Chapter Fifty-One

232 Words
We got down to the business of the day shortly after. “So what do you have for me, err- I never asked for your name” I decided it was a good time to know his name. There was no point fighting with him, so I'll just play along until I get what I want. He smiled as he looked at me, “Jake, Jacob. My name is Jacob”. “Alright Jacob, let's get down to business Shall we?” I sat up. “Alright then,” He told me about what he knew about society. “It's called the New Order and it's filled with all sorts of important people in the world.” I would have told him I knew all these things but I decided to keep my mouth shut and find out what else he knew. That was the smarter thing to do. “Wow, that's why no one knows anything about them, they have the backing of very powerful people, right?” I asked as I continued playing dumb. “Exactly. Presidents, millionaires, billionaires, Politicians and their moms. Any powerful person you can think of, they're part of the new Order" I laughed as he said it but I stopped when I looked at his face and saw how serious he was. I mean, I knew he was serious but that was very funny.
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