
1234 Words
            I felt the warmth of the sunrise, yet the cold is holding me...never letting me go. I tried to move but I was stuck in it. It was constantly reassuring me in our mixed language...our local tongue... The cold can speak? Weird...Then I stopped thinking for a while...just letting myself flow with in the cold.             The cold is nice...comfortable even...and I'm just too weak to go against it for felt like eternity just feeling and never knowing how I ended up with it...maybe this is how death feels, just cold and numb...until you realize you can open your eyes.             Wait, I can open my eyes...I'm alive?!              But when my vision came into focus, I realized who is the man I'm looking up to. Well, I'm too weak to move and to even avert looking at him. Though he is not an eyesore, he is still a royal pain in the butt...or rather a royal pain in the heart.             He was caring me bridal style, my head resting on his cold chest. I could hear his heart beat. Shouldn't vampires be undead and without heart beats? I tried stirring but he held me in place.              "Please I am trying to control myself from anything you wouldn't like me doing. Plus, it'll hurt you if your broken arm would dangle and move." He said not even straining from my weight, and I weigh like a man. He was carrying me like I'm a piece of over sized stuffed toy. I tried to talk but I couldn't even if I tried to help myself from doing so. I was just stuck there looking at his gorgeous face. He looked at me from the side of his eyes and smugly smirked. I rolled my eyes then looked somewhere else. I focused my eyes to his hand firmly gripping my leg.              "Your...bleeding..." I said..well, more like croaked.              "It's healing." He said. "I had to catch a bullet from killing the love of my life." he sounded like someone who was grinning. He was making me feel guilty, I'm sure of that. Just like old times when I do something stupid that would get us both in trouble.             I snorted, 'knocking me out in the process,' I thought.               "Look Fran, I would never change're far too precious to me. I would never let you be like me, a monster. But being with you, makes me feel like I'm lesser of what you said me to be." he paused for a moment as if trying to collect himself, "I'm just so glad I finally found you. But you'd rather die than be a monster like me." I could now feel the wind blowing and hear the tides rolling. We are now at the coastline and it's already mid day. "Do you know how it hurts to move this agonizingly slow? But I'm clearly doing this for you." I snorted, he chuckled. God, how can he be so angelic and demonic at the same time?! He can be so full of himself, but be caring. He maybe the same person but then when I gazed at him...he's a vampire now. He made me sit on the sand facing the beach. "I know I am selfish, but I am only exercising my selfishness when it comes to you. I am going to warn you though, in two years time I am going to get you in that shelter whether you like it or not."              "f**k you." I half croaked half whispered. He chuckled and brought his face few inches from mine.              "And I love you too." he said before crushing his cold soft lips on my dry ones, making my toes curl like a freaking teenager! He rested his forehead on mine and looked deeply into my eyes as if kissing me just drained his energy. "God, I wanted you so bad..." grinning sexily he ruffled my hair. "Your ride would be here a bit later. " he said looking at the sun's direction. He never really got bothered by it. His white skin would just look glossy...not like in the book I read. Bummer! I really wanted him to shine and shimmer! I'd really want to have an ex-boy friend that sparkles. Is that how you think when you thought you died. Foolish though it made me smile.                   Few minutes later I heard a helicopter flying towards my direction. He whistled, "Chealsea could fly!" he said standing up. "I'll get going now. See you later love. I'll visit you in our dreams." He winked at me just like he'd always do and walked away with vampire speed.             I welcomed rest, I fell asleep. The next thing I noticed is Chealsea shouting at me while trying to break my arms once again. "Ouch." I whispered with my croaking voice. "I'm still alive you know." I said grinning.              I could never explain the relief I saw in her face when she saw me respond. She just smiled and cried at the same time and crushed my head into a hug. "We thought we lost you." she sobbed tears dripping on my face.               "Hey, I'm one tough chick to kill." I smiled at her. Though having my ex as a vampire did help. I saw Queencie running towards us. And smiled at her. she too was in tears even before she got near me. "Hey, Queen." I greeted her.              "God, you look awful." She said assessing me in her medic tone. She then pulled out a first aid kit and started pulling my broken arm in a splint. I just winced and moaned with the earth splitting pain she made me suffer. "This fracture would soon infect!" She said and mouthed series of curses. "Fran, I'm gonna give you your first dose of wide spec Antibiotic Okay?! It'll sting like hell but a dose of morphine will be next so you'll be in La-la Land in a sort while." I nodded. She pulled out a syringe with antibacterial fluids inside and hit my affected arm with it causing me to yelp. "We need to move her now." She barked like a boss that she is as a medic.             That's when I saw Mushka and Noelle in tears with a stretcher at hand. "Uh, guys I can still walk." I said trying to stand up.             Chealsea nudge me in the head not so slightly and shouted, "After going all hero on us and exercising your rank you're going to walk?! No way!" All of us started laughing as they loaded me on the stretcher with all the straps and everything. They then marched at the Helicopter they used to track me down.              "How on earth did you find me." I asked when we were airborne.              "With these." Queencie showed me trucking bullets attached to my belt. "And you rang on our communicator with an ear spitting shriek." she grinned.                    "Welcom back boss." Mushka said holding my hand.                  "Thanks, for coming back guys. I owe you my butt." I said smriking.                  "Not to mention your arm!" Chealsea butted in from the communication channel. And we all laughed.                 Everything is settled. The kids are safe. We are starting our new lives. Although I still have my own secrets to bear. He'll be coming for me...unless I kill him first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N I really hope you are enjoying it...please leave a comment! Bonus Chapter for the holidays! 
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