Chapter 7: Not Terrible

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She didn’t expect this forced double date that wasn’t a double date according to everyone involved to be going so well…but it was. Lochlyn watched as AJ walked up behind Oakley and wrap his arms around her waist. She had to admit that it was a little bit cute. All Loch wanted was her best friend to be happy ad it seemed like this guy was doing the job. She didn’t want to think about what could happen when it all came crumbling down. That was just a rabbit hole that was not made to be gone down. “So what are you studying in school?” Holden asked her. Lochlyn looked up at him. Man he was definitely that typical star of a teenage rom com material. “That is a really good question.” She laughed and shook her head. “Currently I’m a biology major.” She had started as a Business major. Lochlyn knew that more likely then not she was going to eventually take over Shore Adventures and wanted to be ready. “That feels like a story.” He raised an eyebrow. Lochlyn shrugged and looked back at her friend who was still being disgustingly cute with her boyfriend. “I started in business and then quickly realized that I did not have the head for it. So I switched to biology. I like science.” Lochlyn said. She had felt so guilty when she decided to change majors that it took her a full semester to even tell her parents that she had switched. They hadn’t caused a fuss about it they actually were happy she was switching to something that was going to make her happy. “Why did you pick business?” Holden asked. What was this 20 questions? Lochlyn gave him a look. “I had reasons. Finally it’s your turn.” She gestured towards the spot to putt the ball as Oakley and AJ walked down to where Oakley’s ball had landed. He didn’t respond with words but a short nod and walked over. Holden looked back at her, smiled and then putted the ball. They all watched the green ball go over the fake grass humps and directly into the hole. “Hole in one!!” AJ cheered. He threw his hands up in the air and went over to give his friend a high five. Lochlyn rolled her eyes and walked up. Of course not only was he that “it guy” but he had to be a show off too. “You can do it Loch!” Oakley yelled. She was jumping up and down tossing her hands up in the air. There was no way she’d get a hole in one but she would hopefully at least land it near the hole. Lochlyn hit the ball and watched it skip right past the hole, right past her friend and directly into the water. Perfect. “Nice shot!” Holden said. He was giving her a sarcastic smile was she grumbled down the path. “Aw man. Did I lose my ball?” She asked. Holden was already making his way over to the little fake stream that cut the course in half. “That sucks Lochlyn. Better luck next time, maybe you should get Holden to show you some of his moves.” AJ sent her a wink. Before she could even respond Oakley elbowed him and glared. “She obviously wanted it to go to the water.” Oakley stated. That’s her best friend right there. Always taking her side. Lochlyn nodded and smiled. Holden grabbed her ball from the water and placed it on the green. “Want us to just pretend it landed here?” He said with a smile. “No I know the rules I get one stroke cause of it.” She wasn’t a cheater especially since it seemed like it would give him pleasure to do so. “If you say so.” Holden shrugged. Lochlyn smiled and shook her head. “I play fair and square.” She said. That seemed to ease the tension bringing it back to the fun easy going atmosphere they had before. “Okay okay whose furthest from the hole?” Oakley asked looking. AJ raised his club and went over to his orange ball. He knocked it in with pretty quick ease. Lochlyn was fairly sure he had been on the golf team in high school. Apparently the school that he went to indeed had a golf team. There was no way the school her and Oakley went here on the shore would ever have a golf team. Oakley went next taking a few hits to get hers in and then it was Lochlyn’s turn again. This time she wasn’t going to mess up. She was about to hit the ball when she felt someone behind her. “Unless you want a club to the gut I’d back off.” She laughed looking back behind her. Holden raised his hands and took a step back. “You’re gonna miss. Just move a little bit to the left.” He said. His hands were still in the air. She didn’t want him to be right but she also wanted to make the putt. So she listened to him and adjusted. When she hit the ball it went right to the edge of the hole. She was about to groan in frustration when the ball tipped into the cup. She jumped and cheered. “Yaaay!” Oakley ran over and cheered with her. “They do know this is only hole like 7 right?” Holden asked AJ. Lochlyn wasn’t going to listen to him. It didn’t take her 10 shots this time. Which was the whole goal….right? There was something called parr…whatever. She should have been a lot better at this mini golf place since it was the only one in town but sadly her skills were not so great here. It didn’t take them too long to finish the whole course. It was a pretty close match between AJ and Holden. Lochlyn didn’t really ask who was the winner but by AJ’s frown she was guessing that it was Holden. “Let’s go get ice cream.” Oakley suggested as the turned in their clubs at the desk. Lochlyn was hoping to spend the sunset on the beach but getting ice cream with her best friend was pretty cool too. She actually was really hoping she could convince John to meet her for the sunset. There was still time maybe she could do both. Of course she’d have to get John to agree first. “Okay.” She shrugged and then pulled out her phone. Hey, I’m getting ice cream with my friends and then I’m going to the beach for the sunset. If you’re done with your stuff wanna meet me there? Lochlyn slipped her phone in her pocket and started walking with her friends. It was only 2 “blocks” to the local ice cream shop from the mini golf place. She was in the middle of decided between plain vanilla and one of the flavor of the days when her phone buzzed in her pocket. John: I’m not sure, maybe. I’m still kinda busy. I’ll let you know okay? Lochlyn bit her lip sent a quick no worries before putting her phone away again. “I think I want the chocolate covered pretzel one.” She said biting her lip. “That’s your favorite.” Oakley laughed. “I think I want coffee.” “And that’s your favorite.” She teased her friend back. This ice cream place had been open for a few years and the girls had tried every single flavor. Even the ones that seemed rather…odd. “What about you AJ?” Loch asked. He was staring at the menu looking very confused. “I think I want the raspberry one.” He nodded. “But do I want a waffle cone or a cake cone?” That was an easy call at least for the two best friends. “Waffle cone.” They said in unison. “Dipped in chocolate.” Once again in unison. The two males looked at them with similar expressions. “Why…okay. That’s what I’ll get then.” AJ shook his head and turned to the employee so he could order for him and Oakley. “What about you Holden?” She asked walking up next to him. “I’ve never been here before. What do you recommend?” He asked. That was crazy. How had he not been here before. Though thinking about it…he probably had never been here before. “Hmm the chocolate covered pretzel is my favorite but I also like the cheesecake and then vanilla.” She said. There wasn’t a single flavor that was bad. “Hmm okay. I’ll get the chocolate covered pretzel…in a waffle cone dipped in chocolate?” He said looking over at her for approval. “I want the same thing. One scoop.” She said to the employee who laughed at them. She pulled her phone out double checking to make sure she hadn’t missed another text from John. Sadly there was just their exchange from earlier. John: I’m sorry I’m being so lame. I’m going to make it up to you. The text popped through surprising her. She smiled a little. You’re not, it’s okay. I’ll convince my friends to come with me, join us if you can. That made her feel just a little bit better. “Someone special?” Holden asked holding their ice creams. Had she really been looking at her phone for that long? “Maybe. We haven’t met up yet. We were supposed to today but something came up.” She smiled and took hers from him. “Thanks.” Lochlyn walked to the cashier to pay but the young girl waved her on. “He already paid.” She smiled nodding towards AJ. Of course he was after all in a way trying to keep the peace. “Thank you AJ.” Lochlyn went over and patted his head. He rolled his eyes at her. “Shut up.” He said. Lochlyn smiled seeing the look of happiness on Oakley’s face. “Yeah thanks babe.” Holden said walking up to AJ and kissing his cheek. AJ rolled his eyes harder this time and kicked at his friend. “Not in front of my girlfriend you weirdo.” His words made everyone laugh. “Oh so is he your little secret?” Oakley questioned. AJ’s eyes widened in fear. “That’s not what I meat…Oakley come on you know…” He was cut off by her best friend’s loud laughter. “Calm down love I know.” Oakley waved her had at him and started walking down the sidewalk. Lochlyn quickly joined her linking their arms together. “How long do you think he’s going to be thinking about that?” Lochlyn asked her. She watched her best friend smirk and then shrug. “If I’m lucky days.” Both women laughed. That was priceless. They could hear the men behind them but not exactly what they were talking about. Lochlyn started steering Oakley towards the beach. They passed all the tourists who were heading towards the beach to watch the sunset. They were close enough to her parents house that it was only a five minute walk. It was still a good half hour before sunset. There was little hope that John was going to join them so Lochlyn decided to just lead the group back to her house. Might as well sit in their own nice comfy chairs if they could. “Where are we going?” Holden called from behind them still. “Loch’s.” AJ said. He had been there once. “Right?” He thought anyway. Oakley nodded. “Yeah gonna have a bonfire.” She smiled and looked at Lochlyn. Of course they were. She shook her head and shrugged basically giving Oakley permission to do whatever she wanted. “We do have a fire pit.” They made it back to her house but didn’t go inside. They went right around to the beach. “Welcome to my favorite place.” Lochlyn gestured walking over to their small shed that was near the house so she could grab stuff for the bonfire. “Babe go get the chairs from by the house.” Oakley said to AJ. He nodded and started grabbing chairs. Holden started to help him they only needed four chairs anyway. “Ugh can someone close the shed door?” Lochlyn asked. Her arms were full of wood and she couldn’t get the door to shut. “Coming.” Holden dropped the chairs and came over to grab the door. “Do you want help?” He asked. She nodded and offered up some of the wood. “Please.” He grabbed a few pieces and carried them to the pit. AJ and Holden worked together to start the fire. Oakley and Lochlyn decided it was best to just sit in their chairs and watch as the two men…more like boys fought about the best way to build a fire. They were too entertained to even bother giving advice. 
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