Chapter Eighteen

539 Words
The next morning, I woke up early, and I couldn’t sleep well during the night. All I could think about was what happened the previous night, I’m a hundred percent sure there’s more to it. Hopefully, we’ll get our answers today. I rolled to the other side and turned to look at Leah, she was awake too. She was looking at me, I jumped at first when I saw her big blue eyes staring at me. “Jesus, you scared me” I smiled at her and stretched on the bed, “How are you doing? Feeling okay?”. She sighed and sat up, “I’m good. Just thinking about last night”. Weren’t we all, everyone was tired but we all know we have to get to that storage room today. “Me too, hopefully, we find something that can help today” I got up from the bed and stretched again, “Time to get up”. We went downstairs after, Mom was still home. She was about to leave for work, Barry was seated at the table too. “Wow, I never believed I’d see the day you wake up this early” Barry teased as I and Leah entered the kitchen. Mom laughed too, “Well he is right, you can’t deny that baby” She kissed my forehead as she grabbed her coffee. She hugged Leah too and picked up her bag. “Keep me updated guys, and be safe-”. “Please” she added. She was almost at the door and I called her, “Mom! Are you okay/ How’re you feeling?”. She walked back to give me a hug, “I’m good my baby. Thank you, and be safe”; “Take care of your brother” She said as she smiled at him. After my Mom left the house, Barry went upstairs to get his laptop. He came back downstairs shortly after with a box in his hand, it was the box of yesterday. He saw my face and smiled, "Relax, I just need the key in it.". He took out the key and put the box on the table. He looked at the name on the key and typed it on his laptop. "Sachmans Storage on the other side of town. Got the address" He searched for a pen and paper and wrote down the address of the place. "Let's eat breakfast first then go check out the place". I've been waiting for someone to say that all morning. After we finished eating, the three of us grabbed our jackets and we all decided to take caps along with us, to conceal our identities just in case. Leah and Barry headed to the car and I stayed behind to lock up. I was about to lock the door when I felt a faint breeze on my face, it was just like yesterday's but not as strong as it. I shrugged it off and got in the car. Leah looked at me worriedly as I entered the car, "Are you sure you're okay?" She asked. "Yeah I'm fine. I'm fine trust me" I held her hand as we pulled out of the driveway.
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