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The sun sunk behind the clouds so quickly that day. And the moon slowly creeped its way out. Justine and Mutale came out of the room. Mutale smiling from ear to ear while Justine was grumbling under his breath. “So as we agreed I won, which means I decide who the twins look like between uncle Seb or aunt Tasha,” Mutale began. Justine just went over and sat close to his father. And Trevor started patting him on the back. Natasha quickly came from the kitchen after hearing what Mutale had just said. “You know you are my favorite, right?” Natasha gave cookies to Mutale. “Don’t listen to her you are a man so side with me,” Sebastian said. “Attention sicker,” Justine grumbled. “Justine,” Trevor spoke. “Bu.....” “But nothing. You made an agreement with your brother and he won. And tell you what tomorrow we will go shopping.” “Seriously, dad?” he asked, his face glowing with excitement. “Yeah.” “Cool,” he moved and hugged his father. “I’m the one in the kitchen so do you prefer the couch boy or super aunt,” Natasha spoke, squatting, to be the same height as Trevor. “I guess super aunt sounds great,” he began tapping his head, looking at Sebastian. “Who has more money? me, right? I can buy you whatever toy you want,” Sebastian spoke. Before Natasha could retort, the door suddenly blew inwards, and they all turned to see who entered. Emma entered with dashing skinny jeans which were basically leggings. A long shirt and sneakers. The young lady displayed a rather dashing figure. Justine and Mutale’s jaws dropped, their gaze focused on Emma. Trevor closed the boy’s mouths. “Don’t drop your tongues,” Trevor said. “Emma, what did I say about knocking?” Natasha scolded. “Sorry, Natasha I fo....... Trevor?” Her eyes widened. Trevor stood up, “yes Emma, surprised to see me, eh?” He smiled. “I’m dreaming aren’t I?” Sebastian pinched her. “Ouch,” she jumped. “You aren’t dreaming, wolf girl,” Sebastian spoke. “Trevor, is it really you?” She moved and started touching Trevor. “It’s me, Emma. I’m not a ghost.” “Man, where the hell have you been? This bastard Sebastian grieved for months,” she punched Trevor. “No, I didn’t,” Sebastian argued. “Oh, please,” Emma said. “Well, let us sit. I’m tired of telling it but here we go,” he narrated the all thing to Emma from start to finish. He has even mastered the all story he didn’t even need help from the boys. “So this two bas....I mean boys are your kids?” She looked at the boys. “What’s wrong with you people and bad language. But anyway, we have gotten used to it by now,” Mutale spoke. “Yes, Emma, they are my boys. And Mutale, let me hear you use such words I will jinx your mouth,” he scolded. “Sorry, dad. But they are all continuously using it so we got used that is what I meant dad not me using it.” “Here is water, my lady you must be thirsty today it is hot,” Justine handed water to Emma. They all turned to look at him because none of them knew the time he left his seat. “Oh, thanks dear, I don’t know where you got your manners to, but it’s surely not from your father or uncle here,” she took the water and drunk the all-cup without stopping for a breath. They all just laughed at Justine’s behavior. “And did Sebastian tell you he spoke at a charity event last night?” Emma asked. “No, he didn’t. Dude, you outgrew your stage fright?” Trevor asked. “Never had one,” Sebastian said confidently. “Please, you ran out of our presentation, asshole,” Trevor spoke, then later realized his kids were around. “Wait, if you are alive then what are we gonna tell people some will even think we just needed money, you know that right?” Natasha spoke. “I didn’t even think about that, dear. What are we gonna tell people, man?” Sebastian asked, looking at Trevor. “I don’t know, man,” Trevor replied. There was silence for a heartbeat then. “We have an idea,” the boys spoke. “What ideas could you possibly come up with?” Natasha asked. “We have watched so many movies by now. So there was a big burst on the anniversary right?” Justine asked. They nodded their heads. “So when the blast happened and before the ambulance could arrive someone took father and he was in a state comma until now,” Mutale said. “Your kids are smarter than you, dude,” Sebastian said, mocking Trevor. “And you two?” Natasha asked. “Aunt, that is the simplest part. Our mother didn’t just tell dad we are his children this s**t happens every time. So people will believe it,” Mutale said. “What did I tell you about such language?” Trevor asked, looking at Mutale furiously. “That you will jinx my mouth,” Mutale replied, looking down. Trevor raised his wand, but Emma quickly caught his arm. “Dude, you were seriously gonna do it?” “Yeah,” he replied. Mutale just got up from the chair and rushed upstairs. “Thanks, Dad,” Justine said and followed Mutale. “What have I done?” He asked. “Do you seriously need the answer to that?” Emma asked. “I don’t know how to handle these boys, man. I’m doing my best but parenting sucks,” Trevor said, beating his head. “Trevor, they are teenagers. Keep treating them like crap and they will go running back to their foster mothers,” Sebastian spoke, “and don’t forget you were one pain in the ass, but none of your parents wanted to jinx you,” he added. “God help me,” he looked up. “Anyway, just be cool with them not too hard not too soft, ok? Welcome to parenting,” Natasha said. ********** “Phase one is complete,” Charles said. “Perfect,” the man who was facing his back on Charles said. “You know what to do next, right?” He asked. “Yes, I do,” Charles responded. “Alright then, start the preparations,” the man oozed. Charles left the room and closed the door behind him softly. *********** “This place was messy when we left. But now dashing,” Trevor said. “I know you should see your house,” Sebastian said excitedly. “Wait, my house has got cleaned?” “Yes. The people who cleaned my house I told them to clean yours too,” Sebastian responded. “But you thought I was dead man.” “Well, I think deep down I knew you will show up.” “Thanks, man I really appreciate it,” he fist-bumped him. “No problem, man. And Emma, you did great to show up. Charles is alive,” Sebastian spoke, his face changing now to serious. “Wait what?” She asked, face perplexed. “Yes, he was here this morning,” Natasha spoke. “What did he want? And I thought.... I didn’t see Charles at the party that night. So it’s possible for the bastard to show up. And what does he want this time?” Emma asked. “He came to tell me I’m his nephew,” Sebastian said. “What?” “Yeah, apparently I also below to the loyal fa......wait, there is a way I can find out if I’m his nephew,” Sebastian said and got up. “Yes,” Emma also got up, “the fire, right?” “Yes. But how do I do it? You know more about these things better than me,” Sebastian said. Trevor and Natasha looked at each other, confused. Sebastian and Emma got out and went to the back door. Trevor and Natasha just followed. “For what I know, you should just concentrate on it and if you are really his nephew, it shouldn’t take much of your energy,” Emma said. “Alright, give me a second,” he tapped his werewolf powers and began taking deep breaths. “Just like that, wait for a second now!” She shouted. Sebastian opened his mouth and a small fire came out of his mouth. But was enough to burn the glass where they stood. “So this confirms my husband is that asshole’s nephew?” Natasha asked. “I guess so,” Trevor said, looking at Sebastian for confirmation. Sebastian began transforming back. But before I finished transforming, Natasha ran to him with a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. They went back inside and none of them spoke for until. “So he was telling the truth,” Natasha said, as they sat down. “Yeah, but how is this even possible? My father worked with Trevor’s dad, and he was not an alpha at all. What is happening in my life now?” Sebastian spoke, beating his hands together? “Could they have adopted you or something?” Trevor asked. “I don’t know, man,” he responded. “I think only Charles can answer these questions,” Natasha said. “But we have no idea where he might be,” Sebastian said. “The best part is that you can breathe out fire. So when Robert shows up, we have that to your advantage,” Emma said. “Is there anyone in my house? Ranting, or you bastards sold my house?” Trevor asked. “No one is in your house, ass. As I said earlier, part of me believe you were still alive. So you can go to your house.” Sebastian said. “Oh, cool. Where are these two we have to go,” Trevor spoke looking around? “They are probably upstairs. I didn’t see any of them come down after they stormed out,” Emma said. Trevor went upstairs and began looking from room to room. Calling their names whispery so I didn’t wake the twins up. Then he found them in the television room watching American dad. The boys whirled to see who entered, then turned to the TV again after seeing Trevor. Trevor just went over and sat beside Mutale. Mutale moved and went to sit on another chair as Trevor followed. “I’m sorry, ok?” Trevor said. Mutale didn’t answer. “Mutale I said I’m sorry. And don’t you think you are too young to be watching this show?” “You were about to jinx me, dad,” Mutale said. “Of course not, my boy. I wouldn’t do that to any of you, but that doesn’t mean you should use such language, ok? Come on let us go home,” he stood up. “But I haven’t said a forgive you yet,” Mutale folded his hands. “You are more mature than you no who. So I know you have forgiven me, boy.” “Who is you know who?” Justine asked. “Someone,” Trevor looked at Mutale and the boy grinned. “I’m also sorry, dad I was acting a bit like a drama queen,” Mutale said. “It’s ok, let us go,” Trevor turned. “Mutale, who is you no who?” Justine again asked. “I don’t know man. Let us just go home and forget about that,” Mutale responded. “We are going to the house you told us about, right dad?” Justine asked as they left the room. Leaving the TV on. “Yes,” he responded. “Trevor, will you leave me at my place on your way?” Emma said upon seeing them coming downstairs. “Sure. Sebastian, I’m going with your car where are the keys?” Trevor asked. “You are not even asking, and you expect me to give you my car?” “Seriously, you want us to be doing that s**t, I ask you, you refuse I ask again, no man, I aren’t doing that,” Trevor spoke. “Dad,” the boys said. “I know blame, you grandparents. Those two were the worst at language teaching.” “There are the keys,” Emma pointed at the table. “Seriously, Emma?” Sebastian said lamely. “Well, I need a ride and this bastard Trevor left his cars what do you expect me to do?” Emma said. “Emma, I think I’m older than you. To be addressing me in that manner. And I’m trying to teach them language, but you are using such language in their presence,” Trevor scolded softly. “Sorry sir,” she said. “Whatever, let us just go.” Trevor went, grabbed the keys and they left the room after saying their goodnights. They entered the car, and Trevor took off. After thirty minutes of driving, they reached Emma’s place, and she went out of the car. The boys waved her goodbye and Trevor drove off. Halfway to Trevor’s house, they saw something or someone laying on the road. Trevor parked his car a few feet, then got out. Despite him stopping them, the boys still came out. Trevor reached the place and saw that it was a human being. He turned him around and there was no face. The man’s face was literally ripped off. The boys looked away, but Trevor continued examining the body. He looked at the chest, the man’s heart was not there. Trevor gasped. “Mutale, go get my phone in the car,” Trevor spoke. Mutale rushed, and within a minute the boy was back. “What kind of animal would do this?” Justine asked. “Look, dad, the man has scratches like something with point nails gripped on him,” Mutale shouted and gave the phone to Trevor. “Touch nothing, eh,” Trevor spoke and called the hospital. “Hello is this university teaching hospital?” He asked. “Yes, sir, what can we help you with?” A woman spoke. “I have found a man lying on the road and he is dead, unfortunately. And don’t know what happened, but you better came and see for yourself,” Trevor said. “Where, sir?” The woman asked. Now people gathered around upon seeing Trevor. But he kept his gaze down for no one to recognize him. “Near Levy Mall,” he replied. “Alright we will be there, sir, thank you,” the woman said and hung up. “The ambulance is coming!” Trevor spoke for everyone to hear. And left the place. They entered the car and drove off. “Let us hope it is what I’m thing it is,” Trevor said. “Dad, do you think someone might have done that?” Mutale asked. “I’m not sure, my boy. But we just have to be ready before things get hectic,” Trevor said, and fear swelled inside him.

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