Chapter 15

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“You were about to remind me what time it was,” Renee lied. It sucked having to but to be the subject focused on was to be an inmate. Jason shook his head. “Judging by the light, it’s 6:15 am,” he begrudgingly answered. Renee watched him carefully as he pulled his fork from his rolled napkin. To her surprise he didn’t push. … Who should she thank for that? Herself or Barbra? Chatter and the sound of others enjoying their meals settled between them. That, and the quiet nagging quarrel which begged for her attention. … He’d asked a question. … She was supposed to provide his answer. … If she pulled this at home… Her anxiety built as she tried to follow suit. The feel of the cloth napkin in her hand seemed like she could count the threadbare. The weight of her utensils felt far heavier than what they should be. Or was this normal? Why was being there getting to her? … Because you’ll get caught! … Because there are eyes all around her. Witness accounts she can’t possibly blanket! Worst of all, she had Jason trying to figure her out. … Fight it! Renee pulled her fork from the napkin and placed hers on her lap. Shakily, she settled the side of her fork into the fluffy stack of three. “Don’t you want to top them?” Jason asked. … Renee could cry. She won’t but embarrassment found her unexpectedly. … The release was like a firecracker. “Sorry,” Renee managed. Jason’s eyes flicked up to hers from his bite. “Sorry?” Renee shook her head. “I guess I’m just in a fog,” she started, trying to get him to let it go. Renee shuffled her utensils, picking up the knife, then reached for the butter. She slathered the soft pads effortlessly, admiring the way it didn’t pull up the soft cooked top at each pass. Next, she poured her syrup out of its ornate spout. “It goes on the top,” Jason spoke up. “Maybe yours does. I dip mine.” “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me why.” Renee shrugged, putting the syrup away. “Is there value to it?” she asked. She could feel Jason’s eyes on her. “Everything has value,” he assured her. Renee nodded. … Don’t budge. … Don’t tell him how this came to be. … No one wants a sob story. “Like your story?” she turned the tables on him. “If you want anything more from me…” “That’s not how this works,” he swirled his finger in the air between them. “I have the upper hand. This gift of food is my ticket to another sliver of you.” Her frown quickly turned into a scowl. Her stomach turned and growled at the same time. “You know what you have to do,” he goaded. Her heart pounded in her ears. It was a life altering rhythm. One that paned her even to breathe. “Sorry,” she whispered instead. “Everything okay here?” Barbra asked as she returned to check on their meal. Renee nodded, her eyes cast down to the plate. “What did you do?” she barely heard Barbra whisper. “What did I do?” “It had to be you. She was delighted when I was here!” Barbra slid beside Jason, responding to his wave. All of which would be better to ignore. Concern marred her face. Color drained next. The drop of her shoulder; the clasp of her hands together made Renee worry. Out it came as Renee forced herself to eat the aromatic blessing in front of her. “…how would you care for someone recovering from anorexia then?” … What?! The buttery flapjack practically melted against her tongue. A tear fell that she hadn’t realized was even there. … Did he just lie for her? … Or is that what he thinks? Renee shivered while their eyes remained on her. … If this was the game he wanted to play, she could play it. “This is delicious,” she mumbled and leaned in for another bite. ==== Kris ==== The night before was a blur. Despite the exhaustion Crystal and his regular schedule provided, Kris could not sleep a wink. He tried a shower that turned into grooming… lots of grooming. Way too much actually. He’s pretty sure every one of his ancestors would have been rolling on the floor laughing at him if they were here. His cousins could be bad but his parents were overkill. The thought jabbed him. They all had their time… why couldn’t he? Kris spent his night trimming his nails, trying to find the perfect way to let his hair fall around him, and adjusting his goatee until it ceased to exist. That’ll stir Kass up, he thought, holding his chin. He waved the thought away quickly. If anything, his friend would just know. He’s known this long, hasn’t he? “I’ll just say I shaved,” Kris reported to himself. He didn’t have to have a reason. He could just want to. … Yeah. Yeah that’s it. His eyes met his own in the mirror next. They seemed heavy but wide awake. “I need some kind of sleep,” he moaned to himself, then turned to click off the light. Leaving the bathroom felt wrong. In fact, knowing she exists and not having her with him already was beginning to gnaw at Kris. His room has become less inviting. His bed didn’t seem like he should be there either but what was he going to do? Stand in the corner? That’s ridiculous. It’s his bed. Kris stalked off to the side of it, pulled his sheets back and forced himself into the unfilled bed. Laying there made no difference. He was still a stranger to himself and his apartment it seemed. Time passed slower still while he played games on his phone. The tell tale clock icon slid into place a moment later signaling that it was time. Finally! Kris left his bed, not bothering to remake it. His strides to the door barely came to mind. As he approached it, he reached his hand out, ready to take the day by storm. “Hey man…” Kass greeted Kris as he made his way through the door. “Hey,” Kris replied evenly. He did not need his friend to know… “You don’t sound ready to go,” Kass worried. “Having second thoughts?” “No!” “There it is,” Kass congratulated. “The honesty…” “Sorry, I’m just nervous.” “That’s normal,” Kass conceded as he slung the strap of his gym bag on. Normal felt good. Or at least the indication that he was. Kris collected his own, then wordlessly decided on taking two vehicles in case his mate was ready for him. Love at first sight was a thing after all. “Phew! Gods, Kass…” Kris choked on air. “That’s not normal.” “I agree,” Kass chuckled. “Ya know I spent all night looking up if gas smells underwater…” “If we have to circle, you’re behind me.” “What? Can’t let your mate know you fart?” “No… I just don’t want to be a let down at our first real meeting.” “Relax,” Kass replied, leading the two of them out. “It’s not your first.” “Wolf, you know what I mean,” Kris grumbled. “I don’t want to be out there asking if the water smells funny.” “The answer was no, by the way. The water doesn’t smell…” “Still. I’m not taking any chances. This might be my only one.” Kass seemed to let up as they made their way down the elevator and out into the lobby. “I hope this is your only chance because that looks hella romantic,” Kass pointed out the window. “Snow?” “Yeah man. How many people can say they went for a swim and cozied up after in their mate’s arms on a first real meeting.” Kass’ message doubled down in Kris’ memory. He’s not even sure if he was able to respond. Trudging in the snow was fun. It sort of brought a new level of merriment to his morning. Then again, the snow was really coming down. All types of species had their issues with it. Mostly humans. They’d take the gift from above and rush it off of the roads instead of letting the world rest. For all intents and purposes his day brought him, Kris couldn’t find a reason to be upset by it though. This would get him to her. And then? She’d be safe with him. Despite being in his truck, the train of vehicles before him started ramping up his nerves too. What if’s rolled around in his mind thereafter: What if she didn’t come? What if they missed each other? What if she was hurt? What if she wasn’t? The more he questioned, the more the memory of the dark figure haunted him. What if she’s with him? Kris shook his head. Nothing would willingly take that kind of evil on. Not as a friend or otherwise. Right?
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