Chapter 16

1651 Words
Nothing living ever survived around demons. Plenty of creatures talked the talk but wound up past the veil after their deal was made. The idea that his mate could have anything to do with that soul eater was frightening enough to press on. Kris had to know if his mate was there and furthermore, if the demon was too. Arriving at the gym was harder than it should have been but not because of the weather. In fact, the worst of it was mostly over members standing in spots to save them. It was madness… and one of the various reasons he preferred parking around back. Kris pulled into his spot first, followed by Kass. He grabbed his gym bag and towel then the odd temptation came to look up. When he did, all it happened to be was Kass staring back at him. That glare was one he used for annoyance only. He shook his head, grinned and made his way to follow Kris as he got out of the truck. “Can you believe that s**t?” “What? The first spot greed?” Kris huffed. “That s**t happens rain or shine.” “Not like that, it doesn't. I’ve never seen that level of ratting.” “Not at the gym maybe…” “Nah man. I just got chased with a shovel!” “You what?” “I happened to look one of them in the eye…” “You’re kidding.” “I don’t even know what species it was. No wolves are out there but the Alphas are taking it to extremes for sure.” Kris frowned. Alphas didn’t have to be were-shifters to be included in their designation category. Even humans had roles. Just not all of them. Certain species were active, dormant and non-existent. Obnoxiously, it was almost impossible to know which was which without ID’ing them either. “How do you know that they’re not just douchebags?” Kris asked. “They didn’t let up when I passed.” “What did they think you were going to do? Back into the spot with them in it?” “No idea, man,” Kass replied, shaking his head. “But if it wasn’t against the law to turn one just to scare the rest, I’d do it.” “Nah you wouldn’t,” Kris closed his door and rounded his truck. “After this bullshit? Yeah, I would. Just one little…” “Shh,” Kris hushed. “Cameras. Don’t need anyone knowing it’s a real possibility to turn humans.” “It…” “… is an urban legend according to the law.” Kass rolled his eyes hard at Kris. “It’s best if we keep it like that,” Kris pressed. Kass finally agreed. Whatever happened between that bag of bones and his friend was enough to derail Kass’ sunny disposition. Regardless, they needed to curb this. Immediately. Kass kept his eye out as they rounded their way into the back of the building. It led them to the viewing area that the demon darkly sat in only yesterday. Relief flooded Kris soon after. It wasn’t an everyday occurrence. Perhaps it was just there looking for quick fixes; just enough to eat… whatever it was, Kris quickly let go of the thought. He made sure to clear his mind, so as not to call for him, teetering once or twice toward the freedom to look for his love. “Looks light today,” Kass nodded at the lanes. “Seems humans really are chicken s**t about the snow.” “Not everyone’s a d**k, wolf.” To that end, Kass snickered. “Looks like it’s all dudes though,” he nodded at the glass. Kris frowned at that, clutching his chest as if he could still feel her. “Sorry man. Maybe she’s still in the locker room. Everyone’s a little off today. Maybe she is too.” Kris nodded. He tried hard to accept it. People were being weird that morning, Kass included. Maybe, he thought. Maybe he was just on high alert. Yesterday was clearer… not just with the snow but within his… well, no. There were distractions, actually. It was like the universe was playing a role in not letting him find his true love or something: Crystal was off the rails. There was a demon at the gym. The girl crashed into him. He thought he was drugged. They ate a s**t ton of pizza. Of course he was screwed up today! All of that stress piled high and then they added cheese to it? Duh. Still, the revelation didn’t help much. Kris could only faintly remember his mystery girl and hope she wasn’t a minor. Or worse, mated. Convenience coupling was a thing, he deflected the accusative tone grumbling in the back of his mind. There are only so many centuries one can go without companionship. His mind faltered as they strode through the check in gates. They were here. Right here! Just yesterday. What he wouldn’t do to pivot and catch her crashing into him all over again. “Wait, where are you going?” Kris asked as he realized they were out of sync. “The family locker room,” Kass pointed. “You’re not handicapped and unless you’re smuggling in a child, you can’t be in there.” Kass grinned. Clearly switched on for nonsense. “I’m sorry, what?” Kass cracked. “You know exactly what I meant…” His grin only widened. “Just go, Kass,” Kris huffed. “How will I know it’s your girl if she uses this one?” “You won’t,” Kris remembered, thumbing towards the women’s locker room. “She used this one yesterday.” “Well, good luck then…” Kass nodded towards the door. Kris frowned. “What d’ya mean, good luck?” His friend wiggled his eyebrows in response. “What?” Again with the waggle. “It’s your time to try something new!” Kris’s eyes widened while his friend chortled, dual finger pistol pointing at the ladies room door from where he entered the family locker room. “Wha—? I am NOT… will NOT be doing that!” Blush in his cheeks burned at the thought. What a terrible way to meet his mate for real! His mind raced as he deflected possible conversations and impending doom that laid in waiting until his parents got word. His immortal life would be over… Figuratively at least. No… he couldn’t take that chance. Kris turned his heel and bee lined right for the men's locker room. The cool blast was undeniably welcome the moment he bursted in. The sound of his arrival stirred some folks but Kris was on a mission. A nod would have to be all that he could give while he shucked off his layers. Quickly, after changing, he threw the rest of his belongings into a locker, then made his way out into the showers. As much as he hated doing it, removing the last of what lingered on him from yesterday, Kris rinsed off. It was part of their rules, he told his wolf to keep him under control. Once rinsed from head to toe, he peeled out of the locker room once and for all. The gym’s lap pool was just that. While the facility wasn’t in the best shape, it was clean… enough. It was certainly something a lot of beings used. That was clear. A pair of lifeguards sat poolside. One male; of average height and decidedly dark elf. The other female; tall, slender and by the smell of it, human. Kris’s hopes plummeted. The only other creatures in the pool were a small group of swim team kids and enough members that were taking advantage of the change. Three lanes had been commandeered by members by the time he made it on the pool deck, but none of them were female either! Frustration began wearing him down. What the hell was he thinking? Kris ran his fingers through his sopping wet hair to keep it from dripping on his shoulders. The annoyingly cold taps from the droplets there reminded him just how hard he tried for this… for nothing. Something had to give, he huffed. A faint sound of girls giggling pulled his senses around. “Fvck me…” a girl whispered within the waves. “It’s the hottie from yesterday…” Kris’s ears perked up at that. At least someone noticed him. “Oh s**t! Who do you think he’s here for?” another one whispered back. “It’s no contest. He’s here for me,” the girl on the side, dressed in short shorts and a tight tank top. Gods help him. He was not there for her. Kris shuddered at the thought. There was no reason to pursue that material Queen. Werewolf or not, this creature needed to know her place and respect his space. Kris reduced his cap and goggles and headed to the shallow end of the pool, without making eye contact with the woman in question. The team set off for another set in his peripheral vision while the young werewolf kept her eyes on him. He could feel her gaze wandering up and down his body, in places that were no longer virgin grounds but so experienced it would blow her mind, he thought. She, however, was someone else’s property. Not his. And he certainly didn’t need mixed signals now. He was still searching for someone worth waiting for. “Ooh,” a swimmer came up to the side of the lane, slapping a puddle for the queen's attention. “Are you serious?” the girl moaned, splashing her teammate. “He gave you a legit cease and desist… Brit. Maybe just let go…”
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