Week 1: How to create an initial outline/Afterlife outline

405 Words
Ideas: Gregory, a man who seldom or never cared about his true friends, as well as relatives, experiences a traumatic experience at the vacation resort - he nearly drowns while having fun at Aqua Fun Park with Helen, his fiancée. After returning home from the vacation, Gregory starts to have the déjà vu episodes, involving his would-be death at the fun park - and pictures of an alternate future, which doesn't include him anymore. Details: Gregory is a talented but selfish designer; his friends and close relatives know of his negative sides, but prefer to be forgiving wherever possible - Gregory isn't all that bad, but he often prefers to put himself into the center of whatever he's doing. Still, he's really talented, and his design works are at times truly wonderful. Scene 1. At the fun park, Gregory takes a water slide attraction; landing in an awkward manner, he is submerged, without being able to rise quickly. Struggling for a gulp of air, he desperately pushed himself off the bottom of the landing basin and manages to breathe just as he thinks he's drowned. The rest of the day, he's kinder than usual and tries to avoid any potentially dangerous parts of the resort - avoiding any water areas as well.  Scene 2. Two weeks later, back at home, Gregory and Helen discuss their wedding ceremony, all their relatives and friends are enthusiastic to see how it all goes on. While taking a bath, Gregory lives those terrible thirty seconds on the bottom of the basin again - this time he sees, as if from above, as he finally drowns, sees his body being taken away; sees the horror and despair on the face of Helen. After that, darkness prevails. Gregory scrambles out of bathroom, to find his house is decorated with mourning items all around, and his portrait, with mourning frame all around, is present in the guest room. He sees Helen, all in black, sitting at the table, looking at the portrait and crying. A flash... and Gregory realizes he's just left the bathroom quite alive and fine, and the house is still busy with the upcoming wedding frenzy. However, Gregory becomes dark and overwhelmed during the rest of the day, and refuses to explain the alarmed Helen what happened - he only assures her there's nothing wrong with Helen, it's just bad memories of something really nasty from a distant past.
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