Chapter 11: Take It Slow

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  She wasn’t sure how she got back to the shop but she had. Her parents weren’t as furious as she thought they would be. They were more focused on Kyle and making sure he was okay. When they walked in the door Lochlyn was sitting in the back office still trying to figure out how she was going to make this up to them. “Lochlyn.” Her dad said. Loch looked up at him and bit her lip. “Daddy I’m really sorry.” She said. Loch was trying hard to not cry. His face didn’t seem to be full of anger but you could never be too sure. “We have insurance, that’s not what’s important right now.” He said making his way over to her and wrapping her up in his arms. “You did good kiddo.” He said. Her dad placed a kiss on her head. “I’m real proud of you.” He muttered against her hair. She sighed letting the relief flood through her veins. She was so worried, terrified they were going to be so angry. “Kyle is going to be okay. They aren’t even admitting him. He had the wind knocked out of him but it looks like he didn’t even suffer a concussion.” Her mom said with a small smile. That was a relief. She didn’t know what she would have done if he had been seriously hurt. “I’m glad he’s okay, it was so…everything happened so fast.” She said looking between the two of them. “According to Kyle’s brother, Holden you kept your cool and got him in the kayak. You did what you needed to do.” Her mom said reaching forward to cup her cheek. “We’re closing early today.” She smiled a little and nodded. “Oh we don’t have to.” Lochlyn said still clinging to her dad. Her mother raised an eyebrow. Loch knew better than to question her mother. So instead she nodded her head and kept her mouth shut. “That’s better. You two head out I’ll meet you at home.” Her mom kissed her dad quickly before starting the closing procedures. Lochlyn and her father walked out of the shop and went to the golf cart. “We’ll leave mom the car.” Jared told her getting behind the wheel and turning the key. They didn’t live too far from the shop but it was still far enough that Jared knew that in her current state Lochlyn had no business walking. He was rather worried about his daughter. She looked more exhausted than he had seen, though with that happened today he couldn’t blame her. It didn’t take them long to get home and he when he looked over Lochlyn was completely passed out on his shoulder. It made him laugh, Jared lifted his daughter up and carried her inside and up to her bed. He closed the door and then went downstairs to pour himself a drink. Getting the phone call about the whole event had sent him and Tara into a tailspin. They were just glad that no one had actually been hurt in the long run. “She okay?” Tara asked when she got home. Jared shrugged and offered the wine glass to his wife. “I’m not sure. She fell asleep on the way home.” He told her. Tara laughed and shook her head. “She could always sleep anywhere couldn’t she?” Tara said. She took a sip of the wine and slipped into the barstool. “She can.” He leaned down against the counter. “I’m so glad she wasn’t the one that fell even though I know I should be mad at her for taking those inexperienced guys in that ship.” He said. Jared sighed and leaned his face on his hands. “They weren’t at least not all of them. They were 4 very athletic strong looking young men who seemed to know how to take care of themselves and would want a bit of an adventure. She did exactly what you would have done.” Tara told him before taking another sip of wine. She was right of course, he would have taken those clients to the ships if the tide was right. Tara gave her husband a look. “She’s going to be full of guilt for days, we can take that as her punishment. She isn’t…sadly she isn’t a small child anymore Jared.” Tara said. It pained her to think her baby as anything but that, yet it was true. Lochlyn was an adult and yes there would be consequences but them punishing her like a child was not going to help. “She’ll be more careful now.” Jared nodded his head before taking a sip of his wine. “Which is good.” He added after. “Yes she will be.” Tara agreed. “I’m just glad she was able to handle herself.” Tara took a deep breath. “Kinda makes you feel like you did right by how we raised her.” She smiled a little looking across at the love of her life. “Yeah more than kinda.” He agreed leaning over to kiss his wife. “We did one hell of a job.” He smiled against her lips. “I love you.” He whispered. Tara laughed and returned the sentiment. “You two are disgusting.” Lochlyn commented from the stairs. They didn’t pull apart they simply laughed harder. “That’s the best part about having you kiddo, you’re a product of that disgust.” Jared told her his smile wicked. “Ewwwww.” She teased descending the last few steps and joining her mother on a bar stool “Can I have some?” She asked. Without question her father poured her a small glass and handed it to her. Lochlyn didn’t drink often but she felt like after a day like today she really needed it. Ding Ding Her phone went off and she pulled it out of her pocket.   Did you hear about that kid who almost drowned today? Don’t you work near there? John. She sighed and shook her head. Yeah…..about that….. Tara and Jared continued talking trying to decide what they wanted to do with the rest of their family day off. Jared wanted to just stay home and grill and Tara wanted to go somewhere. “What do you think?” Tara asked her daughter. Lochlyn looked up from her phone and bit her lip. “I don’t want to go out, though I should probably find out how Kyle is and see if I can go see him. Then we could bring dinner home?” She suggested. Tara nodded and looked over at Jared. “Sounds like a plan. Do you know where he is? He was already discharged from the hospital.” Jared asked. “I’ll call Holden, he’s Oakley’s boyfriend’s best friend.” She said laughing when both of her parents eyebrows raised at the same time. “You two are so in sync.” Jared shrugged and kissed his wife’s cheek. “Always.” Tara giggled and pushed him away. Her parents were too damn cute and she love and hated it all at the same time. She texted Oakley asking about Holden and how to get ahold of him. What were you there?  John’s text came through while she was waiting for Oakley to get back to her. It was on one of my tours. I think the guys okay though. I’m trying to find out now. She sighed. Only a few more days and she could actually meet the guy behind the texting. She already knew what he looked like but it would be nice to see him in person. Oakley came through and sent her Holden’s number. She called him and he told her that Kyle was indeed not his brother but he could send her the address if we wanted to go see him. Lochlyn thanked him and hung up. That’s insane. You okay? The text had come through when she was on the phone with Holden. Yeah, going to check on him now. Can we talk on the phone tonight? She was so nervous that she wrote the address on a piece of paper and then shoved her phone away. She didn’t want to see the answer. Lochlyn and her parents drove to the address Holden had given her. It didn’t shock her in the slightest that Kyle as staying in what they called the Jelly Bean houses. There was a small neighborhood of beach houses that stretched to both sides of the peninsula. They were called the Jelly Bean houses because of their bright colors. No one who lived here could actually afford to live or rent them unless they had connections or if they were willing to sign a 3 year lease or leave by April. They were supposed to be buzzed into the community, but wouldn’t you know that Lochlyn’s uncle was the security guard that night. It took them ten minutes before Uncle Jack let them through the gate and onto the house. Lochlyn hesitated at the foot of the steps. She stood in front of the giant pink house with it’s giant lights and overwhelming presence worried she would just look like the girl who nearly killed someone’s son. Lochlyn went up the stairs with her parents behind her and rang the bell.    
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