Development (Riven)

886 Words
Goddess damn it! I turned on that cold shower and fast as I could, I have a raging hard on that needs my mate right now ‘my’ lingered in my head. Jace was fighting me to come out he wants to meet Sinnix but lucky he understood his mate needed rest after the blow she copped today. f*****g Lucas! the sting on the icy water hitting my back jolted me out of my need right now and gave me a moment to think straight, I can’t believe she was going to cut our bond like that! that’s when I realised, I haven’t receded my rejection I have to do that as soon as possible, but I prefer it to be to her, so she knew how I felt. I had not expected to care for her, more than that I loved her and worship her! how did I ever see imperfection in her before? Her hair is beautiful, and her smile is bright! the smile that reaches the eyes, her adorable way she sorted to humiliate me by looking ridiculous, just made her all that much cuter. those curves will make any wolf mad, I wanted to sink my claws in her ass cheeks and drown in her full breasts! great another f*****g hard on! I don’t know how I am going to undo everything I have done. All this time I have been observing her falling for her and understandably she has spent this time in spite of me hating me. This isn’t going to be easy. ‘Riven! Where are you?!’Kane cracked through my thoughts through mind linking, ‘Kane I’m having a shower, what is it?’ I replied, ‘we have things to discuss finish grooming! and get your ass down here” Kane joked he is always such a smart ass. I finished my shower, dried off and got dress. I went out of the bathroom I saw Darcy asleep on my bed. ‘she belongs there,’ Jace was right, I smiled looking at how beautiful she was, staring at the freckles across her nose and her lips curved like she was smiling. I foolishly hoped she was dreaming about ‘She does belong there’ I agreed with Jace. I kissed her on the forehead and whispered “I’m sorry Darcy I will earn you back I promise” I pulled the blanket slightly higher over her shoulders and I went to meet Kane. This meeting was going to take a while, knucklehead wolves fighting over land. “there is only one territory Alpha Kane’s Axel’s” I commanded I’m always by Kane’s side for these disputes they were taxing and all I wanted to do is get back to my room and check on Darcy “Listen! You both sound like a couple of Galah’s fighting over a worm! I’ll give you until the sun goes down, or we settle this like wolves and fight to the death! the one who stays alive gets the extra 2 meters of property?” Kane declared Haha! No one gets Kane’s humour like me! he has been light spirit since we were kids, however these wolves didn’t know that and took his declaration serious. It sorted their argument they went white and split the difference. ‘Works every time’ Kane mind linked me I just smiled in response. After the meeting Kane asked me to stay back to check in “how is Darcy?” he sought “hurt! Lucas hit her in the head with a sparing pole, she is resting on doctors orders in my room she has a slight concussion” I told him, Kane looked at me shocked “it was an accident Darcy got distracted by my scent and didn’t duck quick enough” I continued Kane smirked at that “Well Riven I require you to be on Lucas’s best side, I’ll be bringing him in soon to get him ready to join our warriors and I need him to get on board and take direction from you! anyway how is your progress going with Darcy have you fixed it like I ordered you too?” “I’m working on it, but I think I’m getting closer to her,” I reported nothing get’s past Kane he gave me a look of understanding just as I get him he gets me with out having to say much “Good! Well, you must wish to see her. off you go!” Kane said. I smiled and nodded, I was eager to see my mate, and he knew it. “Oh Kane, any more news on the rogues?” “They are still on the border but no movement yet” “Need me to scout them?” I asked “Not just yet, but stay on high alert as hard as that might be for you right now” Kane said flashing a side smile. “Will do my best” I said said spreading my arms wide and I walked backwards making my way out of the room I was looking forward to tucking down next to her for the night, being able to wake up beside her I found my self smiling but that soon vanished when I walked into the room she was gone.
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