Level 5 Divinity

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Otto Rey was one of the very first gamers to alert users about the possibilities in ICBA, within a very short time Otto Rey and his character known as the infamous Omega Warrior acclaimed great recognition for his guide, gameplay and tutorial videos. He mysteriously disappears from both his social media profiles and ICBA without any hint left for his large number of viewers. Many believe it was due to the shock in losing his real life friend and online gaming partner SashaSerious.  They collaborated in so many videos together exploring the vast world of ICBA, accepting all challenges along the way.  Otto returns back immediately after the official release of the greatest in game event in gaming history. It is clear why he has returned, he wants to beat Level 25. He comes back with a bang beating Level 4 and the second player in Level 25 rankings. Now everyone wants to know if Otto can beat the leader of the ranking board, a warrior who has never been defeated by any player in combat. Can Otto’s Omega Warrior beat the unknown player known only as Divinity.  From the moment Otto beat Lenny for Level 4 this hype for OmegaWarrior versus Divinity has started to build up. This game features fights that have now become a sporting event. Millions of spectators watch battles between top ICBA players. These players also get sponsors who make them wear clothes specifically designed with ICBA developers promoting a certain brand or product. Now a sponsor wants to represent Otto Rey but he is nowhere to be found, he does not answer his mails, he did not come online after beating Lenny. He is waiting for the weekend, waiting for the next Omega Championship. Level 5 instructs players to win this tournament and upgrade character to Omega Level. Like the battleground tournament this event also happens on a weekly basis but this is the first week after everyone knows it’s importance. Each server hosts only one Omega Tournament per week. It’s requirement is a certain amount of battle rating that Otto already had. Beating  the top player of a server can boost battle points as losing a battle for a top player can prove very harsh.  Lenny wants to enter the Omega Tournament again and fix his ratings which Otto dismantled with only one battle. Good thing about this tournament is that losing won't affect the battle ratings but getting to the top would get some meaningful prizes. Alisha is back on top, she calls herself the server queen and wants to give chance for players to win this Level and not ruin their chances by winning again. Arun is ready for this Omega Tournament but hates Lenny for entering again. “He won once, I don’t see what losing to Otto has anything to do with participating yet again” says Arun. Beth just wants to win the Battle Royale event first so she is practicing to shoot handling the recoil using the same technique Otto used; a toy gun in real hand. After Otto made a tutorial on battle royale, many players tried his technique and got way better.  There is only one question in the group's mind “Will Otto participate in this Omega Tournament?” Back in his home Otto is still searching for a way to communicate with developer Sam Riley. He finds his mail address and sends him a mail asking for a chat about their AI and it’s capabilities. Otto has no idea if Sam would ever reply but he had to try. Now Otto knows he has to participate and win this Omega Tournament but he wants to get to Level 25 as fast as possible. Only one hundred twenty eight people can participate and Otto knew he needed to act fast or wait another whole week for trying his luck. He gets information on this week's tournament and signs up online. If he were five minutes more late he would not have been able to sign up at all. Players were waiting and refreshing their browser tabs for this event from about half an hour earlier. Looking at the final updated player list ICBA players have just gone wild. The entree of two players in this tournament is unnecessary and evil. One of them is BigBadLenny and another is a player from a different server, Divinity. Everyone begins to wonder why Divinity chose to enter the Omega Tournament too on a different server from the one he always plays at. Players who played alongside Divinity have confirmed that he wants them to win the tournament on their server so he wants to play with players from other servers. He wanted to know if anyone can beat his unbeatable streak somewhere else. The match list was set and even Otto looks worried seeing Divinity in the list of contenders. ICBA teams set up the matches in such a way that if Otto and Divinity fought it would have to be in the main event.  “Now, why did he have to join this very tournament. Nothing can be easy, can it?” exclaims Otto. He knows very well how much of a danger Divinity can be and it makes him more irritated. Looking at Divinity’s first opponent he spots BigBadLenny. “Lenny has Omega powers so if anyone can stand a chance against Divinity it has to be him. I should give him a call.” Otto thinks out loud. He calls Lenny thinking he can give him some advice on this upcoming battle. Lenny does not pick up. Otto enters ICBA and finds Lenny along with his team. Lenny just arrived and Arun asks him for a valid reason to enter this tournament. “Hey, guys. What’s up?” Otto greets them with a broad smile. Alisha is happy to see Otto back and so is Arun. “I am losing this tournament, Lenny, Otto and now Divinity, how am I going to beat them all.” Arun expresses his regret. Lenny does not respond to Otto’s greetings. Otto tries to lighten up Arun’s mood explaining that one of them will have to go in the first round so you may have to face two of us. The team gasps wondering if Lenny could beat the great Divinity. Otto goes on to explain using his knowledge from previous life everything he knows about this mysterious player going by the name of Divinity. Lenny does not want to hear any of it or take any of Otto’s advice, he reminds Otto that if they face each other again in the tournament it will not go like it did last time. His friends however want to know what Otto has to say so they stay behind as Lenny leaves.  Divinity has never been defeated in combat. He fights with extreme creativity while creating illusions during battle. While in fight you can never know his exact position, health or condition. He could be preparing for a final strike but you will see him trying to dodge your every attack. No one knows for certain what his fourth power is but some believe he can turn back time on the battlefield to a time when his health is in better shape but it could be just an illusion. Divinity uses powerful telekinesis and something like dimension wraps that allows him to generate black holes. He did choose some very serious powers but it becomes deadlier in his hands. I cannot win against him with just three abilities. He is just too powerful. Arun realizes he has no chance in hell to win and starts cursing Divinity for crushing this tournament with his presence. Otto knows himself Arun is right. Divinity just made it hard for him to quickly get past this level and jump onto the next one. He has no idea or tricks up his sleeve to fight the power combinations of Divinity. Alisha wants to challenge Divinity out of excitement alone. “He beat you in battle. It was a great fight” Otto warns her. Alisha never believed in Otto’s time travel and belittles Otto for always sticking with his made up tales. Otto does not try to explain himself. Beth starts flattering Otto thanking him for creating such an amazing battle royale guide. This makes our mild mannered Otto feel a little flustered. “You… are awesome. I love your fighting styles, your videos...” Beth continues. Arun stops her with shifting the focus on his problems. More specifically, if this continues can he ever beat Level 5. This makes Beth feel concerned about her state in Level 3 and they start to panic together. Otto and Alisha leave them and log out of ICBA. At home Otto relaxes all by himself with a cold beer, rewatching the videos made with Sasha inside ICBA. “If you think color cyclones are useless, take a look at this incredible chaos I created. It’s powerful and looks so cool” Sasha demonstrates her signature colorful chaos attack. Otto looks at the video and smiles content in this very moment. Soon after he receives a text from a player in ICBA who goes by the name of DinhoDino. He recognizes the name immediately, he is supposed to be Otto’s first opponent in this Omega Tournament.  “Are you Otto? The Otto! OttoRey403. If you are not him then no need to reply, hope we have a great fight. Damn lots of eyes will be on me for you, but if you are him, please answer asap” wrote Dinho Dino. OttoRey403 was Otto’s user handle in ICBA from a different timeline. The fact that this Dinho knows about it means he has been through the same thing as he did, same as Melenie. Otto immediately answers and they plan to meet up inside ICBA for more discussion. Entering the massive world of ICBA Otto Rey is greeted by a rather jolly person. He is so excited about meeting someone else from the different timeline that he is overjoyed by everything that's happening. “Wow, Wow, Wow, I am not alone. Can you believe what we have been through. Obviously you can, because you have been through it with me. And Melenie too.” Dinho says everything finally to someone who would believe.  Otto tries to ask him some important questions but Dinho is in his own world, talking about how he used his pre-existing knowledge to buy stocks and earned a lot and got his girlfriend to stay by doing what she wanted from him. “She never told me anything until one day, she wanted to end it. Then she explained all the things I did wrong. I simply avoided doing them this time. Guess what? She is still with me.” Dinho clearly used this time travel as an opportunity to better his life. He kept talking about how he was searching for more information on his opponent and came up on the name Otto Rey, so he just sent the text to try his luck.  “Why did you think I would travel back in time?” asked Otto. It was because of Melenie. Dinho remembers Otto and Melenie as the last people he met before travelling back in time. If Melenie feels the same way, so should Otto Rey, Dinho thought. Otto wants to know everything Dinho remembers, all the details very urgently. Dinho is happy with this timeline and everything that has been going on. It does not matter how he got back in time, whatever happened was for his own good. Otto seems very attached to the reasons behind this unbelievable journey through time so Dinho tries to explain everything that happened in vivid detail. It was a very cold morning. I woke up very late because the bed cover felt very comfortable… Otto cuts him off and wants him to describe the events within the game only. I found out from a source about this glitch or bug in the Oberon district bridge inside the deep forest area. Mr. Moneyman421 was the first player to report a glitch on the internet. My job was to find and notify users of glitches or bugs in games, like how to avoid them or exploit them. In ICBA, finding bugs is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. I cannot believe how they could develop such a bugless game. The ones I found were mostly related to player equipment and shop systems but none inside the gigantic open world. Learning about this glitch I  ventured to the location in search of it. It's very hard to detect but after about one and a half minute intervals a distinctive glow appears like a pixelated mess. I kept recording the video when you and Melenie came in to fight one another. You guys spotted me and asked what I was doing all the way here and I explained the portal. The three of us tried to hit the portal one after another jumping from the bridge, flying into it or remaining afloat near the portal. That was a bad mistake. Once the portal appeared and you were in the middle of it, your health dropped to zero immediately. We tried some more jumps and I managed to enter through the portal. It just needed perfect timing. Fortunately for me, the portal remained open and you guys followed right behind. We were in a large underground laboratory. There were many large machines like in the video games. We explored the lab and found someone, a human shape and everything else is a blur. The last thing I can recall is suffering from unbearable pain. It felt as if I was dying. I mean death man. So, I don’t like to recall that day. Otto wanted to know more about this human figure but Dinho’s memory had failed him. Otto remembers challenging Melenie for a flight race across that part of ICBA because they debated about the top flight speed. Otto said it was not pre-defined and different for every player but Melenie believes there's a certain speed and it is the same for every character choosing flight. So they decided to race. Otto remembers meeting Otto and going into the laboratory with him but he cannot remember any shape or figure. He tries hard to think and remember but it starts to hurt his head. Dinho does not care about learning the truth or uncovering if the game made this happen. But Otto wants to know more and to know more he needs to go back to the place where it all began; Oberon district inside ICBA. Dinho does not want to do it again so Otto goes there all by himself. He waits for hours but there is no sign of a glitch anywhere. Otto tries jumping from the bridge but still no portal. With no luck Otto logs out preparing for the Omega Tournament. He already got a reply from Sam Riley. Sam wants to know if he has what it takes to beat Divinity disregarding what Otto asked him about the AI’s capabilities. Otto explains it’s four versus three powers and it would be extremely difficult. Sam wants to know if he could do it if Divinity only used three abilities. Otto replies “It’s possible but why does it matter.” Sam says if Otto can beat Divinity he would answer any questions Otto has on the AI. Otto accepts the offer and mentions he will contact Sam immediately after the win. He wanted to know if Sam can make Divinity use only four powers. “Leave it to me.” Sam replies.  With the end of this weird conversation Otto starts to research more on the fighting style of Divinity. What makes him click? How does he like to finish? When does he leave himself open for an attack? Otto tries to learn as much as he can about his opponent. He has to defeat him in battle no matter what and he prepares accordingly. It’s Sunday and time for the tournament. Otto’s first opponent is DinhoDino. Dinho demonstrates his spitting fire ability by shooting fire like bullets from a machine gun. Otto flies and dodges. Soon enough Otto lands a final punch draining DinhoDino’s health completely. Dinho acknowledges a good fight, but the world's attention is now in a completely different battle. More and more viewers start adding to see the great Divinity in action with BigBadLenny. Number one and two in Level 25 rankings are fighting. Otto himself wants to spectate this fight. Like every top player Lenny sponsored a certain beverage brand and Divinity featured ICBA new arrival clothes. His character looked like a bold warrior with all black metallic clothes. It feels like a powerful armor with silver designs featuring drops of water. It also came with his trademark hand gloves reaching upto his elbow with Divinity written like the shape of a tattoo. They were already in battle and Lenny changed his shape to something more intimidating and big. Divinity stands near him watching. He remains very calm. The host showing the video has his own commentary going on about the fight being witnessed. It looks like Divinity is just standing there doing nothing. Big Bad Lenny seems to be fighting an illusion, only he can see this illusion.  Divinity moves his hand to prepare for a telekinetic attack. BigBadLenny feels caught up in unseen webs. He is then pulled upward to a great height and swung down with great force.  This is incredible, seems as Big Bad is nothing more than a toy to throw around. But if Divinity keeps Big Bad in hold like this he would not even have a chance to fight back. Otto whispers to himself, wishing Lenny to take the chance and strike because Divinity has lost the grip for a few seconds. Lenny has hit the ground pretty hard but knows he is no longer in Divinity’s grasp. Without wasting a second, he launches foams of steam to generate all around the battlefield turning it into a volatile ground emitting heat waves at his will. Divinity uses his telekinetic powers to float off into the skies in an attempt to avoid any damage from this sudden attack by Lenny. Wow, Big Bad is back in the game, he somehow managed to throw the great Divinity into a swirl. If Divinity uses his telekinesis to keep himself flying, he cannot simultaneously hold on to Big Bad. If there is any chance for Big Bad to win it is now.  Divinity uses a black hole type attack on Lenny. Lenny quickly changes his size until he is way too big for that black hole to do any damage. Before Lenny could attack Divinity transfers himself to a different dimension using a different black hole. Lenny could no longer see Divinity or his illusions. He keeps the steams rising and changes his shape to normal in an attempt to avoid any unnecessary damage due to his size. Divinity arrives back on ground and quickly uses telekinesis to divert all the steam towards Lenny. He takes a little damage but Lenny has to either stop the steam or watch his own attack destroy him. Lenny quickly stops the steam but is now greeted by Divinity’s black hole. Lenny disappears.  What just happened? I have no idea but its just awesome to look at. We can see how great Divinity really is. It was always his match to win. Lenny goes through a never ending fall, he keeps falling and falling with no end. He finally reappears from a portal placed a little height above ground. His impact to the ground drains him completely out of vitality and Divinity wins. Otto knows it would be pretty hard to win against Divinity but if he wants a chance to talk to the AI in real or inside ICBA, he has to beat him at any cost. 
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