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Trigger warning: this chapter is going to have a r**e scene, though is not going to be detailed you can skip it if is not something you can stomach. ADIRA POV As soon as her mother drove and Adira turned to face the school building her heart began pounding im her chest as the usual dread and sinking feeling that feels her pores whenever she is near the school filled her. Her hands at the strap of her back tightened till they strained from her forceful grip. All around her students arrived in their usual rowdy and noisy manner, talking and laughing loud at jokes that Adira was sure was not funny. She looked around the car park to see if Kendra was around but the black sleek Lamborghini was conspicuously absent. Her heart sank in disappointment. For a reason, she didn't want to admit she has been looking forward to seeing the stunning brunette at school today. With a much-needed deep breath, Adira made her towards the huge building, making sure to keep her gaze down, her frame slouch, and nonthreatening. She looked up when she got close to the building doorway to see Kendra's friends sharing some flyers to students passing them by. The three of them were looking gorgeous in their fancy expensive clothes with smiles as they gave the leaflets to the students crossing by them. When their eyes met Adira raised her hand to wave at them but they quickly looked away pretending not to see her. Adira slowly lowered her hand to her side, her shoulders dropped in disappointment and embarrassment. No matter how much she has come to expect such treatment from her peers, it still hurts when they treat her like nobody. She turned to pass when a hand thrust out one of the flyers in her direction. It was Alyssa. She didn't even bother to look at her while handing the flyer to her. Reacting purely on instinct Adira took the small leaflet and her heart immediately leaped in her chest at the beautiful bold image of Kendra's face on the leaflet. It was a birthday invitation, happening tonight. Adira shoved the leaflet into her bag not sure if she will go. Party and crowded places have never been her thing. She never liked the noise, alcohol, and drugs that usually come with such gatherings, and most importantly, she never has fun at parties because she is mostly by herself or being at the butt of some bored teenagers' jokes. Adira was lightening her bag contents into her locker and taking the books she needed for her first classes when she felt a change in the environment, the hairs at the nape of her neck stood as if they sensed danger. The halls grew silent as if a ghost just passed which made her curious and she looked, and immediately wished she hadn't. Coming at her were her worse nemesis, the group that assaulted her yesterday. Her heart began to thump in fear, the butterflies in her stomach took flight, and her body began to tremble silently. Her eyes met that of her tormentor and the dark amusement in those cold sinister eyes and the sick wink he threw at her made Adira sick to her stomach and the urge to throw up missing with the heightened tension in her body. Her hands immediately went to the maze she purchased this morning as a means to remind herself that she wasn't completely helpless and defenseless. She knew that it wasn't much in terms of protection but it still beats walking around empty-handed. With that in her pocket, she can buy herself some time to escape. The second bell for class rang loud across the hallway. Adira shut her locker and headed off to her first class. AIDEN POV This morning while walking with his packmates along the school corridor he had felt someone watching them and had looked in that direction behold it was the little human-mouse that he was playing with at the store yesterday evening. The fear he read in her beautiful eyes made his d**k hard. It always amuses him and at the same time turns him on when these weak humans are sacred and at his mercy. Is like a power trip, and the heady feeling that shoots up his body at that moment is something no drug can give him. It was time for his first-class and is Spanish. He hated Spanish and often questions why the f**k he has to learn another man's language when he sure knows he wasn't leaving White creek anywhere, but it was compulsory to do one foreign language and French sounded more complicated than Spanish. School has never been his dealio, he only attends it cause his father and the alpha insist on it. The alpha wanted his son and his beta to be educated for the plans they have for their community which is to rule over everyone but first, they have got to get smart. The alpha felt like the reason the Black Moon pack is so rich and strong is that they were educated and if they one day want to take control of everything then they have to get educated. Aiden was whistling to himself while he threaded through the empty hallways when he caught a sound. Werewolves were known for their keen sense of hearing. He listened again, this time paying close attention. It was a sound of a toilet being flushed and when he traced the sound it was coming from the female restroom. His eyes searched the hallway for the presence of another person. The hallway stretched empty in both directions which gave him the confidence to do what he wanted to do. He slipped into the bathroom quietly making sure not to alert the female inside of his presence and then he locked the door before turning to face the female with a hungry look. He waited patiently for the woman to notice his presence and counted in his mind how long it was going to take to happen. It took a count of three for the female to notice his presence and the surprise soft squeak that fell off her lips turned Aiden's lips into a coy smirk as he began to move closer to the female. He watched the female watch him in confusion trying to figure out his agenda which he made clear by the look in his eyes which darkened with lust as he ran his gaze all over the female trim form. Facially she wouldn't be called a beauty, plus the heavy makeup on her face made her more of a masquerade than beauty, but her form was nice. She was well proportioned with small t**s, slim waist, and hips just as Aiden likes his females. When the intent in his eyes became clear to the female the fear he was hungry for filled her eyes. Yes! He yelled in his mind with joy at finally getting the response he was looking for. The female started to move back as her eyes filled with tears and her full pouty lips began to quiver as she begged for mercy. Aiden's heart was cold to the pleas falling off those lips, but his c**k was hard in reaction. He enjoys it when they beg. " Don't fight me cause you have got no chance, " he whispered to the female allowing his eyes to glint gold, the werewolf signature eyes before it assumed its usual dull sinister brown color. He instructed the female to face the sink and bend to her waist. With silence sobs the female turned to do as his request, her whimper increased when she heard the sound of belt buckle being releases and the zipper going down. She began to hyperventilate while she begged the boy behind her not to do what he was doing. Aiden ignored her and pulled her panties down. He raised the short mini dress the girl was wearing above her waist and thrust into her. The girl's scream filled the walls of the bathroom. Aiden was so confident that no one could hear her as everyone was in the class that he didn't bother to cover her mouth. A mistake he regretted when a loud bang at the door alerted him that he wasn't alone. KAL POV This morning he had woken up late because he forgot to set his alarm and his brothers being the s**t they were didn't bother to wake him up or they did but being the deep sleeper he was didn't wake up. Among all the brothers Kal was the worse sleeper and he could sleep through an earthquake or even a bomb blast. He was hurrying down the corridor towards his first-class cause he was super late when he heard a piercing scream. It was filled with pain as if the person was being hurt. It sounded as if coming from the female bathroom so he hurried in that direction. He used his wolf speed to make it to the door he felt the sound was coming from scares that someone was seriously hurt or worse dying. The scene that met his eyes when he forced the door open caused a boiling rage to feel him and his eyes to glow golden. He went straight to Aiden before he could react and pulled off the female he was assaulting flinging him across the bathroom causing him to land crash hard against one of the stalls. Without giving him a chance be pounced on him with the intent of beating the s**t out of him. What kind of a guy takes advantage of a girl, a human for that matter like this. He knew which kind. A coward, a sadist, and the worse piece of s**t. He threw several punches at the guy before the guy could even think of retaliating. One of his shots caught him on his nose causing a loud c***k to fill the room. " I have always known your pack to be assholes especially you but I never knew that your assholeness level will stoop to the level of r****g a female. So what was the fun? So did it make you feel like a man having her like that at your mercy, " Kal screamed down at Aiden raining down more blows and kicks on him? NO ONE POV Aiden caused himself in his mind for letting himself get caught but he wasn't going to let what he has done leave the four walls of this bathroom if not he was dead. Their alpha hated anything that will draw any undue attention to the pack and if he ever learns of his stupidity he was as good as dead. He blinked back all the aches feeling his body and strengthened up from the floor he was lying. The kick that was aiming for his head he caught with his hand and then using his wolf strength flung the guy away from him before he stood to his full height calling for his wolf. Karl picked himself up from the floor and gave Aiden you have got to be kidding me look. " You are no match for me, I am an alpha, " Kal growled in a low deep voice, the power behind his tone vibrating the doors of the stall as he called forth his wolf in his eyes. Aiden smirked at him, " yeah you might be alpha but I am a beta of the Red Moon pack, " he growled back before attacking Kal. The Red Moon pack is known to be stronger than most of the other packs except for the ruling the Black moon pack and some alpha wolves in the other packs. The two began to exchange blows and kicks. The presence of their wolves on the surface lending them the strength and speed that their actions were a blur to the human eyes. The female on the ground quickly crawled to safety into one of the stalls as the fight became intense and dangerous. The two guys had sustained injuries to the various part of their body with Aiden being worse off. Aiden realized he wasn't going to win the fight decided to fight dirty. He brought out the dagger he usually carries in his boots and charged Kal with the intent to cut him with the knife. Kal reacted in quick precision sidestepping the swinging knife but he wasn't quick enough and took a slice to the side which enraged him and his wolf and they decided to end the fight one way or the other. Furious at the blood he felt seeping from his side Kal leaped on Aiden managing to disarm him and went ahead to beat the crap out of him and only stopped when he felt people pulling at him to stop. Karl strengthened up from Aiden to see him barely conscious, bleeding from his nose and lips with his eyes swollen shut and his face designed with so many bruises. " What the f**k happened? " Hayden cried at his brother, looking down at the badly messed up Aiden " He deserved it, " was the only thing Kal muttered before making his way out of the bathroom.
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