Blank Slate

1270 Words
In every action there is an equal reaction. A simple rule of Physics. But my action as a human would never even differ a thing as the human race died down. I became just an absentee audience as the world bow down to its new ruler. The Emperor had gained the world but as my father had told me, he had lost far more precious—his soul, his humanity.  At first he just wanted to find me. When he found me, he wanted to posses me. I resisted that was why he lost me. And then he lost it all. My father's memories were enough for me to see that I needed to stop him. He had been consumed by his greed and obsession with power. I had to kill him before he could capture the shelter where my family is now located. But my heart would flutter painfully every time I think of him lifeless. There were memories of him being human. Memories of my father seeing him smiling with me. We were happy. We were once humans and as I see it through my father's eyes, we loved each other. And it kept me thinking, could I still be loving him? But my duty now is to protect our human bloodline, like what my father is doing. I was hidden. I know my father had kept me from the Emperor. He was one of those who are rebelling against his rule now. Vampires have already gained opinions. They are living in societies now that their numbers are increasing. There are those who oppose the Emperor but did it secretly just like my father. He is secretly feeding the Philippines' shelters with knowledge and goods to handle their defenses properly. I guess we are not monsters after all. Many things happened when I was asleep. Shelters upon shelters were raided out of humans. Most of the shelters who succumbed were from third world countries. But the Philippines remained untouched. Mostly because of my father's influence. The Mindanao shelter who took a beating three years ago had successfully recovered her strength. Father told me that he would do anything to protect our human blood line, he would always look melancholic as he would say it. I know in my heart that he loves my mother so much, up until now.  He fed me with artificial blood after I drunk his. It is specially engineered to sustain our hunger without giving me memories of other people. He said gaining memories happened to the Emperor himself when he changed. But not those vampires whom he'd bitten. That was why my father had to make certain adjustments with his feedings otherwise the Emperor will lose himself to the memories of those people whose blood he consumed. The same thing that would be happening to me if I drink directly from anyone, their memories would be passed on to me. It also explained how I acquired french and seven more different languages and other native dialects I know nothing of. My father had to transfuse blood to me due to the severity of my body's reaction towards the Emperor's blood he injected to me. "Are you awake?" I heard him say outside of my room's door. Vampires have developed high senses. Visions they would freely adjust at their will. Scenting abilities that would make them aware of any hot blooded creatures lurking in the dark. Speed that could match any hybrid cars humans had invented. "You told me yourself that vampires do not require sleep, father. " I answered in but a whispered which he heard because he started chuckling as he entered my room. "You never called me father. Daddy, yes, but you usually call me dad." he said casually. "I really hope I could make a way to have my daughter back. You are so up tight for me." His hair was tied in a half pony tail. He looked younger than the memories I saw. "Your body becomes wired to achieve its' most able state, therefore the person infected by the plague becomes younger. I could say that being a vampire has it's perks. Wait til your Mom sees me right?" As if reading my mind he answered my questions. It has just been a few hours since I've been awaken and I don't know how to react to him. I am a blank slate that I don't know how act humanly even towards him, who I know I grew up with. I tried smiling, "I don't know who I am. I am trying but I can't remember anything." Slowly the smile I plastered on my face faded as I saw the sadness inside my father's eyes. "Although I swear to you that I shall kill the Emperor." "You don't have to do that." He said. "Your blood is enough help for us. Soon, if the Emperor wouldn't suspect anything all vampires would be humans again. including me." "What about me?" I asked absently. "Would I be able to go back to who I was before these?" I focused on myself in the mirror. I looked different from the vampires I saw lurking in my father's mansion. They looked pale with translucent blue eyes. Unlike what I saw in my refection. I looked like a human now that I've consumed blood. I may even fool vampires into thinking that I am a human because I am warm, but I know, I am not one of them. My red eyes had proven me so. "I would stay as I am, am I correct?" My father sighed. He was facing a dead end as I was in the matter. "We are running tests on your blood and his. We found out that your blood can nullify the infection caused by the Emperor's blood. But when we combined your blood with his, it turned into ashes. In theory, you'll be the only ones left. You and the Emperor." He said walking towards me. "Then what would that make us?" I asked him gloomily. I feared beng alone. I dreaded it. It was as if I would be drowned in my own existance. I don't want to be alone. "You would be gods. Immortals. Never dying. The key to immortality. Him bringing death, you bringing life." my father stated like a poet that he is. "You will bring fear and hope all at the same time. You and the Emperor were made for each other in the most opposing way." "What are you suggesting?" he struck my curiosity. "You suggest that we be together?" "As two oposing pole that would remain as a higher being in all of humanity, yes." He answered me. "The possibility of cure to any human sickness. The baility of healing any trauma an accident would bring to a physical body. You two were a gift to humanity, if you stay together, human greed would not affect you. You would only give what is needed. You would be in control." "But the Emperor. He is to be wed in a few weeks time." I said. "He is a lost soul without you." He spoke with a soft voice standing next to me. He placd his hand on my shoulder, he was cold unlike me. "You are his equal. His bride now would be just a slave to his whim." "Then what must be done?" I asked looking at his eyes through the mirror. He smiled at me in a fatherly way. His face was so familiar yet distant at the same way.  "You need to open your heart to him."
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