Chapter 6: It's Not a Double Date

1351 Words
The first few weeks of summer vacation seemed to fly by for Lochlyn. She had been spending most of her time helping at her parents shop or out on the beach. It was pretty much heaven. She also had been spending every chance she could messaging John. She hadn’t expected to make a connection with the first person that messaged her but she did. They talked just about all day every day and that was cool with her. “Are you sure that AJ can come?” Oakley asked. She was laying on Lochlyn’s bed flipping through her phone. “What are you even talking about?” Lochlyn said. Lochlyn knew that Oakley wanted to spend any free time she had with her boyfriend and she was going to respect that. Did she want just best friend time? Yes of course but Loch knew that sometimes we need to compromise.   “Are you sure you don’t want me to make sure he brings a friend?” Oakley looked up from her phone. Lochlyn sighed and pulled on a dress.  Lochlyn already knew that AJ was going to bring a friend or find someone to bring to this “not double date”. AJ wasn’t an i***t. He wanted his girlfriend to himself and he knew when Oakley and Lochlyn got together it seemed like those two were the ones dating. “Yes I am very sure, but we both know he’s going to invite someone anyway.” Lochlyn gave her best friend a look. Oakley laughed and then pouted. “He really does just wanna make you happy.” She said. Lochlyn wanted to believe that. She gave Oakley and small smile. She didn’t want to hurt her best friend’s feelings. “I know Oak.” She said. Lochlyn went over and patted her best friends head and laughed. “Now go and get AJ. I’ll meet you there okay?” She said pushing her friend’s shoulder. Lochlyn went back over to her closet and grabbed her shoes. “Okay  if you say so…” Oakley slowly got up and waved before heading out. Lochlyn laid down on her bed and sighed. She should have just canceled. As soon as Oakley told her that AJ wanted to come she should have just made up an excuse for her not to go out. It wasn’t that AJ was annoying or that she didn’t feel like dealing with seeing Oakley being all couple-couple with someone. It was more that she wished she could have seen John. When Oakley had first asked if she could invite AJ Lochlyn thought it would be the perfect way to meet John for the first time. Of course she saw his pictures and everything but that didn’t mean she actually knew him. Unfortunately he had plans so he couldn’t hang out with them tonight. He did mention meeting up tomorrow at the beach. That made Lochlyn nervous. Did she really want to meet him for the first time wearing a bathing suit? Lochlyn sighed and then rolled off her bed. She had to meet AJ and Oakley and whoever else he invited at the only mini golf place in town. It had 9 holes and you had to sign a paper saying you weren’t going to hit the giant animals with golf clubs or leave your trash on the course. It was a cute little place but it had been struggling before the town had started to get more and more tourists lately. The mini golf place was down the street from her parents store but that meant she had to ride her bike she couldn’t just walk. Lochlyn dropped her bike off behind the store and walked down the street. She was turning the corner when she ran right into someone else. “I am so sorry.” She sputtered out as she fell to the concrete. “Owww.” She groaned even though it really didn’t hurt that bad. She was just hoping she didn’t get a bruise on her butt. “You turned that corner so quick.” The male voice said. Lochlyn didn’t even look up she took the hand that was in her line of vision and used it to help herself stand up. “Yeah that’s my bad.” She smiled a little and looked up at the guy she ran into. She didn’t recognize him. She knew just about every local so he must be a tourist. He was extremely attractive and exactly the type of guy Lochlyn usually fell for. She had to remind herself that she was not going to go after that type of guy anymore. She was going to date guys who were actually interested in her and not her friends. Though if she hadn’t made that promise to herself, this man would have been a prime candidate. “I should have still been watching.” He said. It looked like he wanted to say more but she couldn’t be sure. Lochlyn nodded and brushes off her dress.  She smiled at him and looked past him down the street. She could see the outlines of what looked like AJ and Oakley at the entrance of mini golf. “Really don’t worry about it. I’ve gotta go though. Meeting friends.” She said. Lochlyn started walking down the street towards Oakley but out of the corner of her eye she could see the man she had just ran into walking pretty much next to her. She stopped and tilted her head. “Uh…. Can I help you?” Lochlyn questioned. The man laughed and shook his head. “Sorry…again. I’m meeting up with friends too. I’m late actually I um…am going this way.” He pointed in the same direction she was going in. That was odd. Maybe he was meeting friends at mini golf or the beach too. Lochlyn shrugged and started walking again. “Right sorry go ahead.” She said. She bit her lip and watched as the guy hurried on past her. What was that? She sighed watching the attractive man walk. She watched as he walked right up to a couple. Lochlyn got closer and realized that the couple that the stranger walked right up to was none other than Oakley and AJ. “Right.” Lochlyn laughed and shook her head. What was this supposed to be a meet cute? She sighed and called out to her best friend. Oakley’s head turned and she ran over wrapping Lochlyn in a giant hug. “I was starting to worry you were running late.” Oakley said. Lochlyn laughed and gave her a squeeze. “No I just ran into a wall.” She whispered gesturing over to the guy talking with AJ. “Oh you met Holden already?” She said. Oakley looked over at the two boys. Holden. Huh. He looked more like a Griffin or a Shawn. Lochlyn laughed and nodded. “I literally ran into him.” She said. Lochlyn couldn’t believe the odds of meeting the person she knew AJ invited and Oakley swore he didn’t invite on the street. “Oh…oh..” Oakley laughed. “My bad. Well he’s really nice. We’ve hung out before.” She said giving me a reassuring smile. “Plus he’s not a creep. He’s not going to hit on you…unless you want him to.” Oakley winked at Lochlyn before dragging her over. “So I hear you’ve met Lochlyn already.” Oakley said looking at Holden. He laughed and told the story. Not that it was a very long one. AJ laughed a lot longer than seemed necessary. At least in Lochlyn’s opinion anyway. “Alright let’s go hit some balls.” AJ said heading towards the counter. Lochlyn wasn’t sure how this was going to turn out but it was going to be okay. She was about to follow them when her phone went off. Sorry I couldn’t make it today. Lachlan sighed as she saw John’s text. She bit her lip and sent him a quick reply. She didn’t need to think about that right now. She was going to have fun with her friend and then try and decide if she was going to meet him tomorrow. “Lochlyn you coming?” Holden called while holding up a club. “You gotta pick out the color you want.” He smiled at her. Lochlyn laughed and nodded. “I’m coming.” She slipped her phone away and headed towards the counter. 
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