraman's office. A blonde woman behind a mahogany desk rose to intercept him.  Arcane paused only long enough to glare her back into her seat. Flicking his hand forward, Arcane blew the door open.  The slam had Ultraman jumping to his feet.  Circles of binding froze the hero as Arcane entered the room. "Arcane its an hon-" Ultraman began, before a latice of magical energy muzzled him. "Shut it," Arcane silenced him, "I don't have time for your niceties.  I am insanely busy.  Already you have put me behind schedule.  I have found a group of novice heroes that I have taken an interest in." Plopping the files down on Ultraman's desk, Arcane continued steamrolling the helpless hero. "I will be coordinating with the heroine Poet in their training.  You will stay out of our way.  Those novices are mine and Poet's, if I find that you interfered in their training in any way I will be most cross.  Do you understand?" Ultraman nodded, the muzzle preventing speech. "Good. I have already arranged things so that Poet's safety is taken into account.  I have all the access and resources we need.  You will have no objections or questions.  Do You Understand?" Again a silent nod was Arcane's answer. "Excellent!" Arcane praised, "It is so good when the young generations listen to their Elders.  Oh and one more thing.  I have heard some distressing rumors about the policies and practices of the current Hero Leauge.  As one of the founders, even an honorary one, it is my duty to look into them.  I would love to find them to be a case of misunderstanding or innocent mistakes." Not waiting for an answer, Arcane turned on his heel.  Gesturing briefly, the restraints on Ultraman were released, sending the hero crashing into his chair.  The baffled number one hero shuddered as Arcane disappeared into the Central Offices.   "What in the name of the founders was that all about?" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mastermind chuckled as he meandered towards the training facility. Now that I've rattled Ultraman's cage, I can look into why I truly am here. Descending down into the labyrinthine passageways that made up Hero Central, Mastermind headed for the training facilities.  Smiling at the young woman behind the desk, he began his preparations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcane stood at the front of testing site 3-1b,  watching as his new recruits assembled.  Silent Girl arrived first.  Striding into the room, the Mute Mentalist already was in her Hero suit.   Arrives prepared and ready, Arcane ascertained, and alone/  With her power she would be a superb leader.   Consisting of a lower face mask fitted with a rebreather and loose-fitting clothes outfitted with interlocking plates of body armor which added to the small girl's bulk.  Smiling up at the founder, she bounced on the balls of her feet.  Her radiant enthusiasm virtually blinding.  Brick and Barrow stepped out of the shadows next.  Arcane smirked at the two as they shared a blush. Heh, looks like being outcastes has caused at least one momentary passage in the night.  This could prove interesting. Both carried their equipment with them, large bags slung over their shoulders.  Arcane smirked at the two as he noticed their hair was still quite damp, their clothes just a tiny bit disheveled. Looks like they shared a shower too.  Maybe it's more than just a one night stand.  Good, Heroes don't often get a chance for healthy relationships.  They have to take happiness where they can find it.  One of the many prices of standing against the darkness. Glancing at his watch, he shook his head, it looks like Torque and Hive-Mind are late.  Not a good way to start their training, A thumping in the rafters above their heads drew Arcane and the three Novice's eyes.   "Look Out Below!" A feminine voice resounded, A brief "Bamf" followed by a falling vent panel heralded the trivial of the last two Novices.  A gelatinous form landed.  Spreading outward it caught Torque, reforming into Hive-Mind as it set her down. Alright, Did everyone other then Silent Girl hook up?  Maybe she has someone on the side.  Having a Third wheel situation can be complicated.  Especially with the plans I have for this team.  Emotional connections can complicate any situation. "Alright, everyone," Arcane commanded, "for our first day of training, we're going to do a bit of testing." "Uh, Testing?" Brick Queried, "What kind of testing?" "Thank you for volunteering to be first," Arcane grinned, "Everyone will be running through an exam of my own devising.  Designed to test the limits of your individual mental, physical, and meta-abilities." Torque raised her hand, "What about those of us without meta-abilities?" "And thus we have our second volunteer," Arcane congratulated, "Skill beyond the norm is still a meta trait, As is peak intellectual and physical standards.  Once you reach them you're considered meta, no matter how it was attained." Dropping her hand, Torque settled back by Hivemind. "Now," Arcane chuckled, "behind me is a door.  Brick will enter first, followed by Torque 10minutes later.  We will then continue that pattern until all have entered.  Our day ends when the last of you reach the other side.  Each of you will find your path through is unique to you.  It will push you to your utmost limits.  Do anything less and you will not be able to leave.  But don't worry, I have a temporal seal running through the entire course.  Which means there is no chance of lateness or death.  So the test will continue until you succeed." Motioning to Brick, Arcane stepped to the side. "Wait, aren't we going to have time to put on our gear?" Brick stammered. "A hero needs to be ready at all times," Arcane corrected, "Leave it behind and I will make sure you get it at the end.  Now either enter or leave." "Yes Sir," Brick affirmed.  Sending an apologetic shrug to Barrow-wight, Brick hustled over to the door.  Pulling the door open, he disappeared into the inky blackness.  The door slammed shut behind him. Arcane smiled, "This promises to be a fun day.  I hope all of you will live up to my expectations.  I haven't found any that has in such a long time. The last that tried didn't do so well." What happened to them? Silent Girl wondered. "The died," Arcane deadpanned joyously, "during training." -------------------------------------------------------------- Poet slipped on her leather jacket and snatched up the strap of her gym bag.  Inside it, she carried the files on all her trainees and assorted other things she might need. "Alright," She muttered, "I'll run a few classes on basic strategies for both individual and team heroes, then see what fundamentals they need to work on.  Arcane's notes were very thorough but I need to examine them for myself." Glancing at her wall clock, she rolled her shoulders.  Scratching Lou's ears for luck, she took a breath. "Alright Poet, Game face on." A bubble pulled against reality, descending into a hole that stretched into blackness.  A final pop and light formed on the other side.  Quickly resolving into a classroom. Stepping through the portal, Poet shuddered as it glooped shut behind her.  She turned to the empty desks and watched the ripples in reality disperse. "That is always so creepy," Poet snarked. Removing her bag, she proceeded to set her classroom according to her needs.  Two sets of twin desks on one side, One desk on the other.  In between, she left a bare space.  Walking back to her bag, she retrieved her files.  Sitting behind the teacher's desk, she began to review. Excuse me, is this room 123, and are you, Poet? A soft voice entered her mind. "Yes it is and yes I am," Poet assured the girl. Motioning over to the lone desk, Poet pointed. "Take your seat," Poet ordered, "We can begin as soon as the others arrive. Observing the young woman do as told, Poet smiled. Arcane is right, that girl will make a great leader, we just need to get her confidence up. Inky blackness formed on the floor, rising up came Barrow and Brick. Time for the first curveball of the day.  "Barrow and Brick, correct?" Poet stated, "Barrow take one of the chairs to the left and Brick take one of the seats on the right." "Yes Ms. Poet," Barrow sighed. Releasing her brood-mate, Barrow shifted into the desk.  Her shape conforming to the chairs.  Brick nodded to Poet then took his own seat. Running feet heralded the arrival of the next pair of partners, as Torque burst into the room.   Looking up at Poet she begged, "We're not late, are we?" Why does she look afraid? Poet wondered. "No," Poet confirmed, "Neither of you is late. Torque, please take the seat next to Barrow.  Hivemind, please take the seat next to Brick." Torque's skin shifted, as Hivemind separated form her.  Taking his human form once more he slid into the desk next to Brick.  Torque waved her fingers to Barrow then also took her seat. "Alright everyone," Poet snarled, "Welcome to Hero fundamentals 101." Retrieving a remote from her bag, she activated the system.  Between the desks, a virtual rendering of the city appeared. Mirrored by individual screens on each of the desks.  Avatars of the novices appeared within the virtual landscape.   "Alright, here are the rules. Barrow and Torque, Brick and Hivemind are each Hero pairs.  Silent Girl you are their commanding officer.  A villain has begun causing havoc.  The 5 of you must contain civilian casualties and stop the marauding Villian.  Any questions before we begin?" Who is the Villian? Silent girl whispered. "Me," Poet grinned, as she activated her own avatar. Chuckling at the lamenting of her victims, Poet grinned. Oh yes, she realized, this is exactly what I needed.
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