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He woke to the sound of his vibrating phone, “who the hell is troubling me,” he drew his phone from the bedside. After seeing who was calling, he almost slammed the phone on the ground. But realized it was no use inverting his anger on that poor phone. “Natasha it is one in the morning what do you want?” He asked trying to control his voice. “I just wanted to check on you,” she muttered. “But couldn’t you have done that in the morning? I have to go to bed will talk later.” “Don’t hang up!” She yelled, “why are you been mean to me? Did I do anything wrong?” “It’s not like that Natasha. Ok. We can meet up later today. How does that sound?” “Outstanding. We are going on a date,” she spoke amused. “Yeah, sure,” Seb spoke lazily, “we will talk later, I have to get back to bed,” without giving her a chance to speak he hung up. “Date my foot,” and he lay softly his phone on the bedside. *************** He took a small weird looking remote from his pocket. Luckily, it was working after what he just went through. He pressed on the button where it was written open. A grey gate opened, and he drove in. Inside the gate was an exquisite-looking mansion, which was grey. The yard was lit with vast lights on the fence, presumably for security. He drove into the garage. It was looking pretty neat for a garage. He turned off the engine but didn’t come out. He started in the car thinking if he should or shouldn’t tell Maria about the atrocious thing, he just survived. And if he tells her, how was she going to take the news? He hit his head on the steering wheel continuously. “I don’t want to worry her about Siobhan and Amell after what happened last year,” he retorted. The previous year Maria lost her first child. There was this witch named Azariah. Trevor killed her son after finding out he played a part in Trevor’s parents’ death. Her aim was to kill Trevor, but she hit Maria with a powerful spell when she was battling Trevor. Azariah took this as a win because Trevor lost his first child and she lost her son. She vanished, and he never heard from her again. He finally came out of the car after minutes of speculating. He slid a glass door and entered. Just as he swung around after closing the door softly just in case she was sleeping. But he found the opposite. There she was pacing in a beautiful spangly blue designer dress which accentuated her curve waist. She was black, with long shine black hair tied in a ponytail. She completed the look with elegant, comfortable sandals. “Maria,” he called horsely, hands in his pocket while looking down like a wet cat. Maria spun around, started. She stood in a fixed position gazing at Trevor dumbstruck, opened her mouth to speak but closed it again. She run and hugged her husband, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Ouch,” he grumbled in pain but grinning. “Sorry,” she replied, and let him go. She helped him to a blue leather chair, and they both sat. “What happened to you? Are you ok?” She inquired with a frightened expression while perusing is body. “Nothing to worry about, just a car accident,” he lied “Oh, a car accident. So you couldn’t have said that on the phone,” she said studying Trevor’s sweat face, “Trevor, we have been married for five years and I know you are not telling me the all truth.” “I’m telling you the truth Maria why would I lie to you?” “The truth, Trevor,” she said, with a rather exasperated tone. “I have told you it was a car accident!” He shouted. She went closer to him like giving him a kiss but wiped the sweat droplets from the tip of his nose with her fingertip instead, “does this convince you I know you are lying?” She asked, staring straight in his eyes. “Alright, it wasn’t a car accident. I didn’t want to get you worried, that is why I didn’t choose to tell you. But you surely know me too well,” he grinned. “So what was it then because you are looking like you just got through a civil war,” she started dusting the dirty off of him “Er….. I saw Siobhan following me just a few miles from Seb’s place,” he said with a brittle sound. “Siobhan!” she spoke with a bewildered face, “for what I recall, you informed me he had gone to Kitwe to take care of something and that he will probably take long. Then how come that old man is here?” Maria added. “I dunno the answer to that as well, Maria,” He responded. “How did he locate you, anyway?” “No idea, but I guess he used a tracking spell or something.” “But wait,” scratching her hair, thinking. After some seconds she went on, “you said a wizard or witch can only track you if he or she has something that belongs to you or everything that you have touched?” “Yeah, I didn’t even think about that. But I don’t think Siobhan has anything that belongs to me though.” “If that is the case, how did he find you then?” Maria inquired. “I…………… that piece of s**t I should have known,” he said coldly. “What are you talking about T?” “T. You haven’t called me that in a while,” he said playfully. “Trevor, focus. We have a psychopath on the loose,” she bet his arm before he could touch her thighs. “You are unbelievable,” she included. “Tell me who the piece of s**t is?” “Amell, that damn demon dragon. I’m sure he used his scent abilities to find me.” “Amell!” She said in a strained whisper. “Yeah, apparently Siobhan brock into hell and helped Amell escape.” “Your father was sure no one can ever open the gate to hell.” “That is what thought, but it’s pretty evident he and his friends were wrong.” They stayed in silence, thinking how Siobhan figured a way to open the gates to hell? ”And How did you beat them?” “It wasn’t easy. But your husband is much stronger than Siobhan and Amell,” he grinned proudly. “Oh please, Azariah kicked your ass, remember.” She grinned. “No. It was just that she was a lady.” “Whatever,” she responded with a sigh, “how did you best the both of them? Siobhan and Amell,” she added. “Alright, here it goes.” He described all to Maria, every microscopic detail of the battle, and said the shield part with a sigh. “A shield?” “Yeah, I merely just thought of some sort of protection and before I knew it, it was right there.” “We thank God, dear,” she embraced him once more. “And where did they vanish to?” Maria asked. “I don’t know which terrifies me the most, and they took my wand,” he said with a resentful tone. “But you can use your dad’s. Isn’t it one of the powerful wands?” She asked. “It is, but I liked my wand.” “And what the hell were they looking for, anyway?” “The spell book.” But it’s yours now, isn’t it?” “Yes, it’s. But since he is the so-called leader, he thinks he should have it.” “You are not giving him the book, right?” “No! I wouldn’t dare. You know what he is capable of and with Amell as his ally goodness knows what they are planning. For what I have heard, he wants to perform some sort of dark ritual.” “So what is the plan now?” “I’m not really sure, Maria. For now, I just want to sleep.” “Dinner. Just the way you like it. Hot,” Maria said with a pleasant tone. “Thanks darling, I’m starving,” he kissed her on the cheek and went to the dinner table. “But since you wanted to sleep so bad, you can go to bed,” she teased. “Oh, that was the hunger speaking,” he shoot her a smile, already stuffing food in his mouth. “Please,” she also sat watching her husband eat. “Er…. You aren’t eating?” He asked, mouth full. “No, thank you I already eat.” “More for me.” “Stingy man.” “Hello, I didn’t false you to say no.” “You should have insisted more.” “A Maria tantrum. No. I’m going to bed,” he got up, heading to the stairs with a plate full of food. “Where do you think you are going to sleep with such dirty? Let us go I treat your wounds and don’t even try to be stubborn, You are not in a copacetic state.” “Come on, I’m tired can’t I just bathe tomorrow.” “And you sleep on a couch no massages for you then Mr,” she took one step ahead. “Bathing it is,” he left the plate on the table and headed to the bathroom. “I thought so,” a smile creeped on her face. Trevor and Maria had been married for three years. To preclude future problems he told her he was a wizard when they dating. At first, she couldn’t digest the news, but with time she accepted him. And he proved to her he was a wonderful wizard, but when kicking butts of people like Siobhan and Amell, he was a badass. She had kept it to herself just as she promised him not even her parents knew about her husband been a wizard.
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