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ADIRA POV The rumors about the fight between Aiden and Kal and the reason for it spread all over the school like wildfire with it being the topic on everyone's lip. If they weren't talking about it they were talking about Kendra's birthday party and how they couldn't wait to attend because of how rushed and fun it is. It was lunch break, Adira made her way through the classroom door doing well to avoid the human traffic along the hallway as students headed towards the cafeteria for their lunch. She heard all about what happened in the female bathroom and Aiden. It couldn't have happened to a much deserving person. Adira whole body shook when she recalled that she was nearly in the shoes of the girl in the bathroom. She hoped in her heart that the guy takes longer to recover, his absence from school will give her much-needed peace of mind she thought making her way towards the school library. After the incident that took place in the mess room yesterday, she had decided to stay clear of the room and will prefer to be by her lonesome self in the library with her books and her minimal lunch. The thought of the cafeteria incident made her think of Kendra and she wondered why she has yet to see the girl around the school halls. Was she sick did something happen to her, Adira worried in her mind. She was keen to know why the brunette was absent from school today but she didn't know how to go about asking for the information. Her friends were out of the question with the cold way they treated her this morning. She thought about asking the quads, but she was greatly intimidated by them. Not only were they spotting an impressive height of over six feet, with faces like Greek gods but they have this overconfident and powerful bearing that exudes danger even when they are not trying to be threatening, in other words, they make Adira nervous. She walked into the library and greeted the library lady with a slight smile before heading off to a corner in the library that is well hidden from sight. She took her seat and brought out one of the literature books she was reading. Pride and Prejudice. It is a very interesting and educative novel. Their literature teacher gave them the book to read as an assignment. Adira also brought out from her bag the fruits she had packed in as lunch this morning. Two apples and two pieces of banana. She wasn't a food person and will usually make do with little meals. She had just taken a bite of her apple when the sudden sound of a whispered hey coming from beside her scared the s**t out of her. Shit! She exclaimed in her mind as her heart flew off her chest in fright. She turned to her side to see a dark-haired girl with huge rimmed glasses grinning at her from the other side of the library. They were separated by a tall shelf but the absence of some books in the column between them created a space that made it possible for them to see each other. " Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I am usually alone here during lunch so it was surprising to see you walk in here, " the girl said her friendly smile still in place. " Is ok, " Adira muttered and turned to face her book and lunch, thinking that was going to be the end of their conversation. No, it wasn't. " Hi, I am Kira, " the girl said interrupting Adira again. " Adira, " Adira muttered in a monotonous tone. " You are the new girl that was saved by Kendra yesterday, now I understand why you are here and not at the cafeteria, " Kira said to her with a look as if to say she understands what Adira was going through. Adira shrugged her shoulders. Guess the incident of yesterday made her what she was trying to avoid. Get noticed. She wasn't used to people wanting to talk to her and was feeling a slight discomfort from Kira's chattiness. " I see you are not the talking type, " Kira said when Adira didn't reply to her words with words of her own. Adira shrugged again. She was right. Being on her own a lot had made Adira into an introvert and a shy person, not able to communicate with her peers even when they are trying to. " Is alright. My friends say I talk a lot, guess I will do the talking for the both of us, " Kira said with another friendly smile at Adira. Adira looked up at the girl. " Are you saying we are friends? " She asked in a soft tone, unable to believe that someone was asking to be her friend. " If you want to be? " Kira whispered with a bit of uncertainty. The quip she made about her friends saying she was talkative was a bit of an exaggeration. She didn't have any friends and it was something her mum said to her one of the times she was being annoyed, but she didn't want to come off as a loser to the pretty new girl. Adira agreed with a bright smile on her face. She can't believe after several years she has her first friend. After she accepts the friendship offer from Kira, Adira began to loosen up and chat back with the girl. The topic of Aiden was brought up and immediately Adira clamped up again. Her mood changing at the mention of his name, which didn't go unnoticed by her new friend. " What is it? " Kira demanded in a curious tone when she noticed the weird change that came over her new friend when she mentioned the incident that happened in the bathroom. Adira kept silent contemplating in her thoughts whether to confide in her new friend. The incident has been like a heavyweight in her chest since it happened maybe it will feel lighter if she shared it with another person. Trusting that she wasn't making the worse mistake of her life Adira decided to tell Kira everything that happened at the store. At the end of her story, Kira's eyes were filled with empathy and anger on her behalf. " Aiden has always been a cruel asshole, and I am happy that someone dished him out a little of what he has been dishing out to other people. " " You and me both, " Adira added taking the last piece of her banana. The bell rang just as she shoved the tail end of it into her mouth. The two girls packed up their things and headed back to the classroom. While they walked Kira brought up Kendra's birthday asking if Adira was going. Adira nodded her head yes. " Guess you have a fancy dress for the occasion, " Kira stated as they continued. Adira shook her head. " Why? " She asked curiously. " Well, Kendra's birthday parties are like dinner parties where everyone dresses up in fancy gowns and tux. " A frown appeared on Adira face. " I guess I won't be going then, " she muttered softly as her brain took stock of all the dresses she has in her closet and came up with absolutely nothing fit for the kind of party Kira just described. She gasped when she felt a hand appear out of nowhere to clasp around her wrist. Her whole body trembled when she looked up at met the icy blue ones of the girl she has been missing the whole day. KENDRA POV This morning before her eyes were even open her parents were already in her room singing her a birthday song or her mum did while her dad just sat there with his usual blank expression. At the end of their song, she was asked to get ready that they were having an outing just the three of them in celebration of her birthday. Kendra went to do as she was told. It was their tradition to do something just the three of them first on her birthday before the evening where it will be everyone. As a birthday surprise for her, her parents had to take her out of White Creek to LA to one of the best Italian restaurants where she had the Italian food she has been craving for a while. White Creek might be streaming with restaurants, but the Italian menu has yet to make it into the town. Once they were done with the food they did a tour of the city. Visited the Hollywood walk of fame, and the county museum of arts. Kendra has always been a lover of arts and has a few collections of art her mum got her some few years back from some famous art shows in the city. Kendra hadn't wanted to miss school so her parents had arranged her outing so she will make it back for the last period. They had told the school that she had some emergency for her absence. Kendra walked into the school building just as the bell for lunch rang all over that hallway. The students that noticed her presence immediately wished her happy birthday which she accepted with a gracious nod. While she was making her way to her class she overheard two girls in front of her talking about her birthday and looked in their direction. One of them was Adira. She followed quietly as they talked about her birthday when she heard Adira saying she wasn't going to come because she lacked a proper dress for the occasion an idea struck her mind and she immediately reached out and took the girl by her wrist and turned around to head back towards the entrance. NO ONE POV Adira was shocked by Kendra's sudden appearance beside her but that didn't stop her body from automatically following when she was pulled by the other girl. Her skin burned where the girl held her hand while her heart thumped hard in her chest. Her reaction to Kendra's touch made her so nervous that all the saliva in her mouth disappeared. She was so nervous that she couldn't utter a word to ask where the girl was taking her. Kendra opened the door of her car and told Adira to get in, which the girl silently obeyed. She went around to the other side of the car and drove off. Adira opened her mouth several times to ask where they were going but she was so tongue-tied due to her nervousness that she couldn't vocalize her words and the girl beside her wasn't volunteering the information. She kept taking a peek at the girl unable to stop herself from staring. She was really beautiful she thought stealing more glances at the girl. She blushed when her eyes met the amused blue ones. Kendra smirked to herself when she caught the blonde ogling her. Most times when people stare at her, she is usually irritated by it even though she put smiles as if she was enjoying the attention but when the girl beside her does it, she found out she didn't mind out all. There was something about the innocent adoration in those gorgeous green eyes that gets to her. " We are here, " she said when they arrived at the biggest and most expensive cloth store in town. " What are we doing here? " Adira asked in a shy tone, her lips finally loosening from the chains of nervousness. " You will see, " Kendra said with a wink stepping down from the car. Adira heart toppled over at the sexy wink sent her way. She joined Kendra on the other side of the car and together they made their way into the store. As soon as they both walked through the door, the helpers rushed in their direction asking them what they needed. Adira didn't know the reason they were here so she laid back and allowed Kendra to do the talking. Kendra turned down their offer of help and walked further into the shop with Adira hands clutched in hers. Adira mouth gaped when she saw the collection of beautiful gowns in the hanger. " Pick anyone you like, " Kendra muttered to the blonde smiling softly at the look of wonder on her face. Adira turned to look at her in surprise. " Me? " Adira asked pointing at herself. Kendra nodded. " You said you didn't have anything to wear for my birthday so here we are. " Adira blushed at her conversation being overheard by the other girl. She turned around to face the collections of cloth while Kendra stood off to the side and watched the blonde browse through the line. Adira fingers kept surfing through the cloths as she walked around then, examining and looking for the ones that will catch her eye. She picked three gowns out of the collection and turned to face Kendra who directed her to try them on. Kendra waited for Adira to come out wearing the first gown. When she made an appearance she laughed at how childish she looked in the flowery short six-piece flay gown. " No? " Adira asked at the sound of Kendra's beautiful laughter. Kendra nodded, sending her back to change. The second dress was amazing. A black slim-fit knee-length gown with short hands and a square neck. Kendra stared, assessing. The girl looked good in the dress. " Nice, but let see the last one. " Adira nodded and went behind the screen again. When she emerged the third time, Kendra's jaw dropped. The girl looked stunning. " Wow! " She gasped looking at the mid-thigh black sleeveless black gown with a dipping v neck front and back and an overlapping extension in front flowing down to the knee. " Don't move, " she instructed Adira and hurried to the shoe section. She came back with a black high heel cover shoe which she placed in front of Adira feet. Adira stepped into them and her transformation was complete. An elegant beauty. Curious to see what she looked like she approached the long mirror hanging off the wall. The image staring back at her made her gasp. " Beautiful right? " Kendra asked staring at the blonde in the mirror. Adira didn't answer just held her gaze in the mirror. The two stared at each other through the mirror as the tension around them became charged with emotions none of them could name. Kendra was the first to snap out of it. " Let's go to the counter, " she muttered in a husky tone. At the counter, Adira glanced down at the dress and caught the price tag. " Kendra, " she called out to the other girl. " I can't afford this, " she said when the brunette looked at her. " Then is a good thing you are not the one paying for it. " Adira opened her mouth to protest but Kendra shut her up by placing her forefinger to her lips. " Is a gift, you can always gift me back something in return, " she said with a wink before turning to the lady behind the counter to make her payment.
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