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ADIRA POV All around her were stark darkness with no light in sight, not even the moon or the stars dared to shine. Shaking all over in fright Adira spins around wondering where the hell she was, still in her state of confusion she was thrust forward as if swirling through a time machine tunnel, and only her silent screams could be heard in the small encloses space, and suddenly the world around her changed and she found herself back in the store where she visited earlier on in the evening. Adira stood in the middle of the store confused as to what she was doing back here again. Then suddenly a loud hurling wind began to blow sending fearful chills through Adira soul. The whistling sound of the wind was eerie and scary and the worse part Adira was alone in the store. She had the sound of footsteps drawing closer to the door and she stood frozen watching as whoever was coming appeared at the door. Her heart flew out of her chest and a crippling fear gripped her when she saw the evil, sadistic creature of her latest nightmare. The man or should she say the boy behind the mask. His eyes were glowing dark like the devil's soul, and a sick twisted smirk on his lips. Adira turned to run but she was rooted to the spot by her fears and could only gape with wide eyes as the boy drew closer to her, malicious laughter falling off his lips. Adira eyes drew shut when he was finally upon her, her whole body shuddered in disgust when she felt his hands on her. Please, she begged through quivering lips, her body moving away from his disgusting touch. An evil chuckle sounded in her ears. Please what, he mocked, his voice cold and sinister. Now we are alone with no one to interrupt us we are going to finish what we started, his sick voice whispered into Adira ear making her whole body quake in fear and disgust. She closed her eyes praying that someone will come and save her. Her body going airborne unfroze her from her immobility and she began to struggle, but her efforts were just a blip against her captor's immense strength. She was thrown across a flat surface and her clothes shredded away from her body by what seems like claws. A fearful scream tore through Adira throat when the intent became very clear. Her scream snatched Adira from the world of dreams to reality and she flew off her bed with a silent scream. The sheets around her body pulled down to her waist, as she sat up, her heart thumped like a war drum in her chest, her throat dry like a desert, her eyes bulging as she tried to free herself from the horrors of her nightmare. The nightly breeze from the outside blew in through her window making her feel slightly chilled and creating the awareness that her nightclothes was damp from perspiration. Adira ignored the slight chill and lay down quietly back on her bed as her heart rate gradually returned to normal. She tried not to think about her nightmare, but just like how your mind always takes you to that thought you don't wish to think about hers didn't listen to her wishes and she found herself reliving the recount of her nightmare in her mind. Usually, her dreams were always elusive at the c***k of dawn when she wakes up to reality, but today it seems different as the whole thing appeared so real in her mind. Though enacted like a horror movie it seems her dream was drawn from the template of what happened to her at the store. Her mind once again not paying heed to her wishes took her back to the store as she again relieves the incident in her mind. While she lay there helpless on the floor of the store, the robber that was walking in her direction had approached her and demanded that she get up. Which she had quickly obeyed and under the gunpoint was laid into the bathroom. Adira had turned to face her assailant only to see the mask gone and the malicious grinning face of her classmate, the one that had smacked her on the hallway staring back at her. She had tried backing away from him wondering what he wanted from her, but the boy only moved closer the sick grin on his face widening as if he was enjoying the cat and mouse game. Adira moved till she boxed herself into a corner with no place to go and her front blocked off by the evil presence of the boy. " Because of you I was embarrassed in front of the whole school and now I am going to have my pound of flesh and your b***h of a girlfriend is not here to save you, " he had whispered into her ear while his hand crawled under her shirt, creeping up like a disgusting slimy creature up her body towards her bra clad breast. Adira whimpered and tried to struggle out of his touch but she was quickly pressed down by his muscled frame making movement impossible for her while his hand gripped her breast in a painful twisted grip. A painful scream filled her throat and before she could release it a cold hand clamp down hard over her mouth and the body pressed her hers began to move as the boy rubbed his hardness over her lower area while squeezing and pinching her n*****s in an agonizing twist. A hurtful sobs fell from Adira lips as she prayed for the end of the humiliating ordeal. As if someone up there was listening, the door flew open and another masked person came in, screaming at her assailants while ordering for him to let go that they needed to leave before the police arrive. The boy reluctantly moved away from her. We finish what we started next time human he had whispered into her ear before disappearing out the door with his mate. Adira had slumped down to the floor scared out of her mind from what had nearly happened to her. She had wept silently in the bathroom and when she finally emerged the cops were there asking for a description of the robbers. Adira thought of the boy who had assaulted her in the bathroom and thought to give the police his description but she was scared. She didn't know how connected the boy was in town and if she talks she might make things worse for herself so she kept silent and when the police were done with their questioning they were let to go home. When she had come home, her mum had asked her about the salt she had gone out to buy but she had been unable to say anything to her mum and had only run-up to her room which she locked behind her to stop her mum from coming in before throwing herself on her bed and crying till she fell asleep. Adira pulled herself away from the shackles of the bad incident, a tired sigh rolling off her lips as she rose from the bed knowing that she wasn't going to fall asleep again. She rubbed her hands down her face before making her way to the window. At night during the summer she always leaves her window open cause she enjoys the feel of the cool night breeze on her skin while she slept, but tonight the soft caress of the wind on her skin didn't bring her the usual comfort but rather filled her skin with goosebumps as her thoughts were plagued by the helplessness of her situation as she recalled his parting threat. She thought about not going to school but how long was she going to avoid school just because of a bully. She turned away from the window back to her room and eyes fell on her father's small portrait standing on the small side desk beside the head of her bed. She made her way to it and picked it up. She gazed down at the picture with a longing look. She traced her father's face with her fingers wishing in her heart that he was here. She would give anything to have his massive arms surround her in comfort as they did when she was little and had a nightmare. Adira held her father's photo to her torso for few minutes trying to gather some comfort from his grinning handsome features before she dropped it back. She turned around and made her way into the bathroom, if she wasn't going to sleep she might as well start getting ready for school. Once she was done with her shower and got dressed in her signature jeans and t-shirt, and her blonde hair held up in a rough ponytail, with two single strands falling down the side of her face she made her way downstairs. The clock on the wall of the kitchen showed it was six am so she started on breakfast. When Carolyn walked in a few minutes later she was shocked to see Adira in the kitchen already dressed and making breakfast. Two words that you usually don't associate with her daughter are early and cooking and this morning she was up early and cooking. No something is not right with this picture Carolyn thought. " Honey is everything ok, " she asked moving to touch her daughter's forehead. Adira chuckled lightly slapping her mum's hand off her forehead. " Very funny mum, " she said setting the batch of pancakes she had already made on the table. " No seriously Ad, what is wrong, and what happened yesterday? " Carolyn asked recalling her daughter's weird attitude when she got back from the store yesterday. Adira opened her mouth to say nothing but thought better of it and decided to go with the truth or half of it. " The store was robbed yesterday. " A small smile stretched Adira lips at the comical demonstration of shock on her mother's face. " What! " Carolyn gasped in shock before her eyes filled with worry as she went to her daughter. " Were you harmed? " She asked, checking for any physical injury. Adira paused at her mum's query as she recalled the incident in the bathroom. " No, I wasn't, " she answered in a soft tone stepping out of her mum's touch and making her way to the table where she places the bottle of juice on the table. Carolyn stood gazing at her daughter with worried eyes wondering whether to take her at her words. She knew how closed off her daughter can be, and also her daughter has always been more comfortable sharing things with her father than with her but her father is no longer here and her daughter is going to have to start letting her in in her life. She went to the seat opposite her daughter while they each took several slices of pancake to their separate plates. " Honey I know we are not as close as you were with your father but just know that I am here if you ever want to talk, " Carolyn said with a comforting touch to Adira hand. Adira gently pulled her hand away from underneath her mother's own. " I am fine mum, you don't need to worry, " Adira assured her mum. Carolyn nodded and didn't pursue the matter again, she was not going to force her daughter to talk to her, but she wished in her heart that her daughter will be able to open up to her more often someday. They both began to eat in silence. Once they were done with breakfast Adira took the plates to the sink to clean up while her mum went upstairs to get ready. It took her few minutes to get back downstairs. Carolyn just like her daughter was not one to bother about her appearance and was confident enough to go without make-up. While they entered the car Adira requested lunch money from her mum. Carolyn grew suspicious at the request. Her daughter has never asked for lunch money unless they decide to give her. She knew asking wouldn't get her any answers so she kept her curiosity to herself and brought twenty dollar bills from her purse which she gave to her. " Thanks, mum, " Adira said as they drove off. As they drew closer to the grocery store, Adira asked her mum to stop that she wanted to get something. Carolyn wondered what her daughter wanted to ask, but again didn't ask, knowing how futile that would be. Adira felt a little chill run across her body when she walked into the store. The whole place has been cleaned off the mess that was made yesterday. She went to the section that had what she was looking for and she took it off the shelf. She took her purchase to the counter where it was rung up for her. While she gave the cash to the man behind the counter he gave her an understanding look. He was the same person behind the counter yesterday night. " What did you buy? " Carolyn asked when her daughter got back to the car, unable to hold back her curiosity anymore. " Nothing, " Adira said and relaxed back in her seat as her mum started the car.
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