Chapter Thirty

726 Words
The Only thing I could think about was the safety of my Mom. "Call her again!" I shouted at Carrie as I swerved past a very busy road. “No answer, she's not picking up” I was very worried at this point, a lot of things were going through my mind. “We have to get there now”, I muttered under my breath as I stepped on the gas. “Keep calling her” I turned to Carrie as I pulled into the market driveway. We got down and started running inside the market without knowing where exactly we were going. I had increased my pace then I remembered the girls were with me so I slowed down. “How about now?” I shouted as I turned back to look at Leah and Carrie, She was on the phone with someone. I waited patiently for her to finish the call. “She's in store 45! The cloth store” Carrie screamed from the back. That was all I needed to know, I bolted into the market leaving Carrie and Leah behind. I was at the corner of the block of stalls store 45 was on when I saw a tall shady figure lurking around. “Hey, you! Are you the creep following people around” I flexed the bat I was holding and put it in front of me so he would see I had a weapon. He ran, and I followed. I chased him down a block of stalls, he turned around one of the shops and when I got there he was gone, just vanished. I looked around, and I saw a pipe on the ground. I bent down to look at it, it looked familiar. I had seen this pipe before, I just couldn't remember where, I picked it up and put it in my pocket before running back to the store. I entered store 45 and greeted some attendants that were gossiping and giggling about something. I walked to the back and saw my Mom sitting beside a large black coat in the coat section of the store. I breathed a sigh of relief, I went down on my knees and hugged her, she looked up at me, smiled and hugged me tightly. Carrie and Leah walked in shortly after. “Hey Mom” Carrie hugged my Mom as she and Leah asked what happened. “Are you sure it was uncle Perry you saw?” Carrie asked her. “Yes I looked at him before I ran” She replied Carrie. We have to leave here soon, I thought to myself. I should confirm if the outside is safe first, “I'll check outside again then we'll leave” I said to the three of them as I stood up and went outside. I opened the door of the store slowly and peeked first, nothing out of the ordinary. I stepped outside fully and walked a few steps, it felt like someone was watching me. I looked at the corner of the stalls two blocks away and I noticed someone shift. “We have to get out of here now” I muttered to myself as I turned back into the store. “How is it?” Carrie asked as I walked over to the back of the store where they were. “I noticed something or someone, but we have to leave here so we are going now”. I assisted Mom to get to her feet and we all walked to the door. “Just head for the car, don't move too fast or too slow” I whispered to the three of them as we walked out. I kept looking at the corner I noticed something earlier as we walked to the parking lot. We got inside the car and I exhaled, it was like I held my breath from the store to the parking lot. I started the car and looked back to make sure everyone was okay. Carrie was still standing outside with the door of the Car open, “Carrie!” “Carrie!!” I shouted as she jumped and looked at me. “Get in, let's go”, she got in the car and I drove out of the parking lot and we were on our way home.
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