Chapter 4. The Time has come

1097 Words
As Alphine was looking of what It was, Alphine was shocked and shouted  "f*cking infected person" then Alphine watched closely one of the teachers grab the infected suit and he slam him to the gate then the infected person bit the teachers arm and it was bleeding.  Alphine was standing there he saw one of the teachers approached at the unconscious teacher then there it is the unconscious person woke up and bit the teacher. As Alphine glance at the guy who was looking down was already gone as Alphine also depart he heard the speakers saying "All students please remain calm and stay inside your room this will be only a few seconds to check please remain- Back off! what are you doing back off I said! (bites the announcer) Argghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! f*ck youuu!!!" Then Alphine hear all students screaming at the hallway and Alphine saw all of them scatter like ants and Alphine said to himself (This is bad!!!! very bad!!!)   Alphine remembered his equipment's it was at the janitor's he walked there unnoticed to the students that he was very calm but then he saw few infected students biting other students limb by limb, Alphine pulled out his knife and he stab each of the infected right to their head and they fall down quickly. He walked down the hallway, but the infected are getting more and more, although he was getting nearer to the janitor room, after that he reached it, before he could touch the handle  something grab on to his leg and as he  turned around he saw a girl bitten from head to bottom and she said "Please! Please! help me" As he was staring at her he squatted beside her and he rested her on to the floor, the only thing he can do is to maker her rest, then Alphine slowly pointed his knife at her forehead to make it even faster, As he slowly put the knife on her forehead he  closed his eyes because there was nothing he can do more than to make her rest.  He stand up then he opened the janitor room and there it was the crate. he walked toward the create then he shuts the door behind him and he saw letters saying "OPERATOR SHADOW" then Alphine opened it, he began quickly to change his high school uniform and wear his equipment and it was a combat suit,  he put on his vest, gloves, pads for his legs and arms  from getting bitten and he put on his helmet.  After he puts on his  helmet. The GUI (Guide User Interface)was like a futuristic vision and everything was showing interface of his status, ammunition of his guns, and tactical equipment's. Then Alphine reached out his guns and knife then he double checked his gear before heading out. It was then he was ready to terminate every infected that he could find. As Alphine stepped out at the janitor room he heard may shouts at the hallway and corridors of the school. Alphine run quickly as possible then he saw Infected coming to his way.  He point his rifle to their head and pop their heads one by one. As he was getting nearer to the rooftop  to communicate with the others. The stairs going to the roof one of the infected grab his right hand but he shove it and shot it's head. the good thing is that his rifle was equip with a silencer. As he run towards the door Alphine saw 10 or maybe 20 infected, but their attention is not Alphine rather than a stair way going to the water tank , as Alphine gazed to where the infected are going he saw armchairs and tables blocked the path way and Alphine though "There must be survivors here!!!" As Alphine walk slowly he fired each of the infected heads as many as he can just to reach the  survivors. After mowing down the infected he reached the stairs. Alphine slowly cut the ropes tied to each armchair and tables as he walked up he saw 2 students looking at the third  infected student, then one of the girl student shouting his name saying "Zura I'm still here please listen!" As the other boy student holding a thick stick he was about to kill the infected, but Alphine  was the one who first killed the infected right in front of them, then the  two student looked backed at Alphine and they were shocked, the girl student backs away like she saw a killer waiting for her to be killed. Alphine  gazed at the male student and it was him that Alphine saw looking so down, but he approached Alphine and said "Who are you and why are you here!!!" but before Alphine could speak several military helicopter's fly past by going to the city. Before Alphine could speak he saw the student he shot was still standing. Alphine shouted "Move out of the way!!!!" Alphine then  quickly shot the infected student multiple times until the infected fell of the building. Then Alphine said "If you want to live! come with me!" As both of them stare each other they both nod and they followed me.  As they were walking down they heard a scream coming from the trophy room, they ran quickly as possible and Alphine kicked the door he started shooting each infected inside the room, several seconds later another group of students came in and Alphine saw Mizuko and Sakura together. But as Alphine gazed at Mizuko she started looking for something like she was worried about something then Alphine heard her said "Have you guys seen Kelby?!!!" The other students shake their head  saying no, then Mizuko Approached and she said "Sir can I ask you a question?" and he answered "What is it?" "Have you seen this student" she showed him a picture of Alphine.  Alphine didn't hesitate to answer because he was running out of time and on this mission. Alphine looked at her and he said "I'm sorry but I put an end of his life he was eating dead corpse" Then she suddenly burst out of tears, Alphine looked away, then one of the student approached him and said "Hey sir! Is that gun an M4 rifle cool!"  Alphine ignored him and he gazed all the survivors and then his radio started to broadcast and it said "Black Watch squad this is General Zod get to the KimKim City immediately!!!", then Alphine respondent "Affirmative" But one of the school nurse showed them a key.
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