Chapter 5. Escaping from Hell

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The School nurse showed them a key which looks like a car key, then she said "I just found this key from a dead school bus driver and I picked it up!" Everyone was relieve  that their was hope for escaping but the problem is that when Alphine was killing infected.  He observed that they were attracted to sounds, like bat's! But for some reason his gear is to heavy and can be heard while walking lightly. After Alphine was thinking, Sakura walk towards ALphine and she ask who was Alphine.  Aphine look at her and said "It's not for you to know why I'm here!" Then Sakura shouted "Fine!" Then she walk away but she slip and Alphine react fast to catch her and she landed on Alphine's arms, He look at her and she blush and she said "Uhmm..... You can let go of me now!" Slowly Alphine let her go.  After letting her go Alphine was talking silently "She has a thin waist!!!???", Alphine chuckled. After the commotion everyone stared at Alphine and Alphine know's what their thinking "Sir! How can we escape?" Said the other boy student "The only way we can escape is to the parking lot and the fastest way to get to the parking lot is to get to the lobby" Alphine said then everyone nod if it was a good decision.  So they rushed to the lobby, as they were getting nearer to the lobby Alphine saw that it was filled with infected then he said "wait!" Everyone stopped and everyone was saying "what's wrong?" Alphine said "Look!" Everyone looks at the lobby, then their faces looks like hope was gone. Each one of them started talking what to do! But Alphine cut in to talk and he said "I'm going in!" the other students said that he was crazy then Mizuko starts walking toward Alphine and said "Sir! Please we need to work together so that we all can survive!" But Alphine turned her request down and he said "Sorry but for me It is my mission! To protect all of you!" So Alphine turned his back on her not wasting time and ALphine went down the lobby and he slowly walk minimizing the sound he can make. ALphine spotted a shoe lying on the floor he picked it up and throw it over the other side of the hall. The infected heard the sound so all of them went directly to where the sound came from, Alphine look from behind him. He wave over them as the lobby was clear, everyone of them slowly walk towards the exit but one of the student's carrying a crowbar and accidentally shove it to the steel bars, then the infected rushed towards them and Alphine shouted "Run!" Everyone runs to the bus.  As they all reached to the bus Alphine saw few student's and a teacher coming towards them but Alphine's focus is the infected so he started to shoot! "Damn they keep coming!!!!!", "Help me!" Alphine gazed to where who shouted and he saw two student's it looks like the two of them are lover's but Alphine can't help them there were to many infected and Alphine is  down to 4 magazines left in his vest, and so he look away focusing to where his side has less infected, then the school nurse shouted "Guys! the bus is ready let's go!!!" As everyone entered the bus Alphine was the last one to enter, then the school nurse stepped on the Gas and ran over some few infected. As they escaped the school, everyone looks so exhausted and Alphine find to seat. At the back of the bus  he check what's left in his supplies,  he sigh...  and said to himself "3 mags left for my rifle and 2 mags for my pistol 2 grenades, 1 flashbang, 2 bag of medkits, a knife, and a flare." So he relaxed a bit. The school nurse step on the break and pull over to the side and she stand up, then Alphine look in front of him even the students are walking towards him. Alphine then asked him self "What's going to happen to me?" Alphine was getting anxious to why they were surrounding him and then, they all bowed like Alphine is  a god or something. The school nurse spoke "Thank you for saving all of us and we might have not live again" Then they all say the same thing to him, Alphine stand up and he said "No!!! I did not save you all I was just doing my job!"  Then suddenly all of them look at him again and the school nurse said "No!!! you still saved us we thank you for all of you have done to us" Then Alphine put his right hand up to stop their praise to him and then the school nurse said "By the way my name is Jane! The school Nurse Jane nice to meet you sir!" Alphine nod, then the boy student who he saw was about to kill the infected student while ago " My name is Kari nice to meet you to sir!" "My name is Jake!!! and you were so cool shooting the zombies head like you were a pro!" and so Alphine still ignored him. Then beside him was the girl who was frighten  said her name was "My name is Ray nice to meet you to sir!" Alphine also saw a girl who was using a wooden sword or a katana and she also said her name "My name is Yuri and I am one of the Vice captain of Kendo club" then Alphine said "No need to be formal Yuri" then the two girls also said their name was Mizuko and Sakura they also introduced them selves formally. After Alphine was about to speak Sakura ask Alphine the same question again but the sentence was different "So everyone is here and we need talk about you sir?" Alphine was getting annoyed so he answered her question but not to much in details just to escape from getting noticed by Mizuko and Sakura "I was send here by  your Government because something or someone created a Virus and a parasite to make a bio weapon just for your military.!! Then some of the experiments escaped and that is all how it started."  Everyone was beginning to trust Alphine's answer then Mizuko ask him a hard question "Sir! if If I may ask what is your name?" Alphine can't tell them his real name or fake name so he use his code name so he said "My name is Shadow" Mizuko's face looks like she was confused and tilt her head like she didn't get Alphine's answer, Mizuko ask again "Sir if I may ask again what is your real name!" Then Alphine got annoyed.  Alphine then created a made up story to make it real "I was an orphan and I don't have a name, When I was 5 years old men with black and white suit took me in and trained me like crazy, and then they gave me my very one first name and it was Shadow." Mizuko look so down like because she heard Alphine's fake story. As everything went ok one of the teacher at the front of the bus was looking at Jane and his tongue was licking his lips like he's some kind of p*****t. But Jane did not notice is so Jane clap her hand that everyone all should go back to normal and she starts to drive the bus again.  As they get nearer to the city, traffic jam was so heavy that the bus won't move and civilians started shouting to move their cars, but when Alphine was about to stand up he check his device starts to sound like a sonar,  Alphine picked up his device he saw a blue dot and to where Alphine is  right now this could mean something else. 
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