First day of school: Part four

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NO ONE POV At Kendra's pronouncement, a soft gasp of surprise fell from the lips of the onlookers as they began to murmur among themselves even Kendra's friends were astonished by her words. Kendra has never been known to show interest in humans or their affairs to hear her claim a human as hers was a thing of surprise. After her words Kendra turned to face the Red Moon Pack with a determined look in her eyes daring them to try anything, she could feel the presence of her friends behind her and some of other of her pack mates. The Red moon Pack members began to gather around their young alpha and his friends till a face-off was formed, with Aiden glaring daggers at Kendra. He was pissed off and feeling humiliated at the way the girl had tossed him to the wall like he was a rag doll in front of everyone Adira who was lost in confusion as to what was going on quietly shuffled on her knees and hands to safety where she fell against the wall out of sight. She wondered why the guy that hit her had referred to her as a human. What an odd thing to say considering he looked very human even if he is a bad one. Aiden who was still pretty pissed off at the humiliation he was subjected to wanted revenge and was about to charge in the direction of Kendra when a voice in his mind froze him to the spot. Jackson, the Red Moon alpha snapped out of his mild shock at Kendra's words when he noticed his beta make a move towards Kendra. No one dares to touch her except him he growls in his mind. " STOP! " He commanded his beta through the pack link. He looked up at Kendra his eyes lit with amusement and interest when he stared at her stunning face. She looked really beautiful when she is being protective of someone. Of course, he had not been planning to harm the little human, but he couldn't say the same for his friends who enjoy torturing and playing with humans but who was he to deny them their fun, but he was a little intrigued at Kendra interference. He ran his gaze rakishly all over the stunning form, she looked sexy with her attire this morning. He felt a tightening in his c**k when he glimpsed the belly ring on the exposed flat tummy. Kendra felt her skin crawl when she felt Jackson's eyes run over her. She is also aware of the guys interested in her but has shown on numerous occasions that she rather be with a human than be with Jackson if he was the last wolf on earth. She scoffed in her mind when she noticed his girlfriend Ciara glaring daggers at her. You don't have anything to be jealous of sweetheart you can have him for all I care she thought in her mind while still holding Jackson's gaze with hers. She was aware that most people are scared of Jackson in the school but she wasn't one of those. Jackson's lips curved into an amused smile when he saw the determined look in those blue orbs. He has never liked a strong opinionated female but when it comes to Kendra she was different, her strong-willed nature makes her interesting and he can't wait to tame her. His eyes moved on from her to the protective circle around her, and his amusement grew at the thought that they have a chance against his people. His people outnumber the Black Moon Pack one to five. His amused smile disappeared when he noticed movement behind Kendra's pack as the Quads and his packs stood behind Kendra's pack. Hayden and his brothers had noticed the commotion going on in the hallway with Jackson and his friends and have been about to interfere when Kendra beat them to it. He was shocked at her action. Everyone in school knew that she rarely involves herself in any human affairs. He and his brother stood aside to watch what was going to happen and he must say that beautiful brunette shocked him further when she went ahead to claim the human under her protection making him glance at the human in curiosity. There was nothing interesting about the human, yes she was pretty but not in that eye-catching kind of way, and her dressing leaves a lot to be desired. To him, she was just an average human barely worth getting the attention of the most beautiful and most popular student and wolf in the school. So what was it that made Kendra take an interest and not just an interest but also claim her? Staring at the human didn't provide him the answer he needed so he looked away and noticed that the situation has escalated and the two packs are now at a face-off. He started heading in that direction with his brothers following him behind. His brothers are aware of his interest in Kendra and will support him when it comes to protecting her. The humans in the crowd began to buzzing as the tension grew high. Is been a long time since there has been a clash between the packs, not since the fight between the Blue Moon Pack and Red Moon Pack ten years ago over territorial issues. The two packs share boundaries on most of their pack lands and tend to have a lot of disputes on land ownership which usually bleeds into their children at school. The rivalry between the two packs is well known even if the Red Moon Pack are in rivalry with almost all the Packs. They are always vying to be the head, claiming that they deserve to rule the other packs because their Alpha, Jackson's father is a very ambitious and deadly man, and is only being kept in check by the Black Moon alpha who is currently the strongest alpha in town. KENDRA POV Kendra feeling more empowered by the presence behind her decided to attend to the human now she was sure that the Red Moon Pack won't pull anything. She didn't know why she had claimed the human but in her heart, it felt right. She looked around for her and saw her sitting at a corner folded inside herself lost in her own world which must not be a good one going by the lost look in her eyes, and the way she was rocking her body. Kendra felt compassion for the human wondering what hell she has been through that will make her this shaking up from a mere confrontation in the school. She approached the girl like one would approach an injured cat, trying not to spook her further. " Are you alright sweetheart? " She asked kneeling in front of the girl. ADIRA POV Adira hated confrontation and after her experience at her old school has been having panics attacks and when face with a situation such as this her attacks are usually provoked. She found herself transported to a time very similar to what happened to her this morning and the fear she felt at that moment had her disappearing in her head. The sound of someone speaking to her snapped her out of her horror-filled mind to come face to face with the goddess. The look of compassion and concern on her face made Adira want to break down and cry. No one outside her family has ever looked at her that way like she was a human being deserving of being treated as such. Most looks she has gotten in her life were that of pity, mockery, even hatred, which has always confused her because she knows she has never done anything wrong to anyone in her life before. She opened her mouth to say something to the girl and couldn't. Her body grew tense, her heart began to race. Severally she tried to say something but she couldn't, she began to panic. The new feeling she was experiencing was different from the fear she was feeling a few seconds ago. The feeling felt like fear but different. The confusion about what she was feeling made her panic worse. She began to feel faint and the next thing she knew she was falling down to the floor as everything grew dark. KENDRA POV Kendra watched in mild confusion as the blonde girl struggled to speak, but waited patiently for the words to come, and then her eyes grew wide in alarm when she noticed that the girl was really struggling to speak, and her alarm grew to abounding fear when the girl fell to the ground and lay there not moving. She heard the gasp of people behind her and feet hurrying in her direction. She saw someone shaking the girl and snapped out of her shock. " Stop, " Cody she told her best friend. " We need to take her to the clinic. "When Cody moved to take the girl, Kendra stopped him. " I will do it, " she said and lifted the girl effortless in her arms before hurrying towards the clinic with her friends on her heels. While running towards the clinic Kendra's heart raced in fear for the girl in her arms, and she began to pray to the moon goddess that the girl was fine. NO ONE POV After Kendra exit from the hallway, people lost interest and began to disperse to their classes just as the second bell went off leaving only Hayden and his brothers and Jackson and his friends who still stood on the corridor having a staring match, or Hayden and Jackson were having a staring match. The two alphas happen to share an interest in Kendra and are aware that her eighteenth birthday is fast approaching and what comes next after the birthday and the two of them are hoping to be the one the moon goddess chooses to be her mate. She is going to be mine, Jackson thought in his mind while smirking at the handsome alpha. He must say he is a little jealous of the guy standing before him with his good looks and charming personality that drives all the girls crazy including Kendra who he has noticed to stare at Hayden with longing looks, but Kendra was his and has been his in his mind since the first time he set his eyes on her and that was when he was twelve. He had followed his dad to the meetings of all the alpha. She had come along with her dad too and as soon as he saw her he knew that this was the one girl he wanted to have for himself. She was stunning. Hayden shook his head when he read Jackson's thoughts in his icy gaze and smiled in amusement. As if Kendra will go for someone like you, she will rather reject you than have someone like you as a mate, he thought walking away with his brothers following him. Everyone in school is aware of Jackson's cruel bone, and Kendra being the girl she is will never go for the likes of him. Hayden wished in his heart that the Moon goddess hears his prayer and make Kendra his mate. Jackson fumed at the patronizing look he got from Hayden before he walked away. While glaring at the back of the arrogant son of a b***h he prayed that the moon goddess hears his wishes and grant Kendra to be his mate.
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