When A Villain Stops Caring

4665 Words
"Give it up Mastermind, you'll never win," Poet shouted to her archenemy as they dueled within his penthouse lair. "Ah Poet, boasting is so beneath you." Mastermind mocked. "You've always been a woman of action." Sending a blast of energy at Mastermind's head, Poet snarked back, "Is this Action enough for you!" Effectively blinding her opponent, she slipped from his vision. She had to time this perfectly, lest Mastermind counters her stratagem. "Using a Boast to throw me off, while blinding me with a Crackle shot?" The Lord Of Villains quipped, "Dirty pool Poet. I Like It" Smiling nastily Mastermind shut his eyes and listened. Sensing movement from his left he feinted right, then triggered the trap hidden within his wall. He was rewarded with a "GAH!" as tentacles grabbed the Scarlet Defender, restraining her. Opening his eyes, he walked up to admire his new wall art, "You know Poet, that offer to be my second is still in effect. Better that then rot in my dungeons." Mastermind reminded her. "I dare say I pay better than the Defender's Society does. Indeed, I throw in dental and vision in free with the health care package and my lowliest henchman enjoys the same legal representation that I do. All free of charge. Can you say the same for that antiquated, misogynistic, old boys club?" "My offer to join the society as my partner still exists too, you know. You could do a lot of good within the society if you gave up being a villain." Poet stated. Both enemies stared at each other for a moment, them both admiring the other before Mastermind turned his back. Smiling, he said. "Care to cancel the Doppel, Poet. I'm impressed, this one lasted well past any others I've seen you manifest. Still needs some work though. The Blurring around the edges is still noticeable" Hearing nothing, he once more snarked out into his darkened office building. "Come now Poet, Sulking is so beneath you. Drop the Illusionary Hard Light Copy and let's finish this. I have reservations at LaSalle that I need to confirm or cancel within the next 15 min." "I think you'll have to cancel Mind," A voice purred from behind his ear. Something sharp pressed itself to the back of his head. "Or better yet give the reservations to me, I haven't eaten at a restaurant like LaSalle in quite a while." "You used Illusions to make me think you were a double" Mastermind chuckled. "Clever Girl. The reservations are for two." Raising his hands, he knelt to the ground, "I surrender, I know that you're not one of those heroes afraid to dirty your hands. As if a no-killing rule could make them any less the vigilantes they already are. Indeed, you have almost as much blood on your hands as me. Yet another thing that would make you do wonders in my employ. I have always admired your conviction." Poet smiled sadly, "I only ever killed when I had too when I faced those that either gave me no choice or death was the only answer for their crimes. You do it to prove a point. To me, the taking of a life is a responsibility, a burden. I do what others have not the stomach or ability to do, to fight the evils of this world. You use murder as just another tool. That is all that any life is to you, just another piece in your game." Taking an intake of air she finished. "Well, this part of the board is shut down for good." Silently Mastermind muttered, "Not all lives are so easily discardable to me Poet, some are much more valuable then others." Outloud he snarked. "I did say those reservations for LaSalle were for two, did I not? A last meal for the condemned man with the company of his choice as it were?  A pleasant evening with a pleasant companion before jail?" Poet narrowed her eyes, "Did you actually try to take over the city, just so that you can ask me out after I defeated you?" Mastermind snorted, "Why not? I respect you. I like your company." Growling in a low tone that had Poet blushing he finished, "I happen to find you physically attractive as well. It's not like you ever gave me your number, even though you do have mine. How else was I supposed to ask you?" Poets found herself considering, "He always was the only one that saw past my tits." The Heroine snarked to herself. "And he's not bad to look at, not bad at all." Biting her lip, she allowed the traitorous thoughts to continue, "And it's LaSalle! The last time I was there I orgasmed from the food alone, made the disaster of the date almost worth it. Almost anyways." Shaking the errant fantasies away she said, "I'm Sorry, Mastermind. I don't date villains, former villains perhaps, but not active. It would be to much of a conflict of interests." Kneeling behind him, she slapped the nullifiers onto his wrists. "This is how it has to be between us," She thought to herself, "At least till we are on the same side when that happens I will definitely make him mine." "I know, but I felt I had to ask." Mastermind sighed quietly, "One day we will be on the same side, Poet. On that day I will ask again and perhaps your answer will change." Slapping him in the back of the head, she snarled, "But that's not today is it? Instead, you do this schoolboy crush bullshit! I have to be taken seriously in a male-dominated workforce. Do you know how hard that is for a woman, especially for one that looks like a teen boy's wet dream?" "You know I always wondered about that, why do Female heroes dress like that?" Considering the sound of his own words, he cursed at the accusation of them. "I mean no disrespect, I was always curious about what being a heroine or villainess made females dress like actresses in a bad p**n. For Males, I always assumed it was a s****l power fantasy that made them put on tights. Surely it can't be the same for women? The Female of the species is much too intelligent for that." Shaking her head at his awkward phrasing and smiling at how cute it was she answered. "You hit the nail on the head, Mind. Males are dumb and we woman can't hide our assets so we make them another weapon in our arsenal. When your enemy undervalues you it's easy to take advantage." Pulling Masterminds hair back she brought her throwing knife to his throat as she huskily whispered in his ear. "Besides, knowing you can safely flaunt what you got without fear of attack is a powerful aphrodisiac." Releasing her captives hair she stepped back, placing her dagger back in its concealed sheath, she continued their conversation. "Still, it would be nice for a male to see past my t**s and ass. To not be distracted, us women among the powered turn our bodies into weapons in our arsenal not because we want to, but because we have too. None of you males have that need. Makes me a bit jealous sometimes." "You know I never thought of you like that Poet, I value you as my archnemesis first, anything else comes secondary." Mastermind replied, answering her unspoken question. "C'mon Mind, time to haul you into the cops." Poet said outwardly, inwardly though she seethed at the unfairness, "Finally find a guy that values me and he's my greatest enemy. God damn, I hate this." Yet, despite her inner conflict she hauled him down to the ground floor, to deposit him with the waiting cops. As she moved to greet the press, Poet couldn't help but smile as a thought ran through her mind. "It's not like any jail can hold him and I'll be there to stop him. With this new twist between us, I kinda want to see where things go." It was then that everything went wrong. Poet felt more than saw the shadow overtake her and the surrounding reporters. Darting forward she managed to get out of the way as a distorted form landed where she had been. Bone saws powered by hyper-dense sinew and muscle shredded the reporters that couldn't get out of the way in time. One word of horror escaped her mouth, "Deviant." The whirling ball of grotesquery that was Deviant shifted to a more humanoid form. It was a skinless figure, held together by some awful will, a mouth split the otherwise featureless face vertically and a voice of gargling nails issued forth to grind against her ears. "So good to finally meet you, Poet," the thing before her chortled, "Such a shame I have to cut things a little short." Dispersing himself once more into a ball of sinew and muscle, edged with bone, Deviant threw himself at Poet. Readying an energy shield, Poet felt as if she was moving through water, Deviant was to fast, to powerful. She could only watch as her shield began to form as Deviant easily shattered it, his cat to her mouse. Closing her eyes she prepared for death. Seconds lasting for minutes went by and still, she breathed. Opening her eyes she beheld the impossible, Mastermind had crossed 100 yards in under 30 secs and had contemptuously turned Deviant's strike. He stood with his back to her, but she knew from his stance, he was PISSED. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mastermind watched as Deviant fell upon Poet. "She's mine!" He snarled. The police surrounding him turned, only to be greeted with a blast of psionic energy as Mastermind overloaded the dampeners that kept him bound. Barely paying any attention to the groaning officers of the law that lay upon the ground, he prayed he could release his soul bonds in time. Bringing his left hand behind his back in a clenched fist, he then brought his right hand sideways up to the middle of his face, his first two fingers extended, the rest tucked away. Extending his right arm fully, he uttered the words "Release, Power Level 100%" All at once, Mastermind was surrounded by the sound of Broken glass, casting a quick spell, he watched as everything slowed down to a crawl. "Still going to be a close call though," he remarked. Moving careful, but nonetheless rapidly, he made his way to forestall Deviant's current idiocy. He could only make allowances for him so many times after all, despite how useful Deviant had always been. Mastermind growled dangerously, "I specifically informed the other villains that Poet is my Archenemy and that I will not allow poaching. This is a direct challenge to my power. I can not leave that alone." Just as his spell ended, he moved into position. Standing in front of Poet, he turned Deviants blow using the power of his will alone. "I am disappointed Deviant," Mastermind growled, "this must he how that alcoholic father of yours always felt." "What did you say to me?" The king of horror sniveled, "I am Deviant, the world cringes and cowers at my approach and I demand your respect." Sighing tiredly, Mastermind answered, "No, what you demand is my attention. Now, why don't you be a sport and go grab daddy a beer?" Once more Deviant shot forward and once more Mastermind extended his will into the world. Deviant exploded, instantly converted to a thick goopy red paste. Mastermind pursed his lips. "Never let it be said that I don't pick up after myself. Besides, waste not want not." Extending his left hand, he gestured and that which was Deviant was gone, vanished to wherever Mastermind willed it. Turning once more to Poet, he was very surprised when she blasted him dead in the chest. Staggering back more in surprise then being injured from the blast, he snarked, "That's not exactly a thank you." "You monumental Jerk," Poet screamed in his face, "you've been holding back!" "What in hell are you talking about? Of Course, I've been holding back." "Oh Really? I bet if I had been a male superhero you'd have just killed me. After that whole conversation, I actually thought you got what it's like being a female hero. All the lustful looks, the sexist jokes. And on top of it all, you do this with all of the cameras rolling. You absolute piece of s**t!" Realization struck Mastermind, "You think I was holding back because you're a woman?" "Weren't you?" "NO!" Mastermind shouted, his shout sending several of the cameramen ass over tea kettle. Looking around, he spotted a female Cameraperson that, although she had staggered back had not fallen. Mastermind gestured and the Camerawoman found herself before the being known as the Lord Of Villains. "He's kinda cute when he's flustered." She thought. "Alright, make sure your camera is recording and please state your name and credentials for the world," Mastermind ordered. "My name is Elizabeth Ann Montague and I have been a Camera Operator and photographer for over 10 years. I currently do freelance stuff but have worked for most of the major news agencies." "You are also the only Operator that has not fled like cowards or been knocked away by the pressure of my words. Which makes you ideal for my purpose." Turning Back to Poet, he raised his fingers. His pointer and middle finger rested against his thumb. "I have no choice but to institute restrictions on my power," he stated, then snapped his fingers A pressure wave knocked Elizabeth down, instinctively she cradled her camera preventing its destruction. Poet herself staggered back a step, before once more standing straight and proud. Waiting for Elizabeth to rise from the ground, Mastermind continued his explanation. "If I had no bindings on, I would shatter the world around me. I use them to have some kind of normal life. I am old, so very old and I have no equal, no peer. Or I didn't until I met you. Do you remember how we met, Poet?" "I exposed you as the villain you are and arrested you. It seems to me you threw the fight." "That's not what I remember. I remember a young hero that saw something none of the others did. You are the one that figured out my scheme and forced me into the light. You are the second being in all of existence to do so. None others have ever accomplished such a thing. Had it not been for you I would have won. It seemed unbearingly rude to kill you without a thought. Besides you had intrigued me. I was interested in the person that was able to match wits with me and win. Such has not happened in a very long time." Poet's eyes narrowed. "Say I believe all of that. It still means that you treated me with kid gloves. It means that none of those victories were mine. It was because you were pulling your punches. The events of today also mean that you have been protecting me. Keeping me safe. I do not need your protection." Mastermind c****d his head slightly, "You would have died." "Then I would have died standing against a superior opponent, not being protected like a child." Poet snarled. Mastermind sighed, "That is why you are a hero and I am a villain. I will not see the first interesting and intelligent being since Leonardo Da Vinci die because of some idiotic modern crap I neither endorse nor follow. I have killed women, men, and children, hell I have killed whole kingdoms and then wiped them from history. So, I don't care about your modern pride, I have already made my will clear. If any seek to kill you other then I, they will be annihilated. I will do as I will." Stumbling back as if struck, Poet queried, "Is that what will happen when I bore you, you'll just kill me?" A flicker of movement and Mastermind had pulled her close, Poet felt his breath as he whispered in her ear, "You will die as all mortals do, according to age and misfortune. But none other then I shall lay a hand on you, lest you wish it." Releasing her, he stepped back and was gone. His parting words laced with such sadness that Poet could almost forgive him. Almost. "Your life will end though and mine will continue into eternity. It is my destiny to be alone. When all the universe is dust and blackness, I will remain. I will not ask for forgiveness because I sought to alleviate the boredom that threatens to take what sanity I have left. Goodbye Poet, I look forward to when we meet next on the battlefield." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poet growled as she stared at the four walls of her apartment's living room. The off-color white confining as she thought back to the aftermath of the incident. "We, the Head Council of the Hero's Society do find that the superheroine known as Poet is to be placed on forced leave until it is determined that Mastermind is no longer a threat." Her growl turned into a snarl as she remembered the condescending platitudes from that bastard Ultraman. "I'm sure this whole Mastermind thing will be cleared up shortly. I will be handling it personally, so don't fear. You will be back to catching purse-snatchers soon." "I f*****g hate that sexist piece of s**t," She muttered to no one, "Harasses half the women in the society just because he's the Head of the Council. He gets away with it because he's so popular with the press. Damn f*****g, glory hound." Snorting she glanced out the window, "And there is my little stool pigeon," she grimaced, "ready to report back to the league if I step outside my doors." Plopping herself down into her recliner, the Scarlet Avenger tapped her finger against her nose. Smiling nastily, she picked up the phone. ---------------------------------------------------- Stalker turned his collar to the cold, "I can't believe I have to sit out in the cold and babysit Poet," He griped into the cold night, "She's a big girl. She can take care of herself." Glancing up at the Apartment, Stalker snarked, "Ultraman's an ass. My wager is that Poet has Mastermind wrapped around her little finger at the end of this. Girl is seriously bad news when she's pissed." A small delivery van pulled up in front of the Knight Nightmare, a skinny teen stepping out. "Excuse me," he whined, "are you, Mr. Stalker?" Stalker grimaced, what is Poet playing at? "I'm Stalker," He growled, "what's your business with me?" "I have a Pie here for him." "I didn't order no Pie." "A Ms. Poet phoned it in," the teen virgin droned on, "It's fully paid for." Glad to see their's no hard feelings, Stalker sighed, the last thing I need is the Fatal Female to be mad at me. "I'll take it.  Thanks, kid. She already take care of your tip too? Or is that on me?" "Nah man, I'm taken care of." The young man finished, "just need you to sign." Smirking, Stalker scribbled his signature and grabbed the steaming pie. "Thanks, Man," Stalker sighed, "This'll hit the spot." As the teen angel drove away Stalker opened his treasure. "What the f**k?!" Stalker exclaimed, "Pineapple, Anchovies, and Carolina Reaper Peppers!" Raising his quavering eyes to Poet's apartment, his eyes moistened as he took his first bite. I'm so glad Poet isn't mad. But how did she know my favorite pizza?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Watching Stalker devour the abominable crime against pizza, Poet tasted the acid of bile. Running to her small bathroom, the Scarlet Avenger heaved into her personal porcelain god. "How in the hell can he eat that," She moaned. The thought caused her return to her Alabaster Diety, as her apartment was filled with the sounds of her fervent worship. ------------ Mastermind strolled through the doors of the Hero's association. Being immortal does have its advantages, he smirked, the time to give yourself access to any building worldwide, for example. Snickering to himself, he strutted past their security. Flashing his ID at the few guards, Mastermind continued his way unimpeded. The fact all my false Ids are in fact real; helps as well. All it takes is some time and credit history, Ha! Scanning the area, Mastermind searched for his quarry. In his left hand, he fiddled with a USB drive. Now, where is the Megadeuce known as Ultraman? I have a 12 o'clock appointment with my masseuse and I would rather not be late. Ugh, such an inconvenience to my day. Continuing to wander through the building, he noticed a small group of young heroes milling around. Wait. Did I come during Application Day? he wondered, Maybe I can miss Jean-Paul just this once. It's not every day I can examine my future enemies. Scooping up a clipboard, he addressed the hopefuls. "Alright, I think we should start with introductions. We'll start from the right and work our way across. Tell me your hero names and powers. Also, I want to hear why you want to be a hero. We need to get through this quick, so limit your responses to twenty words or less." "Uh sir," One of the newbies stammered, "We've already been turned down. Ultraman himself said our powers and skils are not 'Hero association level." "Oh he did, did he?" Mastermind snarled, "Do any of you know who I am?" So glad I kept this hero identity up. The five young applicants shook their heads. Oh, this is going to be fun, I get to screw with Ultraman and add some interesting new heroes. "My name is Arcane and I wield the mysteries of magic!" Mastermind exclaimed. "You're an Honorary founding member!" one of the male rejects realized, "One of the most powerful beings in existence." "That is correct, young man," Arcane smiled, "Yet, my power is just a high level of skill with ritual magic. I have never had any ability with spells. Can't even cast them." The young heroes stared blankly at him. Umm, Excuse me, Mr. Arcane, A young woman flinched, but how is that possible? If you don't mind me asking of course. "I don't mind at ..." Arcane paused, "Did you just speak directly into my head?" The girl's eyes bulged as she jumped behind one of her much bigger friends, Sorry, I don't have any other way of talking. I'll be quiet now. Huddling behind the hulking male, the small girl vanished. Arcane chuckled, "It's alright young one. I was just surprised that Ultraman turned down a telepath, those are usually snatched right up. I didn't mean to startle you. Please come forward and tell me about yourself. Remember 20 words or less." Oh, uh okay, she stuttered, My name Is Silent Girl and I can communicate with anyone on the planet. Also, I can understand all languages. "Wait, anyone on the planet?" Arcane queried. Silent Girl nodded from her hiding spot, only her head visible. Arcane's grin nearly split his face, "Do you need to be aware of them, or can you just scan." I can scan or send direct. But only what people say, I can't read minds." "So technically you can listen to any conversation, anywhere, at any time, with no actual need for a warrant. Dear God, I am overriding Ultraman's signature right now. We need to get you trained, ASAP." Stepping out from behind her meat shield, Silent Girl launched herself at Arcane. Glomping onto the Mystic Marvel she let loose a mental squee that deafened everyone within 20 ft. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! Patting her head, Arcane smiled down on her. Wrapping his other arm around her, he returned the hug. "You earned it," Looking up he stared at the next in line, "Alright lets' continue, remember 20 words or less, I am old and don't have the time or attention for anything more." "Before I answer, are you going to stop hugging Silent Girl?" The beefy male giant huffed. "Do you want me to stop hugging you?" Arcane asked his diminutive remora. Silent Girl shook her head. "No", Arcane snarked, "I am not, either continue or lose your chance." "I'm Brick," he snickered, "I generate brick walls. They deteriorate within seconds unless I sustain them. I can't move while I do." "That seems useful for defensive and rescue operations," Arcane mused, "How many can you sustain at once?" "One at a time, But I can vary the length and width." "How quickly can you put them up?" "5 minutes." Brick muttered, "That's why Ultraman denied me. Takes too long for combat. "That is completely ridiculous," Arcane spat, "That power has plenty of applications, even with those limitations. You'd make a superb support hero and if given training could eliminate the drawbacks all together. You Are In." Brick's mouth opened and closed a moment. Then the broad man knelt. "Thank you," He sighed. Arcane smiled, "Thank me by making sure you're the best you can be." Turning to the next in line, he c****d his head curiously. "I am most curious about you," He queried, "You don't often see one of the night people seeking to be heroes." The painfully slender female towered seven feet over the rest of them. Her spindly arms dangling around her knees. Six eyes were spaced randomly on a face split by a nightmarish mouth. Nodding her head in acknowledgment, she smoothed her suit. Taking a moment more to straighten her ruffled skirt, she hissed. "Is what Ultraman talked," she grumbled, "Only was less polite and more honest." "Heh," Arcane chuckled, "I imagine it was, but everyone else here is getting a second chance. There is no reason your rejection can't be reconsidered as well." "Self is Barrow Wight," she conceded," Self is Shadow Walker, Hunter, is Night Person. Self's race is Gug-kin." Tapping one of her talons against her chin, she continued. "Can also walk secret paths." Arcane stared dumbfounded, "And he denied you?!" "No denial, no interview," She muttered, "Was asked to leave, told not wanted." The horror lowered her head, black drops of tar dripping from her eyes to the carpet. Acrid smoke drifted up as the tall terror rubbed at her eyes. "Now you tell Barrow to leave too," She sighed, "Is okay, self expected this. Hoped not." Turning to go, Barrow was halted by a sudden weight. Looking down, she saw Silent Girl glomping onto her. Staring down at the woman, Barrow Wight patted her head. "Thanks, is good to know Self has friend." "Friend's Barrow," Brick stated, handing the tall woman his handkerchief. "Yeah," Arcane snarled, "And a place here. That xenophobic deuce canoe can lick me if he has a problem." It was Barrow Wight's turn to c**k her head. Accepting the handkerchief from Brick she dried her eyes. "You make enemy of chairman on Self's account? No want to make Arcane's life hard." Arcane laughed, "Oh don't you worry about me, Ms. Wight. Ultraman can do s**t to d**k to me." Barrow Wight smiled, "Thank you, Barrow can do good. Not just hear screams from Day people anymore." Arcane pointed to the next recruit, "Alright, next in line. Tell me what you can do." Removing her hand from Barrow's arm, the young woman thought. "Twenty words or less, huh?" she muttered. Closing her eyes, she smirked, "My name is Torque, Contortionist, Martial Artist, Escape Artist, Acrobat, Detective extraordinaire." "I am almost afraid to ask why he denied you," Arcane grimaced, "But what was his reasoning?" "He told me he could buy a woman with those skills anytime." "And there it is," Arcane cringed, "On behalf of all men and the Hero community, I am sorry for any pain or suffering caused by that disgusting comment. Oh, and to congratulate you on getting in. You have all the makings of an excellent pursuer type Hero." Smiling at the sputtering Torque, Arcane moved onto the last potential recruit. Stepping up, the young man began, "I'm Hive-mind, I duplicate myself and shapeshift. Each clone acts as a part of me, controlled by a singular intelligence." Arcane shook his head, "So, what in the name of f**k all, caused Ultraman to deny you?" Hive-mind sighed, "f**k all is right. He inferred that I was one orgy away from a scandal. Gave me a p**n studio's address. Asshole even had the nerve to make the, 'its m**********n not s*x joke'. Like I haven't heard that a hundred times." Arcane pinched the bridge of his nose, "Okay that's two s****l harassment lawsuits and a potential discrimination complaint. Whelp, you have my recommendation. I will also be the one to train all of you. I've been looking for a way to end my boredom and I think this could be it. I might also be able to rope Poet into this. She's on forced leave right now but could be easily brought in to help train you lot. I think all of you will like her."
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