There's sacrifice in real-friendship.

985 Words
Ivy POV. 'I was back at the edge of the clearing difference was this time everyone looked in my direction parting as an angry figure strode towards me, I recognised her instantly. I couldn't help but look away guiltily as she stopped before me, hands on her hips. "Are you serious Ivy?! You die once after almost 19 years, but then last barely 90 mins before dying again?!" She scoffs. "I'm sorry Goddess I didn't think I was that weak." I replied, sliding my gaze to her flustered expression. "Hmm after dying? Weakened? No why would you be! Of Course you'll be weakened for at least a week or more!" She hissed, leaning towards me. I meet her gaze through my lashes, chin down, I blushed. "Sorry Goddess, I'll do better." I press, she nods but then shakes her head. "I hope so, you need to survive 3 days before your immortality becomes complete and you've just restarted the clock, Alpha Queen." She added with a sly grin, I nod but press my lips together. She nods at me, before gesturing me to close my eyes again." "Gasppp.." I sat up blinking. "Ahhh!!! f**k Ivy!" Someone shrieks at me. I look around at my surroundings, I'm back in the motel room, it was Florain who'd addressed me, now looking up from the floor with a pasty complexion. "Hey Sorry Florain." I offer a apologetic smile, she only shakes her head, with a hand on her chest. "f**k Ivy..." She repeats in a breathy voice. A knock sounds at the door and I follow to the source with my eyes, as Florain stands, brushing herself down. She strides to the door, I myself am again trying to resume steady breathing as the door swings open, a pained looking Jace stands there, his eyes find me quickly, then he rushes at me. I flinched involuntarily closing my eyes, this reaction surprises me, but I here a scuffle. Opening my eyes I find Jace pinned to the ground under the weight of both Florain and Conrad. "Stop it guys! I wasn't going to hurt her!" He says gruffly, his pain clear in his expression. His captures look to me, I nod and they release him. Jace stands, brushing himself down, he looks ready to address me when he stiffens, turning towards Florain I notice the same reaction as their eyes meet. "Mate" They say in unison, I choke in surprise. Conrad is quickly at my side, I'm gaping as I choke, but they wouldn't of known as the gravitated towards each other.  "Jace?" Florain looks dazed, and Jace nods in a silent answer, they reach for eachother, Jace wraps Florain in a loving embrace, he snuggles into her neck. I suddenly feel awkward at the scene, and at the same time rejected. I look away from them, my gaze falls onto Conrad's face beside me, his expression mirrors what I suppose mine would of looked like, he has a slack jaw, he screws his nose in disgust, but he doesn't look away like someone watching a car crash. "Conrad!" I hiss. "Huh..?" He huffs. I whack his arm, he blinks repeatedly,  his forehead creases in confusion as he turns to me. "Sorry Ivy...I just, Who'd have seen that..huh?" He says clearly fascinated and surprised by the turn of events. "Yeah ahh, not me but great I suppose." I say, not confident enough to look again, instead I watch as Conrad studies my lips. "Something on my face?" I asked subconsciously, quickly wiping my mouth. "Oh no, I sorry, lost in thought." He smiles reassuringly then looks away himself. Our awkward exchange is then interrupted. "Hey Ivy, Jace and I are going to go talk.." Florain sats, I look to her, she looks guilty but then her expression become serious again. "Please don't do any more heart stopping events, pun unintended, Thank you but if you need anything." She adds pointing to her temple, I nod yes, I was to mind-link her, its then I notice that she and Jace are holding hands. "Thank you Ivy, I initially returned to ask why, but now I know, thank you for helping me make the right decision." Jace's say, his voice thick with emotion, at the pain he must still be feeling, over the mate-bond rejection. The bow low past the waist, I straighten where I sit, they don't meet my eyes as they nod and leave the motel room. I'm left alone in my room with Conrad, and I can feel the rise in tension. Conrad's first to clear his throat and attempt a conversation, I slide my gaze from the close door to him. "Should we talk then?" He asked me. I sigh, exhaustion setting in, I felt weary and tired, I'd intended to sleep the second I woke up, looking to the slither of light peaking between the close curtains, the sun was rising, it was then my wolf hearing picked up the waking birds, as they sung an announcement of a new day. "Not now Conrad, I'm exhausted, I've died twice tonight and I dont have the energy for a deep discussion. So I'm going to go to sleep, you can sleep there" I point to the empty space beside me, "Or the couch, that's your choice, just don't let anyone disturb me. Promise?" I say my voice stern but weary, I struggle to focus my eyes on his. But he nods, sighing. "I understand completely, I am also too tired to have a discussion if I'm honest, you go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up, I'll make sure no one disturbs you, and I'll sleep there." he points to the space beside me. "In case your body gives out again or you need anything." He finishes, he looks how I feel, as he finishes speaking, I nod, sliding down the bed under the covers I then flop onto my pillows and am asleep before fully close my eyes. The last thing I remember is a soft voice saying.. "I love you Ivy, I won't ever hurt you again, I promise..." These words swirl through my mind as I drift away, feeling safe. 
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